General Question

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Is it better to enlist in the military or go to a military academy?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13653points) January 20th, 2017

So, after looking at becoming a criminal psychologist, I learned that I have to go through almost 10 years of schooling before I can even be eligible to take the test to get certified (this would be me taking the recommended route and getting a doctorate). I also would have no way to pay for it, and although I will look into grants and etc, I’ve been looking at joining the military. I don’t want to join just for free college or what have you, I actually want to serve. I want to become a pilot in the Air Force but I don’t know how to get to that place. I’m not sure if enlisting would be better or if I should try to get into the academy, and then enlist if I don’t get accepted. I also don’t know If I should be the reserves or active duty.
This whole financial issue has really thrown off my goals and I am kind of lost.

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3 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Enlistees don’t get to be pilots unless they are officer material, meaning they have a college degree.

And the Military Academys are tough to get into.

A third alternative is to go to a four year college with an active ROTC program. You can get an ROTC grant/scholarship to pay for college in return for a five year military commitment after you graduate. You’ll spend your summers in training.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

You may also get some work experience and military retirement out of the deal if you stay long enough. If you want a professional degree you need to start trying to get experience in that field. I’m willing to bet psychological counselers are needed.

Patty_Melt's avatar

It really is darn hard to get into an academy. It is do able, but Harvard might be easier.
It is possible to pick up some college courses while serving. It is also possible to attend officer candidate school if you test out well. It is less prestigous than an academy, but still a worthwhile pursuit.

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