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LostInParadise's avatar

Should journalists use videos on their cell phones to jog the memories of people they interview?

Asked by LostInParadise (32307points) January 23rd, 2017

It is really annoying when you see a newsman ask someone to expand on a statement only to be told the statement was never made. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to pull up a video and say, “Do you recognize that person?”

For example, Trump has repeatedly denied mocking Serge Kovaleski for being disabled. I am sure you have seen the video. Anyone over the age of five understands what is going on. I would love to see someone confront Trump with the video and ask what exactly he was doing.

Videos could also be used to present facts, like showing Stephen Hawking talk about climate change. Go ahead, Trump, mock Hawking for being disabled, I dare you.

Political debates might be a good place to show videos. In this case, the videos could be presented on a screen.

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1 Answer

Tropical_Willie's avatar


You now understand “alternate facts”, what happened and what you saw NEVER happened ! Just saying !

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