Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Did an African American colleague of Jeff Sessions testify in favor of him?

Asked by JLeslie (65930points) January 12th, 2017 from iPhone

I might have misunderstood what I was watching, but I could swear someone from AL who is black testified in favor of Sessions stating Sessions has proven over and over his commitment to treat everyone fairly regardless of race.

Do you know who I am talking about? Did I get it wrong? I tried to google and every story is about who testified against him.

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10 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

The only African Americans to make the news cycle voicing support for Sessions that I recall was a group of Black Pastors

JLeslie's avatar

@cruiser Thanks, but that doesn’t even look like it’s part of the official record. It’s not inside the room where the hearings are being done.

If I’m right it’s almost impossible to find, the news doesn’t seem to care about it at all. I doubt I completely misinterpreted what I was hearing at the time.

Cruiser's avatar

I also found these two

elbanditoroso's avatar

@JLeslie – your question makes the implicit assumption that no black Alabaman could ever support Mr. Sessions. I think that assumption is wrong.

I think that Sessions is a bigot and shouldn’t be approved. But it’s somewhat insulting to blacks to make the assumption (or at least imply) that all blacks would be anti-Sessions. Blacks, like any other citizens, think and make political decisions for themselves.

JLeslie's avatar

@elbanditoroso Well, your assumption is wrong. My intention was to say that the media only keeps dwelling on all the people speaking out against Sessions, mostly northerners (no matter what race or ethnicity) and blacks who always speak out on race issues, and many of them enjoy having a spotlot on them, and then the media for a brief moment shows other southern, white politicians supporting him. The media fails to show black, Southerners, in high positions, who have worked closely with Sessions, stating that Sessions has not been racist in his approach in all the time they worked together.

I’m criticizing the media. I’m criticizing everyone who is only listening to what they want to hear. The thing is, I’m not sure I’m right about what I heard, because I wasn’t really paying close attention to the TV.

If black people in high positions who work with Sessions have positive things to say about him, it seems like that should carry more weight than Cory Booker or Whoopi Goldberg.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@JLeslie – my reply was based on how your question and description read. I’m glad to know my reading of it was incorrect.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I’m glad you asked so I could clarify.

JLeslie's avatar

My concern is that the liberal media and liberals in general keep making the same mistake! This is why they lost the election and sound hateful to the people who supported Trump and to many republicans in general. “The liberals” are overfocusing on everything negative they can get their hands on and omitting anything positive. The Trump supporters only pay attention to what they want to hear also, and so goes the story. Anyway, when the republicans watch us liberals doing that, they definitely aren’t going to listen. Liberals are talking to themselves all too often. The republicans do it to of course.

I was watching Blackish last night and the lead character at the end said he doesn’t believe everyone who voted for Trump is stupid or racist, he doesn’t even think the majority of the people who voted for him are. I appreciated his little soliloquy to the audience. The whole show was about how shocked and afraid they are of a Trump presidency, but it also showed that the country doesn’t have to be so mean and demeaning to each other.

Jaxk's avatar

I watched some of the hearing and I know that at the end they alternated between supporters of Sessions and opposition to Sessions. All the ones I saw were black on both sides. Some of his supporters had worked with him when he was AG for Alabama. I can’t remember the names or exact positions but while I watched It alternated between support and opposition.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Maybe thats the part I saw. Thanks.

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