What five bands/musical artists do you think are the MOST overrated?
I’m thinking along the lines of performers everyone seems to love (except you). I’d have to vote for the Rolling Stones, Steely Dan, Bruce Springstein, U2 and Pearl Jam
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51 Answers
Lil’ Wayne.
Actually, all of the garbage on the radio.
wow, was about to say Lil Wayne..
Pearl Jam is actually underrated. They are amazing. I’m actually going to see Eddie Vedder live tonight and can’t wait!
Miley Cyrus (pretty much everyone from Disney), T-Pain (his voice is computer generated), Rihanna (umbrella-ella-ella-a-a)—I only think of 3 right now, I’ll get to you the other 2.
yeah, we all have our own tastes…personally I just don’t get it…I’ve tried, though. I’m a big fan of rock music, I have thousands of albums (even a few Pearl Jam albums), they just don’t do it for me. I think Vedder is a great guy, just can’t handle his music. But enjoy the show!
Of course, we all have our own tastes and music like art is subjective. Personally, I think Eddie Vedder has an incredible voice, and is a great songwriter/performer. Pearl Jam has been around since the early 90s, and yet they are still going strong. Many people stopped listening to Pearl Jam after their second album (Vs), but in my opinion, some of their best work has come from albums like Yield, No Code, Vitalogy, Pearl Jam, etc.
Do yourself a favor and listen to them more often. You may thank me one day :)
I’m just curious who your top 5 bands would be?
-Nirvana (not that I don’t like Nirvana but Cobain’s death is why they’re still radio-play famous).
-Tool (Hey look everyone, we can play in odd time signatures).
-John Mayer
Top five of all time for me are:
The Beatles
Black Sabbath
Elvis Costello
@dalepetrie: whoa, wait a minute. steely dan? there is no other sound like steely dan which is why it is so popularly rated. one of my fave five bands…
Marilyn Manson
Again we’re all entitled to our opinions, but Nirvana’s continued fame has little to do with Cobain’s death in my opinion…I think it elevated him to Jim Morrisson level icon status, but their music, particularly the stuff that doesn’t get a lot of radio airplay was positively revolutionary
There are a lot of bands no one else sounds like, but for my idea, nothing else sounds like a garbage truck backing over a liter of kittens, doesn’t mean I like it.
rawpixels -
I don’t hate everything Pearl Jam has ever done. I really liked Go from Vs., but stuff like Yellow Ledbetter makes me want to suck the barrel of a shotgun
Also kinda liked Do the Evolution, the video was exceptional. I didn’t like much of anything on Ten though, so I never fell into the Pearl Jam mania. I have listened to their first 4 albums, I found about 3 tracks I liked, a few I downright hated, and the rest left me lukewarm. I find I like their heavier stuff OK, but their slower stuff drags on me, can’t explain it.
viva la difference :)
U are messing with 3 of my fav. bands (I agree with the other 2, manson is way too creepy, and jay-z, he is just lucky) but the other 3, mmm… they are really, really good (to my taste at least)
1. Britney
2. the disney kids (Hannah whatever, high school soap opera, et all)
3. Kayne West
4. Pussycat Dolls (nonsence sounds)
5. The spice girrrrrls (gosh!)
I disagree with some of you (Nirvana, Pearl Jam for exmabple) but we all have a different taste in music, don’t we?
The majority of the bands out now! There all overrated and shouldn’t even be in the charts. I cant believe the standard of music out nowadays and how bad the music industry is at the moment, it brings a tear to my eye.
How about Madonna and Akon? The only reason Madonna is/was on the tube and airways was due to her salacious music videoes and raunchy lyrics (hey, but who’s complaining?). Akon is the most famous hype-man I know. The only thing working for him is distinctive voice.
1. Rage Against The Machine
2. John Mayer
3. The Who (though, through CSI they have been growing on me)
4. Pink Floyd
5. The current incarnation of the RHCP (give me The Uplift Mofo Party Plan, any day!)
I like flameboi’s list, but 2 comments. First, I like Kanye…I think he’s introduced elements into rap/r&b that had never really been tried before. Golddigger was one of my favorite songs the year it came out. Second, the other 4 I don’t even consider bands…I would exclude from the definition of band anyone who could otherwise be called a manufactured pop star.
Indy318 – Madonna was the shiz back in the day, but she should have hung up he see through panties circa 1986. I saw Akon live, I was underwhelmed, but the teeny boppers liked it (he was opening for Gwen Stefani who I do like, though I prefer her No Doubt work to her solo work…thankfully her next album will be with ND…also had to go because Lady Sovereign was opening).
tinyfaery – I am right there with you on your list…though I do like a few Who and Floyd songs (Squeeze Box is a classic). Re RHCP, I loved Blood Sugar Sex Magic and everything before, but since then, only Californication seemed worth the sticker price for my money.
You’re all making me sad and angry. I must be old. Wait. I am old.
Some of the bands listed may be overrated in their current incarnation but in their primes, were mind-blowingly original and amazing.
Arrrrrrgggggggghhhhhh. Please.
@petrie (I have a friend named petrie!)
Kanye is good, but, something is missing there… and the other pop kids, I just don’t like them :s
flameboi – cool…could be a relative! Re Kanye, I really liked the first 2 albums but was ENORMOUSLY disappointed in the 3rd. I’m also a bit taken aback by just how full of himself this guy is.
Megan64 – all in good fun, don’t want to make anyone sad and Angry.
I’m actually surprised I haven’t heard one person say a peep about my putting the Rolling Stones at the top of the overrated list…thought I’d have a torchweilding mob after me for that one.
jonas brothers and hannah montana are the only one i can think of
INXS is definitely overrated for me. They were brilliant when they released their first two albums, but after that they just seemed to re-hash the same old sound, didn’t seem to progress at all.
Kylie Minogue has been well past her use-by date for years, in fact I never could understand the point of her at all.
And I totally agree with you all about the Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, disney kids type of fluff, too sickly sweet, I don’t see the point of them either.
Don’t hate me guys, but Aerosmith also sets my teeth on edge.
I’ll agree with Aerosmith…everything since Permanent Vacation has been a been there/done that moment for me. I don’t agree with INXS though, Kick was one of the best albums of the 1980s. I didn’t really think they’d lost it until Full Moon, Dirty Hearts. They were still awesome performers though right up till the end…saw them in ‘88 and again in ‘97 about a month before Hutchence kicked (pun intended), and they were every bit as exciting and dynamic on stage when their career was in the toilet as they were when they were on top of the world. Still haven’t been able to bring myself to listen to Switch though…I suppose the lead singer switch worked for AC/DC, but I consider them the exception that proves the rule…I think if you’re going to replace your lead singer, you should rename the band. Like Audioslave or Love and Rockets. For God sakes though, don’t call yourself the New Cars or the Doors of the 21st Century or Queen + Paul Rodgers…if you really still have something to say musically and you have a new singer who can say it, it’s a new band, otherwise it’s a nostalgia act.
@dalepetrie If I said something about the Stones I’d have to say something about every other great band on the list. Like Steely Dan? The Beatles? Overrated? Please stop now before I stab my eyes out.
In no particular order:
They Might Be Giants
Blind Melon
Dave Matthews Band
Anything that features Slash or Axel Rose
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
Pearl Jam
Don’t get me wrong, they all have one or two decent songs, but none of them deserve the attention, fans or love they recieved.
I’ll beg to differ on They Might Be Giants, Primus, Blind Melon, DMB, The Beatles, and anything with Slash or Axl Rose.
Jessica Simpson
Ashlee Simpson
Britney Spears
@dalepetrie…I couldn’t agree more that bands should rename themselves following the departure of a key member. For example, Fuel is not Fuel without Brett Scallions…they are spent fuel or polluting emissions in my book.
@Randy, you’re officially insane. I mean that in the nicest way
Yeah, I’m usually not well liked when I’m asked this question.
Megan64…FYI I did say Steely Dan and the Rolling Stones were overrated, but the Beatles….I listed them at the top of my five favorite bands of all time. We wouldn’t HAVE rock and roll without them.
@dalepetrie – I misunderstood. Thought you meant that they were the top 5 overrated bands for you. Steely Dan? What can I do to convince you otherwise? The anguish I’m feeling. There’s no one like them.
I’ve been hearing them my whole life, they just don’t do it for me. Taste is such a subjective thing. I find it pretentious and boring.
and I’m quite sure I listen to some stuff that would make you want to crawl under the carpet, just the way it goes.
Probably not. I like just about everything. Just about.
It’s the “just about” that I’m talking about. :)
Bruce Springsteen
John Mayer
Lil Wayne
uberbatman….I’m with you on everything but Nirvana…
I have to chime in for U2 here. I admit that they really haven’t had a great, or even good album since Joshua Tree, but back in the 80s, just when we hurting for some music with some substance (vis-a-vis The Culture Club, Wham, etc.) they came along to save us. Check out the Unforgettable Fire or the Joshua Tree; that was great music.
I’m very familiar with all of U2’s work, for me they’re hit and miss. I could count the U2 songs I like on one hand, and I was not a fan of those albums.
I agree, U2 does have some good music but their ratio of good music vs bad is well sad. They arent the great bad like everyone makes them out to be.
War is amazing. Even listening to it now. I love it.
Most of the bands listed here were original for their time…and for that they shouldn’t be listed as being overrated.
U2 (but I like them)
Britney Spears
Fallout Boy
Van Morrison
The Rolling Stones
The Doors
Janis Joplin
Honorable mention to Joni Mitchell
damn, how could I forget Kansas and Peter Frampton
The Beatles
Marilyn Manson
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