So, does anyone else think Streep is overrated?
Asked by
ucme (
January 9th, 2017
I kind of agree with him, sort of…
She was good in The Deerhunter & Kramer vs Kramer but not watched her in any other films, not my cup of tea.
Hollywood royalty guaranteed to be nominated every bloody year for something just because of who she is/was rather than for the quality of her work.
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70 Answers
No, but the Donnie thinks so.
But I don’t think he has seen any of her movies – - so that would be the reason he thinks she being overrated.
The Donald only says she’s “overrated” because he’s a bratty manchild who lashes out at anyone who dares to criticize him or offer anything less than verbal fellatio to him. Fuck him and his delicate, easily hurt, little feelings.
She has been nominated for 335 acting awards, and won 167 of them.
Trump received two Emmy nominations, no wins. And he thought the Emmies were rigged.
I think she’s pretty good. She makes any film she is in interesting.
I’m just curious…are you a Trump supporter? If you are, that’s fine, but I was wondering at the timing of your question, as I heard she went off on him last night at the awards.
I do not think she is over rated. She’s the only actress I’ve ever seen who seems to almost literally become her character. Everyone else, like Tom Hanks, retains much of their actual personality in the character they’re portraying.
I have liked her in any movie that I have seen with her in it.
So no I don’t think she is over rated.
Rumpy can’t take criticism of any kind from any body.
Can’t say I’ve seen her movies but I respect the hell out of her for having the where-with-all to stand up in front of an audience and speak her mind.
You go, girl!
I am not particularly knowledgeable about Meryl Streep movies but the ones I’ve seen, she’s really good in. Last weekend I saw one that was not a huge hit but very endearing, ”Julie and Julia.” She played Julia Child and she did it very well. It was not a comedy but it was amusing and touching. I admire her. She’s been around a long time and she has a stellar reputation. She’s not been involved in any Hollywood scandals or bullshit as far as I know.
I think Trump is overrated as he doesn’t qualify for being President of the United States.
@Lonelyheart807 A supporter? Good gad no, although he makes me laugh…a lot!
As for the timing, well it’s current affairs is it not? Which is nice.
Not at all. She has played a broad spectrum of roles and played them extremely well. She is often a subtle actress and people mistake that for lack of depth and breadth. She has the respect of her colleagues. She has always behaved professionally both on and off the set. I’ve been told that she is a generous actor, meaning she doesn’t steal scenes, doesn’t step on lines and encourages her fellow actors when they are having trouble with a scene. When direction is needed, she is said to take it well, but as an old pro long on the boards, most directors let her have her head. This is the precise opposite of Trump behaviour.
His tweet concerning Streep was yet another baseless, juvenile, spontaneous reaction to valid criticism. This guy reminds me of the behaviour seen on preschool playgrounds. My god, he is unbelievable. I just hope his staff and other department secretaries can cover for him when he behaves this way with other heads of state.
Crow, I don’t think they would survive “I just hope his staff and other department secretaries can cover for him”. He will just tweet them to death for opposing he WILL. Their bodies never found
I’m going to Hawaii in a couple of months, I’m deathly afraid Kim Jong-un and the North Koreans will take target practice at Honolulu with a nuclear warhead missile. The two juveniles of the world powers are not the ones I would have a hand on the “Button of Doom” .
How can he not see what a fool he is being? How can he not see that he is providing endless fodder for SNL, and that he’s the laughing stock of the world?
Yeah but @Dutchess_III The right wing red necks love him and thats all that counts these days oh so it seems.
@Dutchess_III Do you understand that an 8 or 9 year old is just learning about the rest of the world. And the entire world doesn’t spin around their wants and needs.
Cheeto doesn’t see he being a fool; he doesn’t want to see, it is a “rich boy” having a tantrum because his daddy didn’t buy him the Palomino pony.
@SQUEEKY2 I’m waiting for him to appoint an Ex-Funeral director the head of Veterans Administration and all the Veterans hospitals, the better at burying.
But doesn’t all the of the backlash bother him? I mean, I’d rethink things if everyone was calling me a whiny baby every time I posted a tweet. Or does he just think we’re the fools?
I will take fools for a $100 Alex.
I think Trump is also hearing positivity. Some of my friends on FB are posting negativity about Streep today. So he knows there are opinions on both sides – pro-Trump and pro-Streep.
@SQUEEKY2 Wish I could give a dozen GA’s.—His daddy made sure that he was never wrong and who every thought he was; was belittled or had embarrassing comments show up in public press.
I don’t think her being over rated is anything NEAR the real issue or discussion worth having. Donnie likes to do that, though, sideline real issues with bits of irrelevant opinion. I liked how she never used his name or position to describe who she was talking about, but he knew what she was talking about. A defensive conscience does that to a person.
Trump would not be President if not for the critics who gave a louder voice to his message and Streep is one of my all time favorite actresses but she should stick to acting as her message attacking Trump only gave more strength to his message. Liberals obviously still have no clue why Hillary lost and Streep just shouted it out to the entire world.
@Cruiser HE did what she SHAMED him for.
But memory of Cheeto followers are only from December 2016 not 2015 !
HE verbally abused a disable person, are you abusing disabled people too just because he got elected? ? ?
@Tropical_Willie That is the disconnect you and I are apparently having. I recognize this you apparently don’t. Calling out Trump for having an out of context moment only the Liberal media could create and then gull a mega superstar like Streep to torch bear it is only screaming out loud how clueless Liberals, media and the foreign press are to what real Americans really want from their leaders. If I typed this in all cap would that matter? I don’t think so.
The Cheeto on twitter is “out of context” all the time. There no disconnect for me; he is the disconnect from reality with constant 12 year year old’s comments.
Continually “out of contest” is not a reason to be President.
Being anything but a CONSERVATIVE is not BAD !
Nothing but his utter ridiculousness is what garnered attention because the man in an attention whore.
I saw a meme on FB which had all the times Trump called others “overrated” via tweet. It was very amusing. He seems to like using that word “overrated.” Politicians, actors, you name it, to him they’re overrated.
@Cruiser yes, how dare anyone be critical about the Emperor’s new clothes.
Of course not! Streep is one of our finest American actors by any standard. Trump is so friggin’ thin skinned and egotistical he’ll make the worst president in history.
I’m looking forward to how he handles a rejection by Congress of any of his nominees.
An actress complaining about a politician’s abuse of his position by abusing her position behind a podium.
I can’t be the only Flutherista that finds these rantings by the Streeps and Fiona Apples just as childish and embarrassing as Trump’s.
Yep, precious little snowflakes handing out their shiny little trophies & bleating like lost sheep about the big bad world out there…shut the fuck up already!
@SecondHandStoke She is in an INDUSTRY and was addressing (what will hopefully remain) the FREE PRESS that is in the very business of communicating. She was not abusing her position. She was DOING HER JOB.
She’s just a fucking actor and an average one at best. Why do people think this gives her any higher political wisdom. If anything it takes it from her.
@Cruiser The things he’s done are NOT presented out of context. If you really think they are, give us some proof.
@ARE_you_kidding_me I can’t even begin to answer that statement because it is so misinformed and full of bias, so I’m just going to say,.... Another brick in the wall.
(the wall Trump is building isn’t as physical as everyone thinks. The bricks in Trumps walls are the brainwashed millions that ignore human rights, basic human decency and respect. They aren’t just bricks that separate with walls, they are also bricks that are thrown and crush people.)
Celebrities are not who people should be listening to or getting their political opinions from. Yet…here we are. Don’t get me started about the sorry state of our press.
@Dutchess_III Pretty much anything and everything ever put out by CNN. Just take your pick.
@ARE_you_kidding_me , If that were truly the case, Trump is ONE of those very people from whom we should NOT be getting our political opinions from. Double Standards Girl has to take a stand here and point this out.
Trump is not someone you get political opinions from He is one you have political opinions about I have been pretty outspoken here that I do not stand with trump so you can get that out of your head. Hollywood and the media are in their own political bubble. You would think you could turn to the radio or internet but nope, alt right has that f’ed up. Guess we have to rely on ourselves and actual facts then. Too bad most have a problem with that.
^ Then why aren’t more adults with an IQ below 30 rich buisnesspeople?
It’s not my job or an actors job to fact check for you cazzie, it’s yours since the press is not functional in doing so right now. That was the point of my whole rant.
Cazzie actors are using their position to project their political opinion and nobody calls them out for it. Journalists are becoming activists first and journalists second. Does not matter if you work for faux news or the comedy news network.
@ARE_you_kidding_me It’s called sticking up for what you believe in. People do it, even when you don’t agree. It’s why we have had to put up with assholes like Trump and his ilk for years. You don’t need a PhD to understand what’s going on. It ain’t rocket science. (and I know rocket scientists) Freedom of speech and the right to protest are both issues that take front and centre and in need of defending, desperately, with this new ‘administration’. I will not shut up. I will not be silent. I will defend the ideals of the United States of America and its Constitution.
Telling someone to sit down and shut up or ‘throw them out’ is in direct conflict to how the US government is meant to be run. Or even, telling people to ‘Beat the crap out of them and I’ll pay the legal costs.’ is very much against how the constitution should be defended.
Moral of this thread: “shut up and entertain me monkey”.
Celebrities are private citizens with their own opinion and as much right to express that opinion as you have. Don’t like it? Then crawl back to your safe space you sensitive little pansy.
No rule that says we can’t call them out on it. People think their opinion has some special weight. I don’t. My hair stylist has an opinion, my plumber does and also my mother in law. Everyone has a fucking opinion and they also have assholes. Actors are no different. Their job is to entertain so let them do exactly that. Their opinions are not anymore newsworthy than mine are.
What is there to call out? They spoke their opinion. The fact that they are famous, which means more people will hear their opinion than hear the opinions of the average Joe, makes no difference.
To me it’s like saying “You’re a post man. Don’t express your opinion. Just go relieved the mail,” or “You’re a teacher. Your opinion doesn’t count for anything. Go back to your classroom where you belong.”
As far as more newsworthy, yes. They are. They are in front of the camera, in front of millions of people. That’s more newsworthy than you expressing your opinion here, on Fluther.
But their opinion should not be given any special weight. They are no different than the average person in that respect. Just having a mic and audience does not bestow any special knowledge or authority in speaking about politics. Same with journalists who are ethically bound to remain neutral. It should piss you off when they do not. Where is their accountability? Apparently nobody gives a shit. No wonder we can’t trust the media.
It’s the people who give it special weight. No it doesn’t bestow any special knowledge or authority. We were talking about newsworthy not importance.
I, for one, agree with everything she said. But I agreed with it before she ever said it.
Actually…the point of this thread was, is Streep overrated as an actress.
The Trump thing was a side issue but hey, this being Fluther & you yanks being so precious & all :D
^ Actually…
Everyone knows the current point of Fluther, and the entirety of the Internet is to bash Trump.
@SecondHandStoke I never got that memo. I guess I should pay more attention to my internet briefings.
Actually…Pet Shop Boys…“all day, all day…”
Q: How does an mansplainer get their water?
A: “Well, actually…”
Whenever an entertainer voices their opinion (just like every other jack-off out there, including you and me), you’re free to ignore them. But you don’t, do you? Instead you feel the need to berate them for expressing an opinion. It’s shit like that that has, for example, turned sports (which use to be full of colorful figures) into a wasteland of bland automatons with all the personality of a rock. We like to criticize our celebrities (be they actors, athletes, music artists, whatnot) for being vapid and shallow, but we chastise them whenever any of them dare speak up about anything.
I get your answer @Darth_Algar but your analogy is saying it is very OK for Trump to Tweet to his hearts content. By your metric we will finally have a colorful AND “entertaining” President. Instead of giving him the Noble Peace Prize out of the gate….he should get a Golden Globe.
@cazzie doesn’t transfer well with quotes in title. Here it is without Quotes in title.
I copied and pasted. How weird.
It is the ” ‘s in the title, Fluther converted it to %22
It IS OK for Trump to tweet his shit. Just not very smart.
No, his tweeting is not ok. Being that f’ing stupid is not ok for the leader of the free world. Someone on his staff or in his family needs to man up and shut that shit down.
I didn’t say his tweets were OK. I said he is allowed to do it. He’s an idiot.
Sorry @ucme I forgot to mention I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment here.
Spot on big man, Trump kinda got in the way here so it’s all good
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