What is your opinion about the Spanish Language, corazon?
I think it’s really important for business, not only that, for any type of business.
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yep, it is, is extremely useful for many other things either :)
Trying to learn more bit by bit. I like it. Very melodious. I just know a few phrases and more that I can figure out from studying Latin in high school – I was in Latin class when Kennedy was shot, if you want to know how long ago that was.
If I’m at all intuitive about it, your screen name means “Sweetheart?”
Wondering if you could recommend a CD or some tapes or something. No time to really sit down with a book and all, but I could listen to them in my car going to and from work.
Well, flameboi what also it is used for?
Hola pescado verde! I would recommend you to take one of my Spanish classes, I can teach you by http://Fluther.com for free.
me encanta! hay que vivir en un pais donde se habla puro espanol para poder aprenderlo correctemente.
In today’s world, being bilingual is almost mandatory!
¿Podemos tener fluther en español?
se usa para coquetear, para no extraviarse, se me ocurren muchos usos ahora :)
Tienes mucha imaginacion y gracia.
tu t’appelle comment? oops…wrong language. i don’t know any spanish :(
It is O.K, I can teach you too!
buen esfuerzo, pnl. ya te queremos.
good effort. we still love you.
Who has imagination and grace?
creo que ella refiere a ti…flame
Even though half of my family speaks it, and I took 3 quarters of it in college, I still cannot form a decent sentence to save my life. I can understand it quite well, but speaking it…
estoy lo mismo cuando trato de hablar, tiny. la gente cree que tengo un tartamudeo porque trabajo tanto duro a formar una oraccion sencilla.
Spanish is easier than french, been there, done that why don’t you give it a chance
Gracias, es algo que tu mama dice cuando dibujas algo :)
@Pnl.. je mappele.. Mexicamerican.. LOL.. But I agree el espanol es Muy emportante, en estos Dias..
by the way, welcome to the collective sweetheart, hope you find good answers to all your questions but do not ask if the zebra is black with white stripes, or white with black stripes hehehe
Is the cheetah yellow with black spots or black with yellow spots??........................................Just kidding:)
Oh, dear. Je m’appelle, tu t’appelles…
And I have found that knowing “alma de mi alma siembre,” “y mi corazon” enables me to understand many songs sung in Spanish.
My written Spanish is not good enough to attempt this, (so I won’t) but it seems to me that all the pop songs talk about souls and heart and always. And I learned the Caththillion version with the lithp..
Hola Gailcalled, tienes mucha razon. Se que entiendes mucho el idioma castellano.
Grathiath, dulcecorazon (I know what that means.)
Admiro su interes por aprender el idioma. Para mi no solamente es mi idioma natal, es mi pasion.
Comprendo lo que tu dices. Don’t stop.
And feel free to correct me. I am doing this from memory (from a long time ago.) It is a lovely language. I still recall “Platero y yo.”
IchtheosaurusRex. No hay nada mejor que un instructor, pero se que Rosetastone is very good. Nos comunicamos adios.
Tienes muy buena memoria, es uno de los libros que tenemos que leer en la educacion primaria.
Voy a dormir ahora. Hasta mañana. Gail
Buenas noches y hasta manana.
dulcecorazon , I understood buenos noches,
but what is Hasta maniana? I heared it like 10000 times…what does it mean?
Dulce, Rosetta stone is for the computer, no? Can’t very well do that when I am driving. I do watch Dora the Explorer with my 3-year-old, though, so I’m picking up little bits all the time. I used to tune into Sabado Gigante once in a while, too. Couldn’t make most of it out, but I liked the entertainment.
@whiteowl; since I am such an expert with my 500 words of Spanish, hasta mañana means “until tomorrow.” “Hasta pronto” means “see you soon.” Nervy of me to answer, but I think I am correct.
Hasta mañana means see you tomorrow :) you use until hasta in other grammatical forms, for example, I will stay here until somebody gives me an answer which means me quedare aqui hasta que alguien me de una respuesta.
@dulce, flameboi – i would love to learn spanish. now when do my lessons start? :P
Ahora y aquí; if the native speakers are willing.
This is the first Spanish class. Ahora voy a responder a Gailcalled. Disculpe, pero my keyword does not work properly. The n with the squiggle line over it doesn’t work, also some accents, it might take a while to fix it.
Juan Ramo’n Jimenez, “Platero es pequen-o, peludo, suave, tan blando por fuera, que se diri’a todo de algodo’n, que no lleva huesos. So’lo los espejos de azabache de sus ojos son duros cual dos escarabajos de cristal negro.” Gano’ el Premio Novel de Literatura en el an-o 1956.
Demasiado difîcil, corazon. Platero es pequeño, peludo, suava, tan blando por fuera, ...que no lleva huesos.
That was difficult enough, and I have had some Spanish and was able to recognize the verb forms. In fact, I still have the little book somewhere. Maybe just continue writing to your fellow Spanish-speaking Fluthers in Spanish, we few, we happy few, will try.
I am lost already. I was thinking the first class would start with…....“Hola” :P
PnL; google “ser” and “estar;” learn the present tense and when to use which one. I am still working on the difference between “soy” and “estoy.”
yes ma’am. well i found out both words mean “to be”. Also “To address condition, use estar. Estar is an irregular verb” and “To address an essential quality, use ser. Ser is also irregular and must be memorized.” this site explained it really well.
Soy mujer. Estoy inferma. (I’m not but am doing this from memory.)
I find that I speak a lot less when I try another language.
You are doing terrific all you happy few, Now where’s my money (Kidding, Kidding) I am Flattered. Thanks.
De nada. El dinero está en el correo.
You mean I got it right? Está un milagro.
No se preocupe, la pro’xima ( ’ = accent) vez.
¿Porque? The miracle is considered permanent and confirmed? How would you say, “It might be a miracle”?
Sea un milagro (yo creo, no soy nativa) ‘sea’ es el subjuntivo del infinitivo del verbo ‘ser’
Lo siento. Necesito usar m’as puntuaci’on. “Sea un milagro” is how I think you say “It might be a miracle”. “Sea” is the subjunctive form of the verb “ser”. “Es” is the indicative form of “ser”. ¿Es m’as claro?
(Como dulce, tengo problemas con los car’actares es~panoles en firefox, as’i uso los mismo sistema tonto para representar ( ’ = accent). )
¿Gail, como usas el ”¿” ? He copiada su ”¿” pero no s’e como hallarlo. Uso el viejo firefox. Tengo “International Keyboard” instalado en mi macchina, pero solo funciona en microsoft word.
Uso Safari y Mac (mi amor.) Hay “Keyboard viewer” y “International Keyboard” – muy facile. Y yo comprendo el subjuntivo de “ser.”
That’s my limit; I can understand everything you write, however. The subtly between “Está un milagro” for a statement of fact and “Sea un milagro” as a possibly is mysterious.
Estar conveys the idea of being temporary, like the weather, physical location, and states of being, like emotions or heath.
The subjunctive conveys the idea of uncertainty.
¿Entiendes? I don’t understand your last sentence very well,“The subtly between “Está un milagro” for a statement of fact and “Sea un milagro” as a possibly is mysterious.” Could you rephrase it?
No tengo un mac. Tengo dell. :-(
One uses estar for fact and ser for uncertainly with milagro. Why not the subjunctive of estar?
Anyway, this is way too sophisticated. I need to reviewe Tengo hambre or donde está el tocador.
Condoliencias (dell).
Hasta pronto. Y grathiath.
One uses the indicative for facts, and the subjunctive for uncertainties.
One uses ‘estar’ to indicate temporary condition, and ‘ser’ to indicate permanent state.
Soy alta. = I’m tall.
Estoy contenta. = I’m happy/content.
The reason ‘ser’ should be used in this case is that whether or not it is a miracle does not change. It either is, or it isn’t.
Indicative versus subjunctive is a whole different can of worms. You can use ser and estar in either mood (indicative or subjunctive) it just depends on the context and the idea that you’re trying to get across.
Puede usar ‘estar’ en el subjuntivo. Por ejemplo, “Monica est’e loca” = “Monica might be crazy.”
‘Where is the dressing table?’ Am I understanding you correctly?
No, I thought that I was hoping to find the toilet.
I am going outside now and enjoy the day. This is fun, but is it fair to you? I could simply haul out my college Spanish grammar book.
Are you a teacher?
“el baño” is the restroom.
i enjoy it a lot, actually, and it helps me keep up my skills (for example, i had to look up the word ‘tocador’ now i know what that means!)
i’m not a teacher, not officially. i’m one class away from a certificate in teaching english as a second language, and i have a few students i tutor in english and spanish, but i wouldn’t call myself a teacher just yet. ;-)
(He empezado a copiar y pegar los simbolos de microsoft word para expresarme.)
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