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elbanditoroso's avatar

How could this happen? Trump actually chose a cabinet member with some relevant experience!

Asked by elbanditoroso (33700points) January 19th, 2017

Trump has gone out of his way to pick unqualified people for his cabinet.

Last night, he surprised me by picking Sonny Perdue (former governor of Georgia) as Agriculture secretary. Amazingly, Perdue actually has some experience and knowledge of the agriculture. Georgia has a large agricultural component, and Perdue himself was in the chicken business, and understands the needs of farmers and growers.

He actually is qualified to do the job. That’s a first for Trump. A reasonable choice. He is a former democrat, turned republican.

Not to say that he is perfect – he’s a died in the wool conservative and all that brings along.

But he’s actually qualified for his position. Who’da thunk it?

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3 Answers

Pachy's avatar

Obviously Trump was in a hypnotic trance and heeded some good advice.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

He wasn’t in the chicken business. He is not related to the Perdue chicken-business family.

Sonny Perdue is famous for standing in front of a confederate flag, chanting “Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we’re free at last”, to insult the memory Dr. King, when he won the governorship.

His marquee campaign issue was restoration of the 1956 state flag, celebrating slavery, lynching, disenfranchisement and segregation.

So of course he’s a hero to Trump supporters.

Cruiser's avatar

@elbanditoroso Before I answer this question can you list for me the qualifications that one would have to have to server as a cabinet member? Which appointee in you opinion falls short of this high bar that you are setting that any cabinet member of Obama’s raised this bar to such a lofty level that you now apparently demand? Is this your humble opinion or based in fact?

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