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How do you determine how to spend your free time?
Want? Need? Whim?
I always have the big dilemma: limited free time, so much to do and so much I want to do.
I’m out of the house until about 7 pm at the earliest, each night Monday thru Friday. I might be able to load the dishwasher or put in some laundry, but that’s about the extent of chores on a work day/night.
On weekends, there’s the tossup between doing stuff in the house (cleaning/organizing) and doing stuff I want to do (crafts, reading). Then add in errands (shopping, car maintenance). In the mix is just relaxing, which I do but feel guilty doing.
Today I was debating between attending a craft group that’s an hour away and meets once a month, vs. staying home and tidying up and organizing stuff. I’m attending the group but the house will remain neglected.
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