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Jeruba's avatar

What are six movies that you enjoy watching over and over again? Six.

Asked by Jeruba (56188points) January 15th, 2017

Engaging but not exhausting. Absorbing but not demanding. Comfort movies. Like a comfort read or comfort food.

But not junk. Macaroni and cheese, bacon and eggs, not greaseburger and fries.

What do you watch when you’re in that state of mind? What do you own so you can see it again as often as you want? Let’s have six.

Or at least two.

Tags as I wrote them: comfort movies, movies, films, DVDs, easygoing cinema, go-to entertainment

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54 Answers

flutherother's avatar

Here’s six of my favourites…

1. Blade Runner
2. Groundhog Day
3. Citizen Kane
4. Local Hero
5. Pulp Fiction
6. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Cool Hand Luke.
Shawshank Redemption.
The Color Purple.
The Harry Potter films.
Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit films.
The Party.

Sneki95's avatar

1. Fantasia/Allegro non Troppo
2. Paprika
3. Pan’s Labyrinth
4. Guardians of Ga Hoole
5. Ghost in the Shell
6. Tonari no Totoro

canidmajor's avatar

Not in order of preference:
1. Jane Austen Book Club
2. Bride (not a typo) and Prejudice
3. Monsters Inc
4. Brave
5. Sliding Doors
6. Ratatouille

I have others I like to rewatch, but for strictly comfort purposes, these are my faves.

Pachy's avatar

1. The Red Shoes
2. The Best Years of Our Lives
3. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp
4. The Shootist (John Wayne’s last)
5. The Thing from Another World)
(original 1951 version)
6. A Christmas Carol (1951 British version)

I could easily name 100 others!

tinyfaery's avatar

In no particular order

1. Garden State
2. Serenity
3. Tangled
4. The American President
5. The Matrix
6. Notting Hill

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I don’t watch a lot of films on TV, so I’m not saturated by fequent showings of great films ad nauseum. The great films remain great because I only watch them when I really want to , not when they’re being spoon fed to me. I’m gonna cheat. I’m gonna give you six. In no particular order except for the last one (which is my all-time favorite):

The Big Sleep, 1946, Bogart & Bacall
The Beachcomber, 1938, Charles Laughton & Elsa Lanchester
A Stranger in Town, 1943, Frank Morgan
Mr. Right, 2015 Sam Rockwell & Tim Roth
Jaws, 1975, Robert Shaw, Roy Scheider, Richard Dreyfuss
..........“You wanna see a scar? I’ll show you a scar…”
The Godfather Trilogy, 1972, 1974, 1990

That line-up will change over time, but for the past couple of years, those are the films I keep going back to.

My all-time favorite go-to, feel-good film is
Blazing Saddles, 1974, Mel Brooks
There wasn’t one bad scene in that film.

Blazing Saddles, Gabby Johnson

Blazing Saddles Work Song

Blazing Saddles, the Toll Gate

Blazing Saddles, Gene Wilder guns the bad guys down.

Blazing Saddles, I didn’t get a Harumph outta that guy…

Blazing Saddles, I want murderers, shitkickers, bulldykes, …

Blazing Saddles, Chewing Gum in line, eh?

Blazing Saddles, Count Basie in the Desert, April in Paris.

Blazing Saddles, the Fourth Wall, Dom Delouise

Blazing Saddles, Final Dialogue
...and Exit Stage West

Mel Brooks short on Blazing Saddles

chyna's avatar

Almost Famous
Ten Ways to Lose a Guy
Dirty Dancing
The Devil Wore Prada
Shawshank Redemption
Forest Gump

jca's avatar

Little Miss Sunshine

filmfann's avatar

Fight Club
The Lord Of The Rings movies
Citizen Kane
Blade Runner
Pulp Fiction

Seek's avatar

Monty Python’s Life of Brian
Event Horizon
A Clockwork Orange
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Rob Roy

That’s six that haven’t already been mentioned. A lot of the ones others have mentioned are on my re-watch list, too.

But to be honest, when I’m really in the mood for junk food TV, I start Battlestar Galactica over again.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Here are three that I saw in the past year that I will watch again:


The Princess Bride

The Grand Budapest Hotel

abcbill's avatar

Gonna try to hit six that haven’t been stated…
>Starwars septilogy
>13th Warrior
>Pacific Rim
>John Wick

tedibear's avatar

The Princess Bride
You’ve Got Mail
The Blues Brothers
Animal House
Uncle Buck
Any of the Harry Potter movies.

Pachy's avatar

6 more c

1. Sweet Smell of Success
2. The Manchurian Candidate (original with Sinatra)
3. Gentleman’s Agreement
4. Key Largo
5. White Heat
6. Between Two Worlds

2 Bonus movies
The Dreamers
The Clouds of Sils Maria

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Not set in stone

• Godfather I & II (I count them as separate chapters of the same movie)
• A. I. Artificial Intelligence
• Apocalypse Now..
• 300
• Gladiator

syz's avatar

Finding Nemo
The Princess Bride
The Abyss
10 Things I Hate About You
Young Frankenstein

Cruiser's avatar

I love all of @Hypocrisy_Central choices but in the spirit of the question IMO they are not wear pajama’s pop popcorn on the stove and get cozy movies.

In specific order I choose
UP (best movie ever made….“squirrel”)
2001 A Space Odyssey
Indiana Jones
African Queen
Blues Brothers

Berserker's avatar

Dawn of the Dead (original, not the remake)
Ninja Scroll
Maximum Overdrive
Corpse Bride
The Devil’s Rejects

Mimishu1995's avatar

- Les Samourai This is the only movie that I can view like how people view a piece of art.
Detective Story The first film-noir I watched, and its impact is still fresh.
Un Si Jolie Petit Plage Just… haunting.
Remorque The same kind of Un Si Jolie Petit Plague, but at a higher level
Le Corbeau A seemingly murder mystery turns out to be a portrait of people’s evil within.
Night and the City Start out as boring and cliche as possible then twist things up.

BellaB's avatar

1. Some Like It Hot
2. Big Night
3. Edward Scissorhands
4. Best in Show
5. Les Triplettes de Belleville
6. The Life Aquatic

just realized that music plays a big role in most of those

Cruiser's avatar

^^ @BellaB All excellent choices!

jonsblond's avatar

Legends of the Fall
Best In Show
Tropic Thunder
Drop Dead Gorgeous

Pachy's avatar

@Mimishu1995, I share both your love of film noir and your picks. Both Detective Story (one of Douglas’ best) and Night and the City (one of Widmark’s best) are two of my favorites.

janbb's avatar

The African Queen
The Thin Man
The Thirty-Nine Steps
A Night at the Opera
The Night of the Shooting Stars
Grand Illusion

anniereborn's avatar

1. The Notebook
2. The Big Lebowski
3. A Christmas Story
4. Office Space
5. Raising Arizona
6. Waiting for Guffman

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Just realized I have one more movie, which in that case would be:

The Outlaw Josie Wells

Zaku's avatar

Harold and Maude
Star Wars (A New Hope, original version)
North By Northwest
Captain Horatio Hornblower (1951)
The Return of the Pink Panther

Cruiser's avatar

#7 Music Man
#8 Napoleon Dynamite.

ucme's avatar

I never require comfort from a movie, just pure entertainment, but anyway…

Grand Budapest Hotel
Captain Phillips
The Italian Job (original or as I say, the only one)
French Connection I & II
Django Unchained
Pulp Fiction

jca's avatar

Another one that’s very entertaining and easy to watch is The Family Stone. Christmas movie but good any time. I realize that only makes 4 for me. If I had more free time I’d probably be enjoying more movies at home but I’m limited.

janbb's avatar

A seventh for me: O Brother Where Art Thou. I love that movie!

Cruiser's avatar

#9 Young Frankenstein
#10 Castaway

Blackberry's avatar

The first Bourne movie.
Crouching Tiger.
Mulholland Drive
Ninja Scroll
And even though they’re not movies, the Black Mirror Series on Netflix. I’ve never felt such a high regard for what I think is true art. It’s left an incredibly lasting impression on me.

These are movies I just thought of very quickly, I think the list could be better if I sat down and thought about it (Black Mirror would still be on there)

BellaB's avatar

I’m going to movie night with @Cruiser :)

I think we could put together a pretty great snow-stormy weekend movie festival from this thread (and the bad weather food thread).

Cruiser's avatar

Just in case we get snowed in we will need some mindless comedies to watch
#11 Caddyshack
#12 Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (Filmed a mile from where I grew up.)
#13 Animal House

BellaB's avatar

Caddyshack is one of the best! Years ago I had an at-home New Years Eve with a guy I had two things in common with. One was that we were both crushing on guys called Gary. The other was sports-themed movies. We rented a bunch of golf movies (Caddyshack being top of the list), ate junk food and had a great night. Maybe the best New Years Eve ever – other than falling asleep and leaving my dog outside in a blizzard for about three hours.

ucme's avatar

Marathon Man
Boys from Brazil
Thunderbolt & Lightfoot
Pale Rider
The Green Mile
The Shining

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Ummm….maybe my 6th choice should have been Grand Torino, Dances With Wolves, Reservoir Dogs, or Boys Don’t Cry

Jeruba's avatar

Thanks for all the great lists! I know many of these, and I’m going to try some of the others out.

I deliberately didn’t say “your favorite” or “the best.” I avoid questions phrased in superlative terms and don’t ask them myself. I have no idea what my all-time favorite anything might be because I like different things at different times. But I can sure tell you some of the ones I enjoyed—movies, books, foods, ice cream flavors, piano concertos. Thanks for telling me yours.

@janbb, O Brother, Where Art Thou? is at the top of my unordered list. I’ve come back to it more often than any other when I just needed a feelgood escape.

Some others on my go-to list:

The Lord of the Rings—the whole damn extended edition, minus the scenes with Liv Tyler
Avatar—yes, I know, but I watch it anyway
• the Harry Potter series—back to back, it’s so interesting to watch the characters grow up as if in real time; although the Miss Umbridge episode seems twice as long as all the rest
• several Kurosawa movies, including The Men Who Tread on the Tiger’s Tail and The Seven Samurai (and I also love Ikiru )
The Adventures of Robin Hood, the old one, from 1938, with Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland
Gone with the Wind, another oldie, from 1939, but one that’s unlikely ever to be topped

I just watched The Music Man again for the first time in decades and really have to admire Willson’s brilliant confections, although I always skip over the really dumb “Shipoopi.” Preston and Jones were perfect.

canidmajor's avatar

And sometimes I just have to pull out the Omar Sharif/Julie Christie version of Doctor Zhivago, but only in the summer heat…

Seek's avatar

I rewatch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with possibly surprising regularity. Conan the Barbarian, too. I recommend watching the latter with commentary. Hilarious.

Cruiser's avatar

So @Seek are we to deduce that you secretly wish to have Arnold in a loin cloth dipped in chocolate?

Pachy's avatar

Gotta add these two George Clooney movies, both of which I’ve seen and enjoyed many times.

- Up in the Air
– Michael Clayton

Seek's avatar

Maybe if his head were dipped in chocolate. The face does nothing for me but his body was banging in the Conan days.

chyna's avatar

I have to add 2 more:
Red Dawn
Pretty Woman

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I’ll cheat too then (see what you started @chyna)!

The Vikings.
Guess who’s coming to dinner.

Pachy's avatar

I love Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, too. Watching it right this minute for about the 15th time.

Interesting how my feelings and perspective about this ground-breaking film have shifted and evolved since 1967 when it premiered.

Pachy's avatar

Many scenes are silly by today’s standards. But some, especially the last one, Tracy’s final film performance before passing away, grow more powerful and moving with each viewing.

Pachy's avatar

How could I forget “The Razor’s Edge” !!!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I just saw A Day at the Races (1937) Marx Brothers. I hated the Marx Brothers when I was in my twenties. It was a time of film revival when people had rediscovered them and most considered them geniuses, classics of American film. It became fashionable to emulate them in newer films and immitate them on stage. I couldn’t see it at all. I thought they were silly, overrated and their popularity with my generation was simply another example of the lowest common denominator having their way.

Last night I laughed my ass off. I wonder what the hell was wrong with me forty years ago?

BellaB's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus – were you taking yourself serious 40 years ago? I was. I carried a briefcase with matching purse, shoes, gloves…

janbb's avatar

Crow – I’ve always found the Marx Brothers hilarious; try “Night at The Opera” next.

(on the plane in Miami.)

AshlynM's avatar

You’ve Got Mail
Dirty Dancing
A Christmas Story
The Little Mermaid

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