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Tropical_Willie's avatar

Okay what is your take on Jared Kushner (Trump's Son-in-law) being named Senior Advisor to the President and Federal anti-nepotism rules?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31656points) January 9th, 2017

Sounds like President Elect’s take on it is “It’s my government I’ll do what I want”. There will be no conflict of interest either with him, he will still be running his business through the family. ” And they’re going to run my company.”
Huh where is constitutional law? I’m waiting for a Royal edict declaring him “presidente forever”.

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31 Answers

Sneki95's avatar

All hail our Highness, the kind Donald I of Trump dynasty.

janbb's avatar

He, along with most of the Repugs, seems to be hell-bent on dismantling the government as we know it and there seem to be no brakes. I am truly, truly appalled at what is happening.

zenvelo's avatar

Why are people surprised at this? The incoming administration has been playing lip service to rules, regulations, laws and practices for over a year now. And they won’t stop.

chyna's avatar

Stunned that this is being allowed to happen.

janbb's avatar

What kills me is McConnell’s total hypocrisy. He said that the Democrats should not try to obstruct Republican Supreme Court nominees nor wait for conflict of interest investigations into Cabinet nominees!

chyna's avatar

^What a difference in McConnell that 8 years makes.

janbb's avatar

I don’t like to throw around words like evil lightly but it’s hard not to think it these days.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Where are all the “GOP conspiracy” people when we need them?.... Oh, they going to the Coronation.

jca's avatar

I am surprised but I keep reminding myself that when it comes to Trump, I shouldn’t be surprised.

janbb's avatar

My only hope is that McCain and Graham, who seem like they only GOPers with principles, will stand up with the Dems against some of it.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Rules don’t apply to republicans.

janbb's avatar

But, but, but…they’re the party of the Constitution!

Cruiser's avatar

Kushner is doing all the proper things to comply with the nepotism laws….much to do about nothing at this point.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He is related to the Presidente, and signing up for sub-contracting.
when is he getting the divorce How are you related to Cheeto?

Cruiser's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Jared is actually cutting the cord to all connections to his business relationships and even his wife, Donalds daughter is distancing herself from the cabinet to take care of their kids. Looks Kosher to me so far.~

Pachy's avatar

My take? Yet another reminder that we’re in for a ghastly four years. And how the hell does the soon-to-be-leader-of-the-free world have time going to war with lovely Meryl Streep?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

So divorce is not necessary in the presidente’s rule.

Sorry but this is so so wrong !

Just because he is the GOP KING !

Cruiser's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Why is this so wrong? Playing by the rules is suddenly wrong? Do I need to remind you that the Democrats wrote these rules?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The rules say (before KIng Cheeto) nepotism is not to be allowed. But for the GOP and all the Kingdom of Cheeto it is okay-dokey. LAW

Hey I’m only a silly liberal in YOUR eyes.

Laws don’t apply for GOP !

Cruiser's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Again why are your undies so in a bunch IF Jared complies with the laws the Democrats wrote? You are not a silly liberal in my eyes….you are passionate and passion IMHO in this day and age is a good thing no matter what side of the isle you are on. I would never expect you to throw your hands up and say game over for the next 4 year…I give up. There has never been so much potential for our country than we now have and hope you find a way to participate in it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The laws of the land were not written just for the people that you think are opposing you become the BILLIONARE in Chicago. It was the Republicans I think after JFK appointed RFK but in some people minds if you aren’t for Cheeto, you next for the trains to….

It is not my undies but when it becomes yours in a bunch….. OR maybe you are related to Cheeto. t Then you could get a great contracts to import Chinese concrete to make the “Wall of Mexico” that USA citizens will pay for and Cheeto’s relatives will; profit from the next 40 years.

Jeruba's avatar

Where are the checks and balances? For the 227 years, 10 months, and 5 days since the Constitution went into effect, have things worked as well as they have only because our leaders generally behaved themselves and nobody really tried to run roughshod over the principles we thought we were governed by? If there is nothing in our law and our system to stop this guy, we are vulnerable to anything. And if there is, well, let’s be quick about it before he takes the whole thing down with him.

This can’t be what people really wanted. I do not believe that the voters who put Trump in office had this madness as their goal.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Jeruba ~ ~ ~ You are not a GOP follower !
There will be no fairness or laws in the Reign of Cheeto.

Jeruba's avatar

I don’t think it’s right to label a guy—any guy—by his color, even if it is orange.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

If we had tag lines I would quote that.

flutherother's avatar

I woke this morning with something troubling me. I couldn’t think what it was at first then I realised Trump would soon be President of the United States.

janbb's avatar

@ I’ve been waking every morning with that trouble.

flutherother's avatar

1,500 mornings and about 3,000 tweets to go.

janbb's avatar

The Congress and Cabinet are as bad or worse than him.

flutherother's avatar

What I learned this morning which concerns me is the role he may have played in ousting Chris Christie from Donald Trump’s presidential campaign last year. Chris Christie jailed Kushner’s father for tax evasion, illegal campaign contributions and witness tampering in 2005 and this smacks of retaliation.

Cruiser's avatar

If you need to further imagine a Trump Presidency without Jared Kushner in the West Wing, cut the brake lines on your car.

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