Social Question
Is lead, Pb, in drinking water truly a case of Environmental Racism?
In general, there are higher levels of lead in drinking water in older (~pre-1925), city communities that used lead for water pipes. Most of these buildings are inhabited by low income, people of color. Some activist agencies are calling this Environmental Racism. Is it?
Think about the city where you live. Which ethnic group lived there first, for decades, by the way? What group moved in next and lived there for decades? What group followed them? As an example, I can think of an area (Brooklyn) that was first inhabited by the Irish for decades, then the Italians, then the Jews, then…etc. Didn’t all the previous ethnic groups – as well as the current group – use the same pipes? Didn’t they all have lead in the water?
Why is this called racism?
Shouldn’t the target simply be old, pre-1925 buildings rather than calling it a race issue? Does that deflect the problem? Who benefits by calling it a race issue?
Corollary: Does anyone know of a source for lead testing strips at a reasonable price. I can buy a kit for ~$25 that tests ~20 different things one time. I only want to test lead. I’d like to pay $25 for 10–20 lead testing strips. Does that exist? I’d like to see something like 0, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50 ppb.