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elbanditoroso's avatar

Do you have confidence in the ethics of the House of Representatives, now that the Republicans have decided to destroy the Ethics Committee?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33648points) January 3rd, 2017

What a crude cynical move!

What does this say about their intentions? Is this what they were elected to do?

Is this what the American people wanted? Unethical congressmen?

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45 Answers

janbb's avatar

Outraged and calling my congressman now. Unbelievable!

janbb's avatar

Addendum: You can call your Congressperson at 202–225-3121 to express your reactions.

ragingloli's avatar

You think they care?

janbb's avatar

@ragingloli It’s either express your objections or just lie back and take it. I’ve been told that calls and personal contact are the most effective expressions but I don’t have much hope. On the other hand, I refuse to just be a good German.

ragingloli's avatar

The most effective expressions are violent insurrection and bribery.

Cruiser's avatar

They the Republicans are not “destroying” the committee they are reforming it by removing the ability to lodge a complaint anonymously. The move though clearly smacks of revenge by House Republicans to do the first of many dismantling of the house that Pilosi, Reid and Obama built.

kritiper's avatar

AAARG! They all sound to be pirates!

filmfann's avatar

It’s despicable.

zenvelo's avatar

@Cruiser The plan was not to “reform” it, it was to make it toothless and partisan, by putting control of complaints into the hands of a committee of members. In other words, only investigate ethics charges against Democrats and not Republicans.

Even Trump thought it stunk.

Mariah's avatar

I didn’t before, I sure don’t now.

flutherother's avatar

Some of the legislators behind this move were already under scrutiny by the Ethics Committee. So much for Trump “draining the swamp”.

Cruiser's avatar

@zenvelo Seeing as the existing committee was created as a pet project of Pilosi’s 8 years ago and has been comprised of 5 Democrats and one token Republican, it is no surprise to me the Dems and liberals hair is on fire over this. Turnabout is fair game in politics. Yuze better get used to it!~

Trump is also upset because the House did something without consulting him….he better get used to it.

janbb's avatar

Well, my phone call did work! They dropped it

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

They backed out on this already

tinyfaery's avatar

@janbb You did it!!

janbb's avatar

I am Oz – the great and powerful!

LostInParadise's avatar

I have yet to see Trump take the side of honesty or ethical behavior. His only complaint was in the timing. Here is his Twitter response:

With all that Congress has to work on, do they really have to make the weakening of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as unfair as it

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 3, 2017

……..may be, their number one act and priority. Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so many other things of far greater importance! #DTS

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 3, 2017

Dutchess_III's avatar

Trump surprised me. I would think he’d want every oversight committee banished.

janbb's avatar

It wasn’t only Trump that changed it. It was also a lot of bad PR from the press (and Oz – the, ahem, Great and Powerful) which is why we need to support the Fourth Estate.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Cruiser is braying the republican talking points. Not a surprise.

What was so crazy about this is the optics of it. Are the republicans in Congress so stupid that they didn’t realize the way that this would look? On the first day of the session, their first official action is to show how little they care about ethics?

Was there no one in Congress who could have said “guys, this might not be the smartest thing we could do – it’s going to make us look bad” ?

I’m almost sorry they capitulated so quickly….this would have been good for dozens of news cycles.

Cruiser's avatar

@elbanditoroso I can excuse your ignorance once in a while this is just another one of those moments. In 1978 my fist year of voting I was stupid and naive and aligned myself with the Democrats and even signed up as a Dem when I registered to vote. After just a few short years as an adult I began to see the absurd partisan politics and joined the Libertarian party. After a few years of floundering around in that party I decided to become and Independent and have been for 30 years. A Centrist Conservative. I could never be a Republican not just because I do not believe in God. The 2 party system we have in place IMO is an enormous waste of time, energy and resources and I want no part of either one.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@cruiser, thanks for your confession.

Off the point, but interesting nonetheless.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Well bless your heart @Cruiser !

May God bless

kritiper's avatar

It seems to me that so many Republicans assume that the only occupiers of “The Swamp” could be and must be Democrats.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The Republicans made the mistake of taking the election results as proof that people no longer care about ethics

Cruiser's avatar

@stanleybmanly I would like to gently remind you that the current ethics rules were drafted in 2008 and watched over by the Democrats 5:1 since. One of their higher ups (Clinton) essentially skated away unscathed because of this governing bodies review of her server issues.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Well that isn’t quite the way it was or is. The ethics committee operates independently of any supervision by Congressional members. It just gathers facts and presents them to both the House and the public. It is the only effective brake on what is clearly a corporate whorehouse. And Clinton has been investigated virtually nonstop by every Federal agency the Republican Party can bring to bear, including the committe. She’s been exonerated EVERY time by EVERY agency. It’s been a marathon 25 year witch hunt resulting in not a single indictment, while more than a few of those conservatives instigating the bullshit now rot in prison or slink in disgrace. Go figure.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I heard a couple of hours ago that the stupid Republican thieves have been forced to back down, but plan to try again later to gut the committee.

Cruiser's avatar

@stanleybmanly Ummm…if it has been a marathon witch hunt after Hillary and Billary…perhaps there is a reason why the hound dogs are still on the hunt. Just saying. The Ethics committee was just one other arm of the Gov that had her back. That said her train has left the station….time to now focus on the real carp still in the swamp

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Cruiser Hillary’s emails were a non-issue. The hound dogs are still on the hunt because they’re stupid.

Cruiser's avatar

Really now @Dutchess_III If the emails were a non-issue she would have won the election.

Dutchess_III's avatar

People are sheep. People made them an issue. It was the rumor mill that thousands of people jumped on, having no clue what there even was to be upset about. She wasn’t charged with any crime.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The issue is Comey’s FBI “nothing” statement that cast aspersions and innuendos. The sheep ran with it.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III I won’t judge you for your support of Hillary. My contempt for her runs wide and deep the email was only a part of. The email was and is a YUGE issue for me. Private servers are NOT allowed. Sending/receiving sensitive information on a private email is NOT allowed. Sending receiving sensitive emails with underlings like UMA is very frowned on and in cases very illegal. Hiding over 30,000 emails is very suspicious and Cloroxing the hard drive when it was demanded by the FBI is VERY suspicious and probably criminal as well.

The Clinton Foundation scandal, Benghazi…etc, etc, etc. Plus her staying married to Bill almost facilitating his continued use and abuse of women is utterly deplorable. She is simply an evil woman….now bitter and evil. Bill will never again get 240k per speech let alone 20K if he is ever invited to speak again.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You choose to believe rumors about Clinton, and ignore the evidence we have about Trump. Not logical.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Cruiser You need to get past the successful demonization of Hillary, and see it for what it was. Everybody else including the folks pimping the silliness, knows the truth. You may go to your grave convinced she is evil incarnate, but the evidence just plain ain’t there. It was a smear job plain and simple, and the speed with which the allegations were dropped, once she was eliminated should be your big and FINAL clue.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thank you @stanleybmanly. I think many voted for Trump because of that stupid comment he made about hiring a special prosecutor for her. They apparently couldn’t see how horrifically unconstitutional it was.

Cruiser's avatar

@stanleybmanly I can do that if for any other reason than you asked me nicely. Can you do me a solid and get past your unrelenting demonization of Trump? I for one am quite bored with the sandbox rhetoric.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Sorry! Trump’s flaws require no demonization nor smearing. He parades them openly, and defies you to notice or call attention to them. He is just too stinky too ignore. Sandbox rhetoric is wasted at Trump. I prefer sandblasting, just as he does. And I feel fully justified in denigrating the puffed up turd of a man until the moment he swears the oath.

Cruiser's avatar

Well then @stanleybmanly you just exposed yourself to be a Democratic shill and please do not EVER ask me again to reign in from how I feel about anyone politically especially you.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Republicans are wieners.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

In my area of North Carolina the absolutely worst thing to be called is, “LIBERAL” !

Must be the same in Chi-town. The only good guys in my neighbor, you can ask them, is gun toting “NiXXXer hating KKK.
Cheeto loving “and his wife is hot ! ! !”, high school graduates by GED.

The House is the same.

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