Have the stars aligned for the apocalypse? Trump enters the White House, and raging_loli enters the 40k level of Fluther mansion!
Asked by
filmfann (
January 19th, 2017
Did the Russians somehow hack the lurve process?
Better salute, just in case!
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35 Answers
Congo rats, loli! Your contributions here are becoming legend!
Congrats !
No way! Congratulation @Raging_loli! You amuse, and on occasion, amaze me.
What could be more propitious? It’s like religious statues weeping blood, or plagues of frogs falling from the skies! My condolences on a job well done!
“O frabjous day, calloo callay,
She chortled in her joy.”
Mazel Tov from a bloody colonial.
Standing back – tossing a piece of raw meat into the pit – running away – shouting -
congratulations @Raging_loli
Response moderated (Obscene)
I know you won’t show up but I bet you are looking. Congrats Loli.
Ahhhh, ragingloli.
You can thank me later. I helped you there.
It’s a sad day for ‘Murica but a great day for Raging Loli! Congratulations! At least there’s one thing to celebrate today.
40Kongratulations @Ragingloli and welcome to the 40K mansion.
(For jellies made uneasy by this wonderful news I should point out that R’s ‘room’ is a secure containment unit housed in the basement of the mansion and kept under permanent lockdown. It is a lovely suite of apartments shielded from the rest of the premises by 18 inch thick titanium bars and thirty feet of bedrock.)
@flutherother Does he have to wear a locked helmet on his head at all times?
Not sure what you mean by a locked helmet but it sounds as if it might be a good idea.
Actually something more like this.
I don’t think that will be necessary but we could celebrate @Raging_loli ‘s success with a nice bottle of chianti. (or two).
@janbb I just watched the remake of Man In The Iron Mask the other day (again). I thought you meant that until I saw your link.
Ha ha. The link is better.
Yeah Team! ragingloli May you find all the NSFW Response moderated (Obscene) that you want.
Congratulations @ragingloli. You are authentically you. Often controversial, often funny, always unique. Glad you are here.
LOL. Congratulations, loli. It’s been interesting.
Well done to a wild Germanic raging Loller! Congratulations!
A Lollapalooza it is! Rage on loli, may the force be with you.
How lurvely is this celebration. Well done Loli on being an always entertaining member of Fluther
Wow. True fluther veteran. Congrats.
Should we count our blessings it’s not the other way around?
Congrats, @raging_loli
Astrology is a hoary pseudo-science that isn’t accurate. Alignments mean nothing.
@VenusFanelli, this is what we call a party thread on Fluther. It’s a celebration of @ragingloli accumulating more than 40,000 lurve points. It doesn’t really have any relevance to astrology or the alignment of the stars.
Well, since loli traveled those stars…
Congrats to one of my favorite Jellies. Well deserved.
Response moderated
WTF! When did this happen? Why wasn’t I told?
All I get these days is crap on Putins Bitch!
I know you hate attention but HERZLICHE GLUCKWUNSCHE just the same!.
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