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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you think Trump is trying to get impeached?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 13th, 2017

Refusing to divest his assets?

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45 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

Sorry @Dutchess_III Trump is way smarter than that. To impeach Trump the Democrats would need to win a strong majority in the midterms and I know and Trump knows that is very unlikely to happen and that is 2 years down the road anyway. Face it…Trump has the best lawyers in the world and they are probably working overtime to make sure Donald can do what he does without inviting real trouble.

As far as his conflicts of interest, the President and Vice President are exempt from the Federal Conflicts of Interests law.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Dutchess_III – no.

But he is showing his true colors. He is more about personal greed than he is about patriotism and honesty.

Not a surprise.

kritiper's avatar

I think he is either a Russian plant, Russian sympathizer, and/or anarchist. I don’t think he gives a shit about anything.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump doesn’t care. His lawyers and financial consultants will run his businesses. The wall between Mexico will be built with Chinese cement (like his Trump Towers) and the USA tax payers will pay for and the engineering will be from the Ukraine. Yes he is exempt !

He will personally reap billions from the USA taxpayers and smile and tell the world, “Believe me, believe me, I would not do that.”
He is a businessman with an inside connection to the mother lode of taxpayers money.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I was watching him on a hotel monitor today. Jesus. There is no holding this guy back. He is really enjoying himself. LOL. I can’t help but think he is having a ball taunting his detractors into hissy fits. Nobody makes all these PR mistakes on accident.

Cruiser's avatar

^^^Somebody gets it

lisaperson's avatar

he is trying to get impeached. its just that he has the best lawyers. and people just don’t believe that hes the worst possibly president. so he will have a beautiful wall to look at.

JLeslie's avatar


I think he believes he will be a fantastic president.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Get it through your heads. He is impervious to impeachment. If an old retired nurse way the fuck in the middle of nowhere knows this, so does Donald Trump. He is fucking with you guys everyday on TV and all night on Twitter. Just chill.. None of us knows whether he can grow into this job or not. Give it a break. Watch old movies or something..

JLeslie's avatar

^^Thank you.

kritiper's avatar

I’m beginning to think Trump’s inauguration will be the start of the second American civil war. The rumblings have already begun! And it might not be bloody, but it will be a war.

Cruiser's avatar

@kritiper “but it will be a war”
Why will there be a civil war, for what justifiable reasons and how are you so sure of this?

filmfann's avatar

Sure, he wants to be impeached. The guy likes others to piss on his head.

Cruiser's avatar

@filmfann Not just any others…Russian prostitutes. Turmp announcing plans for Tump Towers in Moscow will be any day now

LostInParadise's avatar

Trump is very divisive. His approval rating is at a record low for an incoming president. If things continue this way and the public protests become organized, we may see opposition on the scale of that against the Vietnam War.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Given that there is increasingly solid evidence that he is nothing more than Putins puppet and no one seems to give a fuck I doubt he’s going to be impeached for anything quite so American as making money and not giving a shit what people think.

janbb's avatar

With a majority of Republicans in the House and Senate, he will not be impeached although many of the principled ones will be squirming. While people are distracted and reactive to Trump’s bombast and shenanigans, the Republicans can move ahead, as they already are, to the years’ long goal of destroying the social safety nets and starving the beast to engorge the fat cats.

If I had my druthers, I’d impeach Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan.

filmfann's avatar

@janbb Principled republicans? Are they real?

kritiper's avatar

@Cruiser Any and every kind possible. The signs are there for all to see if one just looks. Read between the lines and you will find more! But one can hide one’s head in the sand if one chooses to ignore the obvious; one’s a$$ will still hanging out where it can be shot.

kritiper's avatar

I wonder how casual Trump will be when lives are on the line, both foreign and domestic.

janbb's avatar

@kritiper Don’t you think they are already with the potential repeal of the ACA?

kritiper's avatar

@janbb Of course! An excellent example!

Cruiser's avatar

@kritiper No one reads between the lines more than I and no one is more skeptical than I and I don’t even see a kernel that would support your assertion that we should grab our muskets and prepare for civil war. Give me one or two concrete examples of where the water is beginning to boil that would unleash a civil war. I will settle for even just one concrete example of who, what and where this civil war is brewing.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Cruiser black community and the police?

Cruiser's avatar

@Lightlyseared Makes no sense. Trump is supporting the police big time and is putting forth policies to improve race relationships. Do you not watch the news?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think it’s a game for him. He seemed to be coming in line for a minute. Then I think he thought, “What the hell. I’m not going to change anything I’m doing. Not going to move into the White House. I’m gonna flirt with Putin. I’m not going to change any of my business dealings. Let’s just see how far I can take it!”

Aster's avatar

What President or President Elect would try to get impeached? Would they say to themselves, “What would be the repercussions of being impeached? I will bring shame upon myself, my wife and children, I will be in the history books as a POTUS who got impeached, I will lose any vestige of respect I’ve earned if any and I will be the laughing stock of the entire world. Yep; sounds like something I’d like to work on. I will get nekkid and ride a motorcycle around the Whitehouse lawn while screaming expletives and see if that does it. But before I buy the motorcycle I’ll create half a million jobs for Americans. Sounds like a plan! ”

kritiper's avatar

@Cruiser Between the blacks and the whites, between the people and the police, between the Democrats and Republicans, between the rich and the poor, between the climate change proponents and the climate change opponents, between those with heath care and those without. There may be others.

Cruiser's avatar

@kritiper Again where are these armies amassing their troops? All I see is hysterical left wingnuts waving their hands and stomping their feet. Hardly the genesis of a civil war. Besides all hard liberals are pacifists and live in gun free zones.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Cruiser once again you use your assumptions and viewpoint to run the world. “hysterical left wingnuts waving their hands and stomping their feet”,

How about the Donnie and his adolescent twitter and pussy grabbing? Oh that’s Republican and okay

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Cruiser I love you man, and you know I do, but it bothers me that you’re with Trump only because it will benefit you. You don’t seem to care about what could happen to others in your country.
You know, he has a history of screwing the little guys, and you’re a little guy. I wouldn’t be surprised if he upped small business taxes to line his pockets with, and those of his cronies, because he doesn’t care about you, like you don’t care about the rest of the country.

kritiper's avatar

@Cruiser They’re here. They’re there. They’re everywhere. So beware!

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III That is about as far from the truth…my truth of why I voted for Trump. My business is only a fraction of why I am happy he is President. The real reason(s) had everything to do with not wanting 4 more years of Obama’s failed policies and Hillary did nothing to distance herself from that eventuality. Her controversies ham strung her as a viable or reasonable choice I could get behind. I did not want Trump as any of the other Rep candidates would have got behind similar policies that would benefit my company. Trump was Trump and slayed the competition and won. In the end I am so very happy it was not Hillary that is to be our President.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

“Her controversies ham strung her as a viable or reasonable choice”...

Bloody hell, @Cruiser, didn’t you think that Trump’s consistently erratic and often juvenile behaviour would hamstring his presidency? Granted, we had really terrible choices on both sides this time, but Trump? A man who presents with characteristics and behaviours that would eliminate him for jobs that demand emotional stability and diplomacey in a world that could easily blow a hole in the universe?

C’mon, man. At least Hill will take you out to dinner before she fucks you over. And she won’t insult a world leader in the press during negociations. Look at the news concerning US-Mexican trade today.

Cruiser's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Perhaps I should have put additional context to my POV about our current state of affairs. I didn’t vote for Trump as much I voted for him with hopes of ending the terrible leadership this country has had to endure at the hands of Obama and the DNC. We are in far worse shape today than we were 8 years ago all because the establishment is running the country for their benefit more so than us mere citizens. 62 million other voters feel the same way as I do and chose to not elect Hillary or God forbid Sanders.

We are a far less secure country than we were 8 years ago and beyond broke. We have doubled our debt over 8 years ago. A budget let alone a balanced budget would mean cuts and lots of them and the establishment Congress doesn’t have the balls to do this simple task I/we elected them to do. All 120 million voters who voted in this election have found ways to sacrifice and live within their means so tell me why the hell can’t our Government do the same?

Yes time to drain the swamp and finally roll up our sleeves to get to the bottom of what is not working. Trump has already done so much to set the table for fixing our problems and I have good feelings about what he is capable of doing for ALL of us not just my bottom line. He will do this no matter how hard the Liberals try to derail his efforts. Why people are so against him doing the job he was elected to do makes absolutely no sense to me at all.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Cruiser what do you think of this?

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III If you simply nod your head over the talking points of that post it is less than helpful. If you research the reason(s) he said what he said and why he said what he said than I can’t agree more with him. I have watched the news (all of them) since this circus started (and the one 8 years ago) and all the news media outlet have bent over backwards to present information that gets them the most attention and clicks and furthers their owners agenda’s than to report facts. I stopped relying on main stream media 8 years ago and for reasons obvious to me but apparently not too many others.

My biggest and most significant example I can offer is how NONE of the networks would show just how big the crowds were at Trumps rallies nor just how small the crowds were at Hillary rallies. The media has zero interest in reporting facts. After Trumps recent press conference where he shut down CNN cold I have a hunch some of the smarter news outlets will change their reporting habits that is if they want access to our President to be.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Really? That’s all you have? When everything they reported were things that came from his own mouth, and there was ample proof at our fingertips in the form of audio and video?

And it doesn’t bother you that he could try to cancel the presses access to the president? Do you not know how unconstitutional that is?

janbb's avatar

I feel like I’m looking through the looking glass at times; it boggles the mind.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The world will be perfect because some believe Donnie is the BEST thing since Hitler.

@Cruiser your bias and bigotry is showing, the Donnie is going to end an open and equatable government

What personal guarantees has the Donnie sent to personally make you above the law? ? ?

Cruiser's avatar

See @Dutchess_III that is precisely the problem I have with your post. It is nothing more than low hanging fruit talking points ALL taken out of the context of what where and why he originally made these statements. Behind each one of his comments is a mountain of media oppression he has had to endure. Nobody took him seriously especially the media, Hillary, the DNC, Obama and especially the RNC and your meme proves this point. They and you brushed him off as a cheeto novelty ignoring the real passion he tapped into along the way. Keep parading your ridiculous memes…they apparently make you feel better about the way things turned out but will do nothing to help matters move forward. I have zero desire to butt heads politically with you or anyone else here…you must play the cards you/I have been dealt. I feel we as a country have a very strong hand compared to the last eight years. Trump is already moving the needle concerning jobs and more importantly dialogues with China, Russia, France and Germany as examples. How is this such an awful threatening outcome and potential future for our country?? Jeez Louise….Hillary lost…get over it already!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Well, the time for making choices of leadership is over. What will be, will be.

It’s time to light up and just chill for now and enjoy this for what it’s been for the past 18 months; a first class dog and pony show. I understand Jan’s window analogy. It has been surreal. Many are dazed.

I sincerely hope that you are right, Cruiser. Ultimately, we want the same things. We just don’t agree on the who and how.

Cruiser's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Trump is an enigma the likes none of us has seen before. I am sucessful because I notice the people who are more successful than me and I tap into their resources which has given me the support I needed to do what I do just to make my customers happy. This is a formula that has not failed me in the 36 years I have been scrapping away at doing what I do better and smarter. My life is not about sound bites or political horse trading….what I do is done with hard earned currency. So I dig deep much deeper than any media source could offer me the information I seek. I make informed decisions based on the resources I have at my disposal. While most people are yucking it up in the evening, or sleeping in late I am up searching for answers that make sense to me and the goals I have set.

I would be remiss if I did not admit I too have fallen victim to fake news and why I am now just that more skeptical to most anything that I come across. In the end I maintain buyer beware.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He is so dangerous @Cruiser

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