Social Question

Cruiser's avatar

Are you prepping for the Trumpocalypse?

Asked by Cruiser (40454points) January 17th, 2017

I am not used to reading about Liberals buying up guns and ammo, but apparently it is happening across the country as Trump fearing Americans are prepping for an end of the world as they know it. Are you stocked locked and loaded for the Trumpocalypse?

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55 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I have 50 liters of water stored and a reference section full of books and textbooks so I can help rebuild soceity.

ragingloli's avatar

You do not need tons of bullets to prepare for the trump regime!
You only need one.
Silly humans.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I just wonder how to convince you yanks to practice on getting it right you should start with a wall on the Canadian border we have problems with the people in the country just south of us sneaking over our border as well.

kritiper's avatar

All ready! I stuck my head between my legs and kissed my ass goodbye a long time ago!

MakeItSo1701's avatar

My family went out and bought guns because of all the people that were fighting trump supporters. Specifically, after that old guy was forced out of his car and beaten.
Not sure I truly believe liberals are buying guns. I thought they are the ones that want the guns gone.
I think the people who are going to go out and buy guns in fear of Trump need to really look at where they are getting their anti-Trump info from and expand resources. He may not be someone everyone wants- which I agree with, but he was better than the other candidates in the long run.

Cruiser's avatar

^^Smart kid…there is hope for the future

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Trying to decipher whether or not you are being sarcastic. hahahaha

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’m not so worried about Trump per se.

It’s his acolytes and lieutenants that can be more damaging than he is. Trump is a clueless buffoon, not a leader. So his cabinet will run rampant without any leadership from him.

BellaB's avatar

Most slightly left of centre Americans (called leftists/lefties/liberals/lib****s etc) I know personally already have guns and ammunition. Maybe they’ll get more. Just for fun.

The weird thing (In my opinion) that’s been going on up here is dual citizens making arrangements to renounce their American citizenship. There was a feature on the radio about it – they’re having how-to seminars and workshops – some law firms are complaining about the extra work. Truly weird.

ucme's avatar

You americans need little excuse to prepare for the worst, happens all the time, a nation of scared people, who buy guns to scare other people & then elect a president who scares every fucker…go figure.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I am preparing to never have health insurance again. After repeal of the ACA, as a self-employed person I won’t have access to any insurance pool.

But really that doesn’t matter. Because repeal means I am about to lose insurance forever anyway. I have a pre-existing condition called “I donated a kidney”.

Even though kidney donors live longer on average, because you have to be in good shape to donate.

Thanks Trump voters.

Mariah's avatar

I am not buying ammo, but I am going to see my doctor about getting an IUD since it’s looking like my birth control pills, which are currently free, might not be covered by insurance at all soon.

I also got my passport in case I lose my health insurance altogether.

Cruiser's avatar

@SergeantQueen Genuine high praise…I know potential when I see it, you spoke sincerely and your words reveal much potential.

rojo's avatar

My guns will be useless in the nuclear apocalypse that Trump portends. I am stocking up my liquor cabinet but it seems to empty as fast as I fill it.

jonsblond's avatar

While Obama was/is president I lost my insurance and racked up thousands of dollars in bills that I can not pay.

My anti anxiety meds and my husband’s blood pressure meds have trippled in cost , as well as my father’s insulin. He doesn’t enjoy a social life because he can’t afford it thanks to his medical bills.

We now have insane premiums and deductibles.

We are already at rock bottom.. A gun isn’t going to help.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They aren’t teaching Russian at the Senior Center (YET).

I may stop my Twitter account.

Some days Justin Bieber make more sense.

funkdaddy's avatar

No guns or supplies. I just wrote down which of Trump’s campaign promises I wouldn’t be ok with and how much time I would dedicate to trying to stop them. I figure if I do it now, when it’s easy, the commitment is already made.

I’ve asked others to do the same. For Trump supporters, I’ve just asked that they write down the one thing they were promised that they need to see happen for the next 4 years to be a success.

The goalposts keep moving, so writing it down now keeps things clear of all the talk.

Cruiser's avatar

Everybody…pay attention…

“While Obama was/is president I lost my insurance and racked up thousands of dollars in bills that I can not pay. My anti anxiety meds and my husband’s blood pressure meds have trippled in cost , as well as my father’s insulin. He doesn’t enjoy a social life because he can’t afford it thanks to his medical bills. We now have insane premiums and deductibles. We are already at rock bottom”

When things are as bad as they are in @jonsblond world…she is not alone and there are millions of other people in her family’s shoes who said I cannot take this anymore and prayed that a vote for Trump would bring the change they were promised 8 years ago. We all are where we are and as @jonsblond said that is rock bottom for many and nowhere else to turn.

I know Trump has turned many stomachs for many reasons…but he is all we have for the next 4–8 years…we have to face reality there is no where else to go but up. Trump has not even taken office and he has already got commitments from Ford, GM, Amazon, Carrier, some China company promising hundreds of thousands of jobs. He has/is assembling the most brilliant and formidable cabinet I have seen in my 40 years of voting…he knows how to stand tall and at the minimum knows a lousy deal when he sees one and will not make a deal for the sake of making a deal.

Look at what you have, what you hope for and what you don’t have that you expected from our last President. The time for talking points and hand waving is over. Give this guy a chance…he is all you got…don’t make his job any harder than Obama already has!.

funkdaddy's avatar

Trump has not even taken office and he has already got commitments from Ford, GM, Amazon, Carrier, some China company promising hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Would love to see a source on this.

Cruiser's avatar

Jeeze @funkdaddy look at any other news source other than CNN and you would already know this! Time to do your own homework!

johnpowell's avatar

@jonsblond :: Check if you can get OTC insulin at walmart. I don’t think they do it in every state but they do here. A two months supply for my mom is 25 bucks there. She couldn’t normally afford it and it took about two years for her doctor to inform her of that option.

I walk in and buy it for my mom without questions. If it isn’t sold in your state send me a PM and I could get some dry ice and head to USPS.

Cruiser's avatar

@johnpowell I would be willing to give my UPS account number to cover the shipping and a few months of med cost

johnpowell's avatar

@Cruiser :: After seeing what not having it does to my mom I am really unhappy that someone is going without it. The quality of life difference is pretty amazing. Without it my mom has kidney and bladder problems constantly and spends 16 hours a day in bed. With it she gets back to normal in a few days.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Things may not be as bad as anticipated. There is every chance that our hero might self destruct prior to his wrecking ball’s more destructive swings through the country.

funkdaddy's avatar

@Cruiser – Ok, happy to get to the truth. But shouldn’t you be able to back a claim like that?

Carrier deal – close to 1000 jobs, some questions about how much was given up for those jobs, but undeniably some jobs that were leaving… ~1000 in the Trump column

Ford – announced they weren’t going to move one Lincoln production line to Mexico any longer, and Trump took credit. It was a single model moving from an existing plant (which was going to stay open) to a new plant. Ford is still moving their small car production. The Lincoln announcement was a PR move, most people understand that. I can’t find a number of jobs claimed anywhere, other than claims that no jobs were going to be eliminated in any scenario. Are we good with zero jobs saved here for our tally?

GM – Announced they were going to create 1,500 jobs with a $1 billion dollar investment that’s been planned for some time. (Last year they made a $2.9 billion investment along the same lines)...

And there’s this…

GM in 2014 announced it was investing $5 billion in Mexico and doubling production capacity by 2018. GM said last week it had no plans to cancel Mexican investments despite Trump pressure.

So let’s give 1,500 jobs for our tally. Up to a little less than 2,500.

Amazon – This is my favorite. Bezos is not a Trump fan. Trump is not an Amazon/Bezos fan, but he’s going to take credit for those jobs. If you can show me anything he did to help Amazon or anywhere they say those jobs were a result of his policies. Great. If not, let’s move on.

Some China company. As part of my homework, I’ll assume this is Alibaba, whose CEO Jack Ma met with Trump and they announced they were going to bring one million jobs to the US, but if you read past the headline, Ma is hoping to get one million small businesses in the US to use his service. And then further hoping that each of those businesses hires one additional employee. Alibaba itself committed to bringing exactly zero jobs.

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd expects the initiative to create one million U.S. jobs as each company adds a position, company spokesman Bob Christie said in a phone call.

All told we’ve got a little less than a thousand jobs confirmed and maybe up to 2,500. The rest is just PR, tweets, and hopeful small business hires from online sales to China.

I insist on doing my homework so I can understand what’s in front of me.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@funkfaddy trump will assign himself credit for everything from the birth of Christ through the suppression of smallpox. He is just that spectacular. Within 6 months there won’t be an illiterate individual in this country with an IQ over 40 unable to provide you with a working definition of the word “megalomaniac”.

johnpowell's avatar

“Republican legislation that guts the Affordable Care Act would cause 18 million people to lose their insurance and would increase premiums of individual plans by about 20 to 25 percent, all within a year of being enacted, a report released today by the Congressional Budget Office estimates.”

“The CBO made the projections based on the most current insurance data and legislation introduced in 2015 by Tom Price (R-Ga.), President-elect Trump’s nominee for secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. The legislation, H.R.3762, is designed to dismantle the ACA through budgetary reconciliation. The legislation passed both the House and Senate at the time but was vetoed by President Obama. The GOP has already begun legislative proceedings to once again pass a budgetary reconciliation that would demolish Obama’s signature healthcare law.”

Cruiser's avatar

@johnpowell I will start throwing shoes at you if you keep quoting the CBO. The CBO is so far in the bag for whatever administration they serve you will have more luck trying to dig the “prize” out of your Cracker Jack box than a real factual stat out of the CBO. Have you not learned your lesson over the last 8 years?

johnpowell's avatar

They are non-partisan (define as you wish). And you are a shill so yeah, whatever.

If anyone questions Cruiser’s leanings simply visit their profile. It is garbage news clips and gross metal bands.

edit :: Posterity

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

The C in CBO is “Congressional”. It’s not a part of the administration.

Dunning–Kruger poster child.

Mariah's avatar

Regardless of your leanings, regardless of your views on the ACA, what is happening in Congress right now with regards to the ACA is bad news, for everybody, not just the sick, not just the poor, everybody, and it takes nothing more than some common sense to understand why.

There are parts of the ACA that Congress cannot tear down. They can’t, they’d need 60 votes in the Senate, they’re not going to get that. These are things like the pre existing conditions clause, the ban on lifetime caps, the clause that prevents insurance companies from charging sick people higher premiums than healthy people.

What they’re doing is a budget reconciliation, which allows them to alter only the parts related to the federal budget with a simple majority vote. These are things like the mandate, the Medicaid expansion, subsidies for the poor.

What happens when the mandate goes away but insurance companies are still forced to cover anyone who asks, at the same price as everyone else? Easy. The healthy see they are no longer required to pay a monthly premium for something they don’t need and they drop out of the system. They can do so fearlessly because they know that as soon as they get sick or have an accident they can ask for insurance and the companies can’t say no.

With no healthy people paying in, premiums go up, and since insurance companies cannot charge sick people more, they don’t just go up for the sick, they go up for everybody.

They go up to a level at which people who are mildly ill drop out because the benefits they’re getting are not worth the cost.

Now nobody has health insurance except the direly ill, and costs for them are absolutely absurd.

Why are they doing this? My personal view is that they want to sour the constituency on Obamacare so that we’ll vote in enough R Senators to overturn the rest. They’re willing to break our healthcare system completely for this. ACA may not be perfect now but the changes they’re trying to make will only make it worse. Rand Paul even voted against it, saying “I won’t vote for a bad budget just to repeal Obamacare.”

Doesn’t take a genius to understand what’s going on. Just a lot of research, because much of the news is misleading.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Straight up brilliant analysis!

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Mariah – if one is a conspiracy theorist – and who isn’t nowadays? – one could say that the potential destruction of the ACA is part of larger experiment in eugenics.

If the weak, the elderly, and those who need care all die, then society is made up of the strong. And if some of the weak and elderly are of non-Caucasian ethnicity, then (the eugenicists would say), so much the better.

Positively Hitlerian.

Now, I’m not saying that there is a vast white-person conspiracy… but… I wouldn’t rule it out, either.

kritiper's avatar

@Cruiser I think you think about Trump too locally, too domestically. Try to think of him and his actions, what he says, on a global scale. Internationally. Like war. Like nuclear bombs, missiles, ICBMs. North Korea, China and the South China Sea issues. All you see, I think, is what is on TV as if the only harm there could be is what is on the screen. Like a movie. A TV show. Like too unrealistic. Trivial. Not the whole picture.

rojo's avatar

@elbanditoroso conspiracies do not have to be vast, in fact the fewer who are aware the better. All you need is a few well placed and well funded individuals who believe.

rojo's avatar

Whew! We have a short reprieve. Remember the guy who swore that on day one, in the first hour he was going to begin getting us back on track? Yeah, him, the Asshole Elect. He has decided that when he gets the job on Friday he is taking the weekend off and won’t start fucking things up until Monday morning.

Cruiser's avatar

@kritiper I have given much thought to Trump internationally and more so since he picked Tillerson for SOS and his other cabinet choices is putting forth an A-Team to take on the global issues we face. My hunch is your and I will disagree on international policies as much as we disagree on domestic policies. My frustration is people disagree with Trump simply because he is Trump as opposed to what he is capable of doing. The least of my worries is what Trump will do as it is his cabinet that will do all the heavy lifting. Trump is a good at delegating and hiring people smarter than him to do the jobs he needs done and IMO he has picked the best of the best and we should be in good shape to take on both domestic and international concerns.

BellaB's avatar

Given what I’ve been seeing in the confirmation hearings, I’m becoming more concerned for my American friends – particularly those with children whose future is going to be impacted. It’s like watching some kind of Papa Doc banana republic being put together.

More and more glad my parents got off the train before it headed toward Chicago.

ragingloli's avatar

Like that future education secretary that argued for guns in school by saying that they can be used to fend off bears.
A fucking clown team he is putting together.

kritiper's avatar

@Cruiser I’m still thankful that I have taken the opportunity to kiss my ass goodbye before any actual indications of his abilities are go or no-go. You can cuddle up with him if you want but I’ll keep my distance just the same.

Cruiser's avatar

@kritiper Glad to know how bright your yellow stripe is while thicker skinned Americans are rolling up their sleeves to dig in and make America Great Again. Enjoy the fruits of all our hard work comrade.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It isn’t just their skins that are thick.

funkdaddy's avatar

@Cruiser – It’s hard to tell if you’re serious or just stirring the pot.

Is it fair to ask for specifics as to what America needs to be great again?

Cruiser's avatar

@funkdaddy Of course it is fair to ask what America needs to be great again. My comment is it would be unfortunate that someone does not already know the answer to this question….but if you need to know ask me and I will be glad to share my thoughts.

kritiper's avatar

@Cruiser We’ll see how great America becomes after the implosion. One doesn’t have to be a coward to avoid it.

funkdaddy's avatar

@Cruiser – Thanks. The question was intended for you.

What specifically does America need to be great again?

Patty_Melt's avatar

I feel exhausted after reading this.
I had a warm, tearful moment when jellies put aside differences to help @jonsblond with medication issues.
Maybe there is hope for Fluther after all, and maybe the US too.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

YAWN It will be like Shock And Awe of G. Dumbass, I mean W. In the end it will be all hat and no cattle like the hysteria of Y2K that turned out to be nothing at all.

Cruiser's avatar

@funkdaddy First and foremost Congress has to release their death grip on partisan politics and the results of the Presidential election scream loudly to that end. It would be so nice if the media once again were fair and balanced as it would go a long way to allowing low information voters to have real facts to base their votes on as opposed to false emotional talking points. But that is wishful thinking.

Fix our healthcare program…allowing people to shop across state lines would be a good start as well as torte reform to reduce the expense of frivolous litigation.

Reform the IRS and reduce the Feds involvement in our education system. Let states decide which curriculum to teach their kids with school vouchers so parents can get their kids out of underperforming schools.

IMO the Fed should get out of mandating decisions that States should have the say so on like abortion, marriage, LGBT issues, marijuana

Healing the racial divide in our country would be a great thing, but I am at a loss as to what to do especially when you have Trump and John Lewis going at each other. We have to get past this polarizing Black live matter and kill the cops that has infected our country.

Obviously fixing immigration in a sensible, and balanced approach would be ideal.

A greater emphasis on innovation certainly will go a long way to making America Great again. This can happen with a mix of incentives for companies to invest in R&D and additional incentives for the best and brightest graduates to come to and stay in America to work. We are starving right now for techies and educational programs that will whip out the highly skilled that we so desperately need.

We have a TON of work to do internationally and I have faith in Trump to go about fixing and strengthening our relationships with our allies and putting our enemies on notice that we are done pussy footing around. Syria, Libya, Iran and N Korea are a hot mess and have no personal opinions of how to undo the damage done there. Then we have a lot to do on the trade front and Trump has made that one of his priorities.

I also believe Trump will make good on his promise to bring back and create lots of jobs and we are already seeing evidence of this.

A thorough investigation into the hacking debacle which of course will entail investigating the integrity of the FBI and CIA. Trump has given both agencies a shot over the bow and it will be interesting to see how this all plays out. American voters are owed the truth on this matter.

The environment is a yugely important issue as are the Federal regulations that have strangled and overburden American production but we need to be cautious as to what regulations we do relax so we don’t give a free pass to companies to go backwards with regards to pollution and further harming our environment.

I think we need to bring meaning back to the word ethics where no one is above the law especially those in charge. Impose harsh and stiff penalties on those involved in corruption especially when it involves corporate executives who need to be prosecuted and punished when the fuck things up for their companies.

A thorough review of our banking regulations is overdue. Obama threw the kitchen sink at the banking industry which really hamstrung the lenders in a less than positive way. I experienced this pushback when I went to borrow money in 2011 to buy my company. I have an 866 credit rating and still had to collateralize my loan dollar for dollar. That restriction is very counter productive to businesses and consumers with good credit.

My personal views are firmly centrist independent just a notch right of center and do have conservative values but I vote Republican because I have not seen Democratic candidates that deserve my vote. These are just my opinions I have formed over the last 8 years of watching what worked for our country and the other things that did not work out so well. I hope Trump lives up to his hype.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

We have to get past this polarizing Black live matter and kill the cops that has infected our country.

That is some clueless Archie Bunker-style ignorance.

Add that to the John Lewis comments in another thread, and it’s clear you live in a bubble where whites are normal and acceptable and everyone else is threatening to you.

rojo's avatar

@Cruiser I know you believe you are firmly centrist but you really aren’t. The right has shifted so far to the right and the left has shifted so far to the center. There are a few of us far lefties out there but no on listens to us, not even those who ostensibly are our representatives.

Old Ronnie Rayguns would be left of folks like you who call themselves centrist.

Not trying to denigrate you or your opinions, just saying your perspective is skewed.

Cruiser's avatar

@rojo Thanks for your 2 cents and I am sure you have the poll data to back up your assertions. Btw nobody ever listens to the far lefties….even Bernie….surely a lonely place to be.

rojo's avatar

Just for grins @Cruiser I have posted another question regarding political and social leanings. Take a look and let me know where you stand.

Cruiser's avatar

@rojo Not seeing your Q…can you offer a link?

rojo's avatar

just posted it. Sorry for the delay. I don’t type quickly.

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