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Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever found yourself in a position of authority that you were NOT qualified for?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 19th, 2017

At my husband’s company Christmas Party in KC, two weeks ago, I told a story about his last motor cycle race, in 2006, in which he crashed, BIGLY. Broke his right collar bone all to hell.
When he crashed I ran out on to the track. The paramedics got there before me, and they were kind of standing around. They were concerned about touching him in case there was some sort of spinal or neurological damage, you know.
They relayed their concerns to me.
Well, it was August, and it was HOT. Rick had on racing leathers neck to toe. Had to have been like a sauna. And then there was his helmet. The paramedics were afraid to take it off, in case he had brain damage. They didn’t want to make it worse.

So, he was laying there, writhing on the ground in pain. Just twitching and switching and…writhing.
I crouched down and peered under his helmet to see his face.
He was quietly snarling, “GET THIS GODDAMN HELMET OFF OF ME!!!” He couldn’t breath!
I stood up and announced, “He’s OK.”
All of those trained paramedics looked at me like…I was God. Like, I was their savior. They were going to take my word for it, period.
I was a little put off, but, in an attempt to reassure them I said, referring to him writing around in the dirt, “Uh. Yeah. He acts like this after sex, too.”

OMG!! WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM??? I can’t believe I let that out of my mouth!

So, after I told this story, in a small group of friends at his Christmas party, they came up with the term “Sex Helmet.” I’ve been using it every chance I get!

It’s hard to describe the looks the paramedics gave me, though. They took my word for it.

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14 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Working midnight shifts alone at a convenience store.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes, when I was young and just out of school with no real-life expeirience in the field. I was sometimes in charge of older, more experienced employees. You just have to act the part as if in a movie until your experience and skill base catch up—and before too many people notice what a noob you are.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Hmmmm, nah. I pretty much handle whatever comes my way.
Now thinking though, I might wanna shop for a sex helmet. It sounds dangerous and exciting.

filmfann's avatar

I was nearly hired to be an I.T. guy at an accounting firm. They were going to hire me on the strength of a friend’s recommendation (she worked there). Problem was that she knew I was great at my current job, and she had no idea what I did (communications technician). At the last minute, I didn’t apply for the job, and it was a good thing. I wouldn’t have lasted a week.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I “called the shots” at a manufacturing plant (1600 employees) for material input and purchasing when my boss (Materials Manager) was out of town. I attended all his meetings and answered all questions. Normally i was just a material planner with responsibility to start material runs in manufacturing department with $9 million a month.

Kropotkin's avatar

Yeah. There was this one time I started telling a lot of people a lot of nonsense and making outlandish promises.

Before I knew it—they elected me President of the USA.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

YOU DA MAN ^^ @Kropotkin

Can I get a . . . ?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’d prefer Kropotkin to what we have. At least I know he is intelligent enough to listen to his advisers, do some research on his own and to grow into the job.

imrainmaker's avatar

I haven’t been in such a situation but I find many people around who shouldn’t be there at that position looking at their behavior. We have latest and greatest example which you all are aware of.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Funny thing was, I wasn’t even thinking about trump when I wrote it. It’s a true story and I just wanted to get “sex helmet” into circulation here!

Mimishu1995's avatar

In middle school I had a tendency to speak whatever came to my mind. I was not afraid to bust every crime happening because I couldn’t stand it and couldn’t help myself.

A teacher then nominated me into the class president position.

You can imagine what happened next.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We used to call those people “Narcs”!

Unofficial_Member's avatar

No. I always think that I am qualified for the positions that I have gained, otherwise I wouldn’t have applied/accepted such positions.

I am glad you share this story, it’s pretty entertaining hearing what you said to them lol. I believe those paramedics did that because they didn’t want to be blamed for any mistakes pertaining to their own judgement, you being there and assuring them was an extra bonus for them as they can use you as their scapegoat in case they did not make a good judgement in treating your husband, since they were ‘convinced’ by your words.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t think that would have held up in court @Unofficial_Member. That’s like blaming a 5 year for running out in the street and getting hit by a car. “But he wanted to do it so I let him!” They were counting on my knowing my husband.

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