Social Question

Have you ever found yourself in a position of authority that you were NOT qualified for?
At my husband’s company Christmas Party in KC, two weeks ago, I told a story about his last motor cycle race, in 2006, in which he crashed, BIGLY. Broke his right collar bone all to hell.
When he crashed I ran out on to the track. The paramedics got there before me, and they were kind of standing around. They were concerned about touching him in case there was some sort of spinal or neurological damage, you know.
They relayed their concerns to me.
Well, it was August, and it was HOT. Rick had on racing leathers neck to toe. Had to have been like a sauna. And then there was his helmet. The paramedics were afraid to take it off, in case he had brain damage. They didn’t want to make it worse.
So, he was laying there, writhing on the ground in pain. Just twitching and switching and…writhing.
I crouched down and peered under his helmet to see his face.
He was quietly snarling, “GET THIS GODDAMN HELMET OFF OF ME!!!” He couldn’t breath!
I stood up and announced, “He’s OK.”
All of those trained paramedics looked at me like…I was God. Like, I was their savior. They were going to take my word for it, period.
I was a little put off, but, in an attempt to reassure them I said, referring to him writing around in the dirt, “Uh. Yeah. He acts like this after sex, too.”
OMG!! WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM??? I can’t believe I let that out of my mouth!
So, after I told this story, in a small group of friends at his Christmas party, they came up with the term “Sex Helmet.” I’ve been using it every chance I get!
It’s hard to describe the looks the paramedics gave me, though. They took my word for it.