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Dutchess_III's avatar

Would you like to share your storm pictures here?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 14th, 2017

The news is carrying on and on about an ice storm we’re supposed to have. It is raining now and temps are dropping. I wonder if it will even come close to the one we had in Feburary of 2001. I have an entire small album of the pictures I took, but I can only find these three at the moment.

That was the strangest day. I woke up it was 28 degrees and raining steady. The temp stayed dead on 28 all day, and it was 28 when I went to bed. It rained all day and into the night.
It was freezing as it hit things and several inches of ice built up on everything.
About 8 p.m. the trees started breaking. Every few seconds you hear what sounded like gun shots, all though the night.

It looked like a war zone the next day.

It was so bizarre how the landscape changed. It was very confusing. I never realized how much I subconsciously counted on certain trees looking a certain way to help me stay oriented. It was like I’d drive down my street and suddenly not know where I was.

You can still see the effects to this day.

There were some spots of amazing beauty though. I had a bush that had these round, red berries on it. The ice had created a perfect, clear sphere around the berries. It looked like jewels.

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22 Answers

cazzie's avatar

Dutchess, I was there for an ice storm that spring. That was the day of my mother’s funeral. It was a horrible storm. We joked that Mom sent the ice storm because we displayed a picture of her she hated and she didn’t want anyone to see it. I didn’t take pictures of the storm outside. Wasn’t really thinking about it.

Today, however, it has snowed through the night and we have a beautiful new coat of snow added to the stuff that fell the day before. But I won’t be out shovelling because I have a tear in my knee and orders to stay off it for a week.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh God @Cruiser! All hail is about to break loose! Look at that evil green color!

Can you take a picture of the snow @cazzie? The pictures I took of the storm were all taken the next day.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, your second picture, @Cruiser! I want to build a snow fort!

In the third, were they moving toward each other? If so, then, yeah. Time to head for the hills!

cazzie's avatar

You can see the pictures from yesterday on my other F page. and now it’s dark, so I can’t take any pictures. Sorry

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

In 2007 we had a little dog who loved ice cubes and she loved sticks. An ice storm was the best thing ever for her.

Street view

In 2011 we had a great snowstorm. I love “bad” weather.

I didn’t bother trying to move my car for a week.

Here’s the view while I was waiting for the train

At one station, the snow flew up the escalators from the platform and they had to shovel inside.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Beautiful @Call_Me_Jay.

That’s a lot of snow!! Wow. That’s my idea of snow!

jca's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay: What city were those photos taken in?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

2007 was in Bloomfield Hills Michigan.

2011 was Chicago.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III Those were thunderheads and if you saw to the right you would have seen the far side of the lake getting hammered with lightning and rain.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What did I say to make you think I don’t recognize thunderheads when I see them? I AM from Kansas.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III The height of them and the lightning that was firing off in them and the rain pouring out of them while they passed. It was spectacular! One of my favorite pics!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, I know! You just can’t begin to capture the fury of a storm with a picture. The sound is a lot of it. You can’t capture the colors of a sunset with a picture either.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III As a closet photographer I am going to have to politely argue your last comment about color of sunset pictures.

I for one think Sunrises are much prettier

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m your Huckleberry! I still say this picture I took just didn’t quite capture it. I have a lot more, but that’s the only one in my photobucket.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Really nice pictures, @Cruiser.

Cruiser's avatar

Thanks @Dutchess_III! Funny part is even though I do own a very nice Nikon camera 2 or the 3 were taken on my cell phone!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know. I know. I have a very nice Canon Rebel, but when I saw this picture that someone else took with their phone, I heard the death knell of my Canon. I miss a lot of things about my Canon, like the view finder, but when I got my first smart phone the number one thing on my list of requirements was the camera. I haven’t used my Canon in almost a year. :(

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III I will always use my Nikon because I like taking macro pics and pics with depth of field. Like this and this and this

Dutchess_III's avatar

Stunning @Cruiser. My phone has a bunch of camera settings, but I don’t know if I could do this with it.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III I just looked at my cell and there are manual settings that I messed with once and all I have is a white screen now because I screwed with something….so I am stuck with auto for now.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ha ha! Thanks Trump!

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