Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

What are some arguments the more less-than-intelligent conservatives try to use, trying to recycle the arguments of liberals, and fail?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 18th, 2017

Regarding trump’s election, one conservative said, “The people have spoken!” which is something liberals often pointed out about Obama. Yeah. The people spoke. And Trump lost. Argument fail.

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21 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

Ummm @Dutchess_III Hate to spring this on you…but Hillary lost the election

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I don’t see the GOP whining just the DNC and Hollywood.

ragingloli's avatar

Hillary won the popular vote by almost 3 million. “The people” chose Hillary.
Trump was appointed by the Electoral College, just like Hitler was appointed by Hindenburg.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The people voted for her. They spoke. The electoral college overrode the people, @Cruiser. That’s why the conservatives can’t use that argument.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Enough people spoke for him to win. They sure can use it.

Cruiser's avatar

@ragingloli I don’t fault a foreigner such as you from failing to understand the incredible complexity of our very simple Democratic electoral college that actually determines who our next President will be. I think there is an Anime on YouTube that explains it all you may want to search out.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III You can pout and stomp your feet all you want but see my comment to @ragingloli. The Electoral College spoke and determined who our next President shall be as our Constitution demands. Please be more careful when characterizing Conservatives as less than intelligent when you are composing comments that are more emotional than factual.

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JLeslie's avatar

I think it was annoying when liberals said things like “the people have spoken” or anything similar, and so if the republicans were annoyed by that they shouldn’t use it themselves. The hypocrisy is really beyond belief on both sides.

America for years now has had fairly close popular votes, millions of citizens vote or voted for the other guy, no matter what election we look at. They count. We should show them respect and not be such bad winners, because one day you’ll be on the losing side.

If kids behaved how adults have been behaving we would reprimand them. Hopefully, we would. Maybe not. Look at my W with the clip from The View, the kids are divided by politics in school to the point they are afraid and mean to each other. I blame the parents and the media. People have become really awful.

In terms of the people speaking on this most recent election, the system spoke. It’s because of our system Trump is president. It doesn’t change that a lot of people did indeed vote for him, and a lot of people didn’t.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m pretty much writing off people who are still playing partisan politics at this point.

Cruiser's avatar

@ragingloli Your ignorance of our election process is painfully obvious and here is the main reason we do not rely on the popular vote deciding who will run our country.

Clinton won the popular vote by 2,865,075 votes not 3 million as you seem to think. Now let’s look at California where Clinton trounced Trump by 3,446,281 votes. Take California out of the equation and Trump wins the popular vote. This should be a light bulb moment for you. If we allowed our Presidential election to be decided by popular vote, California would get to pick our President each and every election. 80% of Americans including me have zero in common with California and what is important to us.

The intent of the Electoral College deciding who our President shall be was to help prevent “an interested and overbearing majority” and the “mischiefs of faction” control the election process. There is no greater and more mischievous faction than the Hollyweird Elite and it would spell disaster for our Country if those nut jobs Elected our White House Administration.

ragingloli's avatar

Which is of course a bullshit argument, and you know that it is bullshit.
“California” alone can not “decide” the outcome of the election, unless the majority of the rest of the country also agrees with these “oh so alien” californians. (and notice how you presume to speak for 80 percent of colonials, a trope common to right wing extremists. just like only the nazis are “true germans”.)
The real reason is of course that you do not want to abide by the will of the majority of the people if that majority disagrees with you.

“There is no greater and more mischievous faction than the Hollyweird Elite and it would spell disaster for our Country if those nut jobs Elected our White House Administration.”
There is. Your nutjob faction. The racist, neonazi and corporate shill faction. Which just appointed a Nazi Clown and his posse to the throne.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I guess I’m ignorant too.
@JLeslie The person that the people voted for in Obama spoke and the majority voted for Obama. We spoke. The “liberal” argument that “the people spoke,” then was valid.

The person that the majority of the people voted for, Clinton, did not win. Therefore the conservative argument is not valid.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I didn’t say ignorant.

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ragingloli's avatar

And yet the EC HAS appointed the most corrupt criminal president ever.

Pandora's avatar

The people has spoken is an invalid statement on both sides, because it assumes that a winning should automatically mean acceptance. It never puts to the validity of the win to the other person.
Lets take for example. when my son lost a geography and history competition. There was to be 3 rounds. Everyone but him lost on the second round. But instead of making him the winner they gave all the second round losers a chance to make it to the 3rd round. So, on the third round if you missed a question then you were eliminated. On the second round by the way, you could get two wrong. My son got none wrong until the 3rd round. By then he got second place and someone got first place. Lots of people thought the win was unfair. He had the most questions right. Even the winners mother thought it unfair. So my point is that, the people has spoken doesn’t mean squat to those who felt a person should’ve never been in the race in the first place. Trump still has absolutely no qualifications for being President and doesn’t even behave like a President, much less a proper human being who actually cares for the citizens of this country. He equates his working to be rich as a sacrifice for the country and to our soldiers who die or are wounded. I don’t care who voted for him. He should’ve never been in the race in the first place. I would no more hire a blind person to cut my hair than I would vote for him or any one like him.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

And yet the EC HAS appointed the most corrupt criminal president ever.
Yeah, when they elected G.W. Botch Bush.

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Dutchess_III's avatar

Another thing I’ve noticed are some Republicans are claiming that certain facts were posted by fake news sites, like CNN, BBC and ABC. The problem is, we can then easily prove it is not fake news, but they refuse to accept what is in front of their eyes.

On the other hand, when they post their stuff, it really DOES come from fake newsites, like Briebart and others. And when you refute it, they refuse to accept what is in front of their eyes.

I had one person argue recently, that trump did NOT ever make fun of a handicapped person, and that it was taken out of context, same arguments we often used to defend Obama. But in Trump’s case, no, it wasn’t taken out of context.

They’re using catch phrases and arguments, in an attempt to sound intelligent, but there is nothing to back them up.

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