General Question

Lightlyseared's avatar

Do you think the US will remove the tank divisions deployed in Poland?

Asked by Lightlyseared (35084points) January 12th, 2017 from iPhone

The US has recently deployed more than 80 main battle tanks and 3000 troops in Poland to carry military exercises but also reassure NATO members in the area that are increasingly corncerned about increased aggression from Russia.
Russia as you can expect are not happy about this.
Given that, on recent evidence, it seems Trump values the opinion Russia over that of the US intelligence service how likely is it that the offending troops will be withdrawn from Poland

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6 Answers

flutherother's avatar

What is going on between Trump and Putin? Who knows, but the relationship doesn’t seems based on US intelligence assessments.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I doubt that the US has a lot of latitude to do so, given bilateral agreements with Poland and NATO treaties and obligations.

They might reduce from 80 to 70, but if I were Trump, I wouldn’t trust Putin for a second. I’d leave them there.

cazzie's avatar

There is an increased US presence here, too. Against the agreement, they built barracks for them, so it looks like we might end up with an illegal US military base on our soil, too.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Trump will use the force to prevent NATO from interfering while his master Putin retakes Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.

cazzie's avatar

I don’t think Lithuania will put up any fight. I’m sure they will try to remain part of the EU while being occupied by Russians. They do love their cake and eating it, too.

Zaku's avatar

80 tanks and 3000 troops is a token gesture. The Soviets are not actually concerned in any practical way. It’s just diplomatic posturing… or probably more accurately, a way to generate a news story for public attention manipulation and/or creating some sort of media narrative.

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