What does North Korea want?
Asked by
JLeslie (
January 22nd, 2017
from iPhone
Does NK want to take over other countries? Does it want to just protect itself? Does it want to be left alone by other nations? Is it dependent on other nations for certain imports or exports?
I know very little about NK except to say the people are very isolated and know very little about the outside world and the leader is a dictator, who was handed the reigns after his father.
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42 Answers
North Korea and their “leaders”, like Kim Jong Un, want to be big wheels on the world’s stage. But they know, deep down in their hearts, if they have any, that they are only hub caps.
(What is a “hub cap?” A hub cap is a cat who thinks he’s a big wheel.)
I too do not know all that much about North Korea. But I will offer that the countries that are being the most uppity are the ones being hit the hardest by UN sanctions. Iran and N Korea as example both are flexing their nuclear muscles IMO to force UN countries to acquiesce and back down from their sanctions or else.
They want to take back (obviously wishful thinking) South Korea despite knowing that their country is in deteriorating condition, so worse that their own people die from famine.
I also believe that they really want to show US a thing or two in the past (obviously another wishful thinking) so thar US will respect them a bit more. I just wish that someday US will conquer North Korea like Iraq so that those poor North Korean civilan can finally be liberated.
North Korea is a perfect example of H.L. Mencken’s observation:
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
This is why they need to be in a state of “truce” with the USA and South Korea, instead of ending the war that started in 1950. (Because they certainly can’t afford to be in a shooting war, either.)
To do whatever the hell it wants.
The regime is obsessed and dominated by a gargantuan inferiority complex matched only by its fear that the great bulk of the world’s humanity would rejoice at its demise. And in both cases, these fears are fully justified. To further insure its ongoing and ever increasing relative destitution, the nation’s leaders are compelled to enforce total isolation from the outside world on a population that would literally tear them to shreds were it to discover the truth. Unable to actually expand trade and modernization minus the interaction of its people with the outside world, N K’s masters are trapped in the cage of their own creation.
Kim Jong Un wants to play with his nuclear arms and missiles.
It’s a one party, one man state and if you want to try to understand how it operates you should read George Orwell’s 1984.
Kim Jong Un wants a fast pass to the new Harry Potter theme park and he is willing to test nukes to get it.
Yes It’s only peoples life’s on the West coast and Hawaii (Kim’s missiles don’t have the range to reach Chi-Town).
Lighten up @Tropical_Willie There isn’t a square inch of US real estate that does not have enemy nuke coordinates on them. Chicago is near the top of the list 50 times over.
North Korea doesn’t have missiles that can reach any where near the US, and they don’t have nuclear devices small enough to put on a missile.
They’re trying but they are years away from both goals.
Anyway, there would be nothing to gain. Having the weapons program is a deterrent to military action and a bargaining chip. Using one would mean bring decisive retaliation, ending North Korea as a nation.
@Tropical_Willie It’s not the entire west coast that would be in danger. Alaska is closest. Seattle next, then Portland, OR. and Spokane, WA. You could almost draw a 45 degree angle north east from Los Angeles to see who is closest after Seattle.
@Call_Me_Jay They do have missiles that can reach Hawaii and Northern West coast of the USA. ^^ @kritiper yes I agree.
See what you doomsday people fail to see is the US is THE most fertile productive land in the world and every other country in the world knows this and they also know how much they depend on US output and exports. If even one nuke landed on our soil they would be cutting their own throats as it would destroy the very land they covet and without our viable resources they would suffer more than greatly. Millions overseas would perish without our un nuked resources…again they know it you apparently do not because you are too self absorbed by your own frailty.
It is a fucked up shell game they play to put fear in your hearts and minds to keep y’all fretting your little heads about the big bad baddies with the nukes they want you to believe will end your lives. Ain’t gonna happen…they know it….but hello you don’t know it and exactly the way they and Washington want it. Keep fearing the Boogey man…
@Tropical_Willie I don’t think you will find any evidence to back up your assertion. Feel free to prove me wrong if you do.
And no, North Korea’s claims are not evidence.
@Call_Me_Jay I was taught by my Grandfather not bet on a draw for an “inside straight”, I also won’t bet the that crazy leader like Kim doesn’t think he can fuck with USA. He is on an Ego trip and doesn’t care about the impact to his country.
@Cruiser Kim wants to play with the big guys and I’m not taking tranquilizers because of the crazy guy in North Korea.
I worked for five years in college at a Psychiatric Hospital; you don’t ever turn your back on a crazy person and don’t ever think they have a rational construct of the world.
@Tropical_Willie I am very aware of the struggles you have endured and survived and the hard work you do in this admirable field you are able to work in. Hat’s off to the hard work you did to get there and your devotion and commitment to pay it forward. You are now the safety net for those in much worse shape than simply worrying about the machinations of a N. Korea Dictator.
Yes indeed KJU wants to play with the big boys and when you have nukes no matter how limited their trajectory they then should be allowed to ante up at the table or the UN better get a backbone and give that little shit something to consider more than his own ego….something Barry should have done years before it got to this tipping point. Barry is safely out of the picture and Trump is now standing holding a flaming bag of pooh Barry left for him. Oh no…who is that over there?? Is That Iran?? Lions and Tigers and Bears oh my!!!
Thanks for nothing !
I am not struggling anything. Just because with some people keep talking down to anyone that thinks Trump is grasping at straws ! My position is he is NOT prepared for the position he has (he can’t bully and belittle everyone that don’t agree with him and then cashes out ownership before they declares bankruptcy).
Condescending talk ! ! You are once again sounding like your lying hero !
Oh, UN who ? ? Trump blew them up !
~ ~ ~ Every day I’m so happy a pussy grabbing Cheeto is running the country. JK
Umm…. @Tropical_Willie If you turned on the news you would actually see Trump is doing a TON of positive things and getting very positive support for his efforts from the very same lame stream media that tried to sink his ship.
BTW just because you may think you are not condescending….your own words show otherwise “Every day I’m so happy a pussy grabbing Cheeto is running the country.”
Even you will in short order have a hard time denying this pussy grabbing business man is running our country better than anyone in my lifetime. I would like to introduce you to a funny little but very important word….it is “budget” something Barry thought we didn’t need and hence are nine trillion more in debt because of it. Trump will pass the first budget in 8 years.
AS far as bankruptcies are concerned they will be a thing of the past because Trump now has the power to bail out companies that are facing bankruptcy like Obama did with the banks and the big three.~~~
Yup, @Cruiser he can bail his companies out of BANKRUPTCY. Hope you like to suck up pollution, because here it comes .
YOU MISSED ~~~ and JK But there are so much you miss trying to pin a liberal or non-ULTRA conservative.
HE is running the country but . . . . running the environment into the ground is NOT gong to be good; for your or my grandkids.
~~I figure the water in Chicago will glow at night sometime in early 2018.
J U S T – - K I D D I N G
@Tropical_Willie Time to high five as you finally GET IT! “HE is running the country” YES! You get it! HS a Jelly has woken up to what the hell we are up against! Finally someone is running the country and not having the government running it into the ground like the last fucked up 8 years! Holy fucking halleluja!
BTW Willie the water in the Chicago River has glowed crescent green for over 50 years every St. Patricks day….God bless the Irish Catholics of my beloved city
But the guy remains a clown. He can’t get past himself. This bullshit with the 5 million fraudulent voters and all the other nonsense he just can’t seem to get past makes his the Monty Python version of a Presidency. The fool just WON’T shut up.
@stanleybmanly Have you given a thought to the millions of early/absentee voters who cast votes for Hillary? Early voting she had 62+ percent of the votes. After the fact of the FBI findings her vote tally fell to 48%. If you give allowance to the buyers remorse that ensued after the FBI’s email findings were revealed and you apply the 38% of votes in toto being cast for Hillary on the day of the general election, she would have lost the popular vote in a landslide for Trump.
But instead of running his mouth, why not authorize an investigation to determine the truth, rather than throw out a number like 5 million as established fact? His handlers have supposedly managed to wrestle the cell phone away from him, but his tastelsess fixation on his own imagined infallible greatness is troubling in the extreme.
NK wants Dennis Rodman as their US Ambassador?
@Cruiser You think the president runs the country? Where are you from??? Everything he does or might do has to be subjected through the House and the Senate for approval. Then, if there are any legal challenges, what he might want to do will have to go through the courts including (possibly) the Supreme Court.
There are three controlling parts of our government, if you remember your schooling, not just the president. This is not a monarchy!
Umm @kritiper….turn on your TV…Trump is running the country full throttle right now.
@Cruiser Stand by! He’ll get a hitch in his giddy up real soon!
@Cruiser Because he cannot act on his own. That’s why there are three branches of government. He’s like a hot rod at the staring line. He’s all reved up but he won’t get the green light unless the legislative and judicial branches sign off on it.
@kritiper Turn on your TV and you will see ample evidence of Trump using a nifty piece of legislative privilege a President has called Executive Order….something Obama used like a kid at Disney with a fast-pass.
I hope Donnie doesn’t “executive order” the codes for sending us all back to the stone ages.
@Tropical_Willie If Trump fumbles the football there won’t be any evidence left of the stoneage
Yes, 98 % of the humankind will be gone.
@Cruiser He still has to comply with the legislative and judicial branches of government who can shut him down if they feel he isn’t acting within the law. “Executive action” may be somewhat of a “fast-pass” but it isn’t a free-pass.
@kritiper….you just made Obama blast his Dr. Pepper out his nose…say you are sorry to Mr ex President…
To take advantage of its people in peace.
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