Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Do you like playing and spending time with kids?

Asked by JLeslie (65866points) January 5th, 2017 from iPhone

I know people who will say they don’t like other people’s children, or don’t like kids much in general.

I love being with children. I don’t get to be with them much. I can understand why morning, noon, and night would be overload, but here and there I really like watching them have fun, their curiosity, hearing their questions and answers.

I thought of this Q, because I kind of laughed at myself when I reread my second answer on this Q about a child playing in the snow on the OP’s property. I understand why the OP is concerned for both altruistic and selfish reasons, but one of my reactions was to play with boy and give him some attention. I wrote thinking it was a way to maybe help the boy, but what’s not written there is I would enjoy it too.

How about you? If a child is around are you inclined to interact with them?

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34 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Yes, I love seeing kids smile! I have a nephew who I love to spend time with because he is so fun and adorable. Plus, you can learn a lot from kids :)

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Sneki95's avatar

Eh, depends.

It’s not that I don’t like kids, but I am not much interested in them either.

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Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I do like playing with children. It makes me a little sad that at this point all my children say they are not interested in having any children in the future. Things might change, but I’m not hopeful. I’d never pressure them, but I’d love to have some grandkids to read to, paint with, make cakes with, watch films with etc. Children are like little sponges and they’re not tainted by life yet and they’re fun!

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ragingloli's avatar

i despise children. they should all be killed locked up until they are 30.

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Unofficial_Member's avatar

If I can have my preference I’ll choose to spend time with girls. In all my experiences dealing with kids I have seen that girls are always more obedient, calm, and understanding, whereas boys are very aggressive and rambunctious. I like reading fairy tales and stories to girls, teaching them to read in the process, while I offered boys the same privileges they’re just jumping around and ask me to play soccer or riding bicycle out there (I hate such activities!). Everyone might have different opinion about this but I can confidently say I would rather not deal with boys.

cazzie's avatar

Well, it’s my job. I love my job. I see no trend as to who is easier to deal with. I have challenges and ease with both boys and girls. I spend 8 hours a day with large groups of 1 to 5 year olds then go home to my kid (12 years) and also help out with my ex’s son (22 with special needs ).

jonsblond's avatar

It really depends on the situation and the child.

I don’t like people in general because most are annoying.
I only like nice people.

jca's avatar

I like kids but I won’t usually get on the floor with them and play with them. I like talking to them about their day or having them show me their stuff.

I used to think babies were boring until my sister was born when I was a young adult and then when I had my own, I really learned that each day is so different. Each stage is so different. Just looking at the portrait photos I had taken, professionally, every three months when she was a baby. Each three month period she looks so different.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Yeah, my wife especially. We have so many nieces and nephews at this point my house is a regular babysitting mill.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Could you explain how my concerns were selfish?
About an unsupervised child playing on my property uninvited,is it because I don’t want to face a law suite if the kid gets hurt? that is selfish?
Mrs Squeeky and I chose not to have children ,does that mean I don’t like kids no I don’t wish them any harm but don’t want the responsibility, work,cost, sacrifice,dedication,and total commitment that goes with having kids.
Sure I will play a little with the nieces and nephews at family get togethers but that is it.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Chill out. I agreed with you that it’s dangerous for the child to play in the snow on your property, and that it’s a liability for you. The worry about being sued is a selfish motive. Not wanting the child to get hurt is an atruistic motive. I’m childless too. I could care less if people don’t enjoy spending time with children or never wanted children. I have zero judgment about it. Two of my favorite people in the world chose not to have children, my sister and an aunt of mine. You really have some sort of problem with the whole childless thing. You’re so defensive. I didn’t accuse you of not liking children at all. That’s in your head from whatever trauma you have from other people in your life making you feel bad about it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You’re right I have had to be on the defensive ever since we made the choice, from her side of the family from certain friends and even a few co-workers.
All saying we are being incredibly selfish choosing not to have kids, even Mrs Squeeky’s mom said I would leave her if she didn’t start having kids,( her mom doesn’t know I had the snip 3 years into our marriage)
Even my step mom still thinks we should, yeah right in our mid fifties not going to happen.
When I ask people to explain why is it selfish not to have kids they just shrug and can’t come up with an answer.
Wouldn’t be more selfish to have children and not care for them properly?? sorta like the kids mom who’s child likes to play on our property?
You are right I do get defensive about our choice, but over the years it does seem like I have had to.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Wife and I are not having kids, it’s a common thing and nothing to be ashamed of or defensive about. I get the WTF are you waiting for from people all the time. Whatever, you live your life and I’ll live mine

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thanks @ARE_you_kidding_me it does put me on the defensive though, they do go on and on about it’s such a selfish thing to not have them,but when asked to explain that they never do.

cazzie's avatar

I hate most adults, but kids are different because they automatically earn the benefit of the doubt…........ So, Love kids, .... but I can equally dispise adults who have grown enough to have know better that to be ass-holes.

JLeslie's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Well, some people think it’s selfish to have kids. They worry about overpopulation all sorts of things. Or, they judge people who have children who don’t really want to be parents or didn’t think through the sacrifice and time required.

I doubt any jellies have called you selfish for not having children. Stop putting that idea on the collective. You might feel better.

Seek's avatar

Depends on the kid. I like babies in small doses. Very small doses. Anything that requires that much undivided attention exhausts me.

I really prefer kids from about four or five on.

Then once they become asshole teenagers they can fuck off.

jca's avatar

@SQUEEKY2: “Defensive” is another way of saying maybe you should take a step back when you’re feeling upset about any conversation involving you and children. Maybe, instead of reacting with anger and defensiveness, you should just chill out a bit and re-think your reaction. Maybe your reaction is inappropriate for that circumstance. Maybe you might re-evaluate your reaction and take another look at whatever is pissing you off. Perhaps whatever pissed you off wasn’t what you were originally thinking.

I’ve seen you on here time and time again get all riled up over anything involving children. Relax. We’re not your family and nobody on here cares one bit about your personal choice to have or not have children.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Minimally. I loved my own kids and loved playing with and spending time with them. I remember when I was still with the company people would bring their babies in to show us. I was that woman who never had interest in getting close to or holding those babies.

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