Social Question

filmfann's avatar

With the closing of Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus, what will happen to all the clowns?

Asked by filmfann (52605points) January 15th, 2017

I mean, sure, one is going to be President, but what about the rest?

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14 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Don’t worry the top clown will find positions for them, of course at the tax payers expense.

jca's avatar

There are other circuses all around the world.

The animal lovers (which I am one of) are rejoicing that the animals won’t be performing for Ringling Brothers any more. However, only the lucky few will end up in an animal sanctuary. The unlucky ones will end up in smaller circuses or worse yet, on hunting ranches where they get shot by people who pay for the trophy.

elbanditoroso's avatar

There are many openings in government. They’ll all find jobs.

Cruiser's avatar

There are a lot of openings at the DNC who is hurting for real talent.~

Seek's avatar

They’ll live in Gibsonton, Florida with the rest of the Carnie circuit rejects and former sideshow freaks.

Sneki95's avatar

They’ll start listening to ICP, drinking Faygo, screaming “Whoop Whoop” and go to the Gathering.

ragingloli's avatar

Live in the sewers and kill children.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I agree with Squeek and Cruiser that politics seems an easy and natural fit.

Patty_Melt's avatar

They have gone postal, hence all those angry clown reports.

Coloma's avatar

There are renegade clowns on the loose already.
They can join the ranks of the creeper clowns across the world.

kritiper's avatar

They’ll climb into their tiny little car and drive off into the sunset. To California.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@Seek There’s a bar in Gibsonton, just off 41 near the Alafia with a bunch of sideshow art on the outside. It’s a little brick building about the size of a 7–11. If you want some great carnie stories or just general life stories, go in there late in the afternoon before it gets busy and sit at the bar and talk to the people. They are fascinating and easy to talk to. I met Lobster Boy there about twenty-five years ago.

Seek's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus – My buddy Ben plays music there sometimes! One of the Lobster family (I forgot his name at the moment) were regulars at my hubby’s shows some years back, too, before I met him. It’s really a great crowd. Remember the X-Files episode that was filmed there? Good times.

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