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charliecompany34's avatar

What would you put in your time capsule?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) August 7th, 2008

decades ago, my eighth grade class buried a time capsule with a lot of our stuff in it. whoever would dig it up, would find out a lot about what we treasured 30 years ago. what possession of yours would be discovered 30 years from now and declared a historical piece or even a museum artifact under glass, lock and key?

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12 Answers

Indy318's avatar

Myself- I survive off of all the Twinkies that everyone else puts in. =)

tinyfaery's avatar

My stretch penny and misc. coin collection. When the wife and I travel and go sightseeing we seek out the stretch penny machines. We have about 40: many from Disneyland, a few from Hawaii, national parks, random attractions, etc. We also have foreign money, arcade tokens, casino chips, and other coin type memorabilia.

But I wouldn’t bury it until my wife and I are in our senior years. I think our collection will make a great keepsake.

Allie's avatar

My iPod, so that future generations can look back and say “Damn, she had good taste in music!” (What are you talking about? Of course they’re going to say that!) This is assuming that they’ll know how to use an iPod; My mom had to tell me what some of the buttons on a typewriter do.

MooKoo's avatar

Some of my favorite movies and musical albums probably. I’d put in some Pogs and a Koosh ball as well. I’ma 90’s kid what can I say?

SuperMouse's avatar

My laptop. I would bury it along with a note saying that I spilled an entire cup of hot coffee on the keyboard, my son dropped it three times, and I spent countless hours using it to surf what was known then as the “internet.” I’m sure they will be able to plug it in (the battery doesn’t hold a charge for more than 10 seconds), and behold the wonder that was 2007 computer technology!

flameboi's avatar

-The Matrix trilogy
-My purple polo t-shirt
-My Armani sunglasses
-My gameboy advanced
-A few Dj Tiesto cd’s
-A can of red bull
-A few magazines
-My business cards
-A scale automobile (porsche 911 please!)
-My mont blanc keychain
And “all the small things” that had made my life so nice :)

glowfull's avatar

1)a toothbrush (i wonder if they’ll change)
2)this funny shirt i have (its plaid with white cowgirl trim and shiny buttons) it would be such a riot for someone in the future to find and ponder!
3)a few photos of the homestead setup and jolly friends & dogs
4)the books i’ve written
5)a nice gift: a Buck knife & sheath
6)sea shells, coral, and stones
7)small carved figures of wood
8)a hand made baby doll for some futuristic little girl
9)and a nice hand written letter from me
: 0)

augustlan's avatar

@glowfull…what books have you written, and are they for sale anywhere?

augustlan's avatar

I’d write a letter, too, about the way the world is today, and how I hope it’ll have changed in the future.

gailcalled's avatar

Eventually, Milo or me. Whoever goes first.

glowfull's avatar

@augustlan…. no publisher, yet….. the pages are morsels of wisdom with words and drawings….. truly inspirational, creative, fun and enlightening, with a family feel that fluther has~*

augustlan's avatar

@glowfull: Good luck with your writing!

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