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BellaB's avatar

What is your favourite part of your bedding?

Asked by BellaB (6461points) January 14th, 2017

Duvet? Neck roll? Hot water bottle?

What is on your bed that makes you happiest to climb into it?

—nsfw if you can’t avoid it :)—

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35 Answers

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I can’t pick one thing. It’s a combination of things that create a wonderful environment. I love my pillows, but I love having a soft, comfy bed topper too. The one on my own bed is sheepskin which helps keep us cool, but I like the feather ones you get in some hotels too. I always buy good sheets; sliding between crisp, clean sheets is just heavenly. And in winter, I love my hot water bottle. I have cold feet, and I just love having my fur covered hot water bottle to keep them warm when winter arrives.

It’s hot as hell here at the moment, and it isn’t cooling down much in the evening, so I’ve taken to wrapping a gel ice pack in a hand towel and putting it under my neck when I go to sleep. It really helps to cool me down and thus to sleep.

Coloma's avatar

Oh mama, I have the worlds most awesome bed. A luxurious memory foam mattress with red velvety velour type plush winter sheets & pillow cases topped with 3 more layers of light but amazingly soft blankets and a beautiful turquoise satin coverlet. It is sublime to crawl into every night.

Cruiser's avatar

It is winter time and it is a toss up between the flannel sheets and this amazing embroidered quilt that is so thick, heavy, fluffy and warm that can’t wait to climb in between the sheets. I also rolled the dice and bought a “My Pillow” and by far it lives up to the hype as me and my sons love them to death. In the summer we have a down comforter that is as light as cotton candy that I just love to snuggle under.

janbb's avatar

@Cruiser I’m really happy with “My Pillow” too.

Coloma's avatar

@Cruiser @janbb I’ve been wondering about those my pillows. So, a glowing testimonial ey?

janbb's avatar

@Coloma Very supportive and comfortable.

Cruiser's avatar

@janbb at first I was taken aback by the chunky feel of the pillow fill but I cannot even imagine sleeping as well as I do with another pillow as I do with my pillow.

@Coloma I got the premium pillows for everyone and my wife did not like it, but me and the boys love them. So I got her the regular which essentially has less fill and she is very happy. Made sense as me and the boys are much bigger than her so the less fill regular may be a good start for you. Maybe @janbb can share which one she got.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Memory foam pillow.

JLeslie's avatar

I just said to my husband I’m so happy to be in my bed, and then I read this question.

I love that my bed is fairly low to the ground, it’s a platform bed. I don’t like sleeping in a bed way up high.

Right now I’m on a set of sheets I bought in Bloomingdale’s, and I can’t remember what brand. I will take a photo of the top end of the flat sheet next time I go shopping for sheets to try to get the same set. I also have Calvin Klein sheets that I like.

I’m glad it’s a king, because my husband moves a lot when he sleeps.

I’m glad there isn’t a footboard. They can look very nice, but they feel constructing to me.

My mattress is a fairly basic 12” with a mattress cover that has some puff to it. I don’t remember if the mattress cover is down or foam. I’m 95% sure it’s down.

johnpowell's avatar

I’m fond of my electric blanket. It is like sleeping in a hug.

Sneki95's avatar

I dont like my bed and may as well sleep without it. Just give me a mattress and a blanket. I don’t need a pillow either, I spend quite a long time sleeping without a pillow already. It’s not that bad.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I have a wool-filled comforter that’s really warm. The boiler failed one night last winter, and I didn’t notice that the temperature had dropped to 55 F indoors until I got out of bed in the morning.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

The bed part. When hit it, I usually hit it pretty hard. And it is sooooo nice to have a nice, soft place to fall asleep.

In Sweden, I use to love the down comforters my wife would buy. But it’s too hot down here for any of that. I can barely stand to have a sheet over me. Just give me a nice, clean bed.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I don’t like beds, I’d rather sleep in a nest. Stretched out on a flat surface has just never appealed
to me. I tried using an air mattress, filled about ⅔. I am more comfortable now than I have ever been.
I also love my duvet. Gosh is it cozy!

Pachy's avatar

My most favorite: Duvet—but only on really cold nights.
Least: Pillow. I own several, but none of them is quite right. I just can’t find one I love,

janbb's avatar

@Pachy Try My Pillow = and no that was not an invitation! :-)

elbanditoroso's avatar

The waterbed mattress set to high heat in the middle of winter.

All else doesn’t matter.

Aster's avatar

I suppose my flannel sheets followed by my vintage satin goosedown comforter. Man, is that sucker warm! In fact, I’d like another one. I have two others but they’re not thick. The negative thing is they’re all satin and slide off the bed.

BellaB's avatar

Great answers!

@Aster , you reminded me of one big bed fail I had. I’d decided to get myself nice satin pajamas one year. They were lovely. However… every time I sat on the edge of the bed with the winter flannel sheets on I slid right off. Given that I’ve got a tall bed (I use library steps to get up on it), it was quite a slide booooom. Satin on flannel does not work :)

Aster's avatar

^^^^^ My daughter’s elderly lady relative, now deceased, was given satin pajamas by her daughter. She would slide off the bed and couldn’t get up . The nurses had to be called. If I don’t start exercising more I can see this happening to me.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s gotta be the cozy warm wife. I can fall asleep standing up with my wife hugging me.

BellaB's avatar

I think I’m going with the actual bed as my favourite thing. It’s a very tall 4 poster that I had custom built about 25 years ago. In the winter, I have woolen hangings (Mexican and Innu blankets mostly) all the way round. In the summer, I hang saris over the top. I used to have fairy lights wound round the posts. It’s like having a tent in my bedroom.

Coloma's avatar

@BellaB I love 4 poster beds, I have a modern, black, wrought iron headboard/footboard with a scallop design, similar to this.
It has, what I call, “molecules” on the ends of the bed posts, geometric design finials. I also have a large black stained Teakwood temple gong at the foot of the bed so I have 3 little monks watching over me every night. haha

jca's avatar

I love having a down comforter. I also love flannel sheets. I like lots of pillows for reading and hanging out watching TV in the bed.

My bed is a bit higher than I’d like it to be. I think the ideal height is the height of a hotel bed. My bed takes some effort to get onto. I think my next bed will be a platform with just a mattress.

My daughter used to have a bunk bed which I really enjoyed sleeping in the bottom of. I felt like I was in a coccoon.

Coloma's avatar

I used to have some goose down products, jacket, pillows but, since being madly in love with my 18 and half year old pet goose I have boycotted all down products for years. Plenty of synthetics that are just as nice minus the cruelty factor but if you already have down comforters it isn’t going to matter, might as well keep using them in honor of the birds sacrificed. haha
Some places in Europe engage in live plucking, it is horribly cruel and traumatizing to these long lived and very intelligent birds that have amazing memories. My thing these days are the super soft, snugglely blankets.

I prefer several light layers to lock in the warmth over one big comforter.
I also have a combined total of 25 lbs. of super warm kitty bodies that flank me each night. haha

ragingloli's avatar

The nails.

abcbill's avatar

The woman next to me, followed by Malley, Thea and Seranne (the cats) and Perla (the dachshund…)

tedibear's avatar

My feather pillows and Felix T. Kitten.

rojo's avatar

It is a toss up between my down pillow and the cuddleduds sheets and pillowcases.

jca's avatar

I have an alternative down comforter and it’s not nearly as warm or as heavy as the real down comforter.

Coloma's avatar

@jca That’s because it takes 75+ geese to make one down comforter. Down is so lightweight it takes many birds to make even a pound of down. Here’s an article on how down is harvested and, live plucking is responsible for 50–80% of the down industry and it should also be mentioned that some of the down harvested comes for birds raised for Foie gras as well. A duel cruelty based industry. Ikea has now banned down products from China, where most of it comes from due to the horrible cruelty practices.

There are plenty of humane alternatives to down.

rojo's avatar

There are plenty of humane alternatives to down.

To plagiarize a famous movie….

Peasant 1: “Are there?”
Peasant 2: “What are they?”
Peasant 1: “Tell us!”
Peasant 3: “Do they hurt?”

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rojo's avatar

Wow, I was really hoping this question had been reopened. But….....spam.

Anyway, since I am here….. I have thoroughly enjoyed my “Cuddleduds” sheets and down comforter this winter but now it is getting to be time to change back to the cooler cotton sheets.

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