General Question

Pandora's avatar

Is Congress going for a coup by trying to pass the Holman Rule?

Asked by Pandora (32489points) January 5th, 2017

Here is more detail on the Holman Rule.

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9 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

There is no low that conservatives will not stoop to.
I can not wait for the cheap excuses and pretend justifications from certain people here.

ragingloli's avatar

Also, connect this move to the previous attempt of Drumpf to get the energy department to release the names of specific people working on climate science.

Pandora's avatar

@ragingloli Can we even call ourselves a Democracy any longer? No checks and balances any longer and are working to make free speech a joke by making the public disbelieve everything the media puts out. Even facts.
Funny how people portrayed Sanders as a communist.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Not sure we were ever a true democracy….

josie's avatar

If congress can use the law to encourage manufacturers to send jobs oversees and leave American workers stranded, why can’t Congress use the law to leave a few redundant bureaucrats stranded?

rojo's avatar

Sure seems like a law that is rife for abuse and Congress members has not proven themselves trustworthy or above spite and vindictiveness.

Don’t believe in climate change? Eliminate the jobs of those who do. Pesky regulations keeping you from giving your brother in law drilling rights in that National Park? Eliminate the department stopping you. Company you have invested in being fined for polluting? Eliminate the enforcing agency. Got a union leader who is fighting your attempt to run roughshod over their members? Eliminate his or her job. Someone at the DMV refuse your 95 year old mother a new drivers license? Eliminate their job. Joe Bob, a federal employee write a letter to the editor critical of your record? Eliminate his job.

Yeah, I can see all kinds of improvements to our bureaucracies in the works.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@rojo Does 1984 ring a bell?

Wish I could give you more GA.

Pandora's avatar

@rojo Exactly what I was thinking. FBI looking into some congressmen illegal activities. Watch that problem go away.

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