General Question

Love_my_doggie's avatar

How can I create an email signature - my company's logo, plus my contact info - as a .jpg document?

Asked by Love_my_doggie (13162points) January 24th, 2017

I’ve made a small, Word version of my logo. It’s easy to copy/paste that logo into an email message. But, I want to add my address and phone numbers and save everything to a single document.

Yes, I’m lame with technology. I still use a film camera (I really do), so even .jpg is complicated for me.

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12 Answers

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Here’s one way if you are using windows:

PC World – Convert text to image, and image to text

This is extremely simple if you’re using Microsoft Word. Select the text you want “photographed,” and press CTRL-c to copy it to the clipboard. Open Paint, the free image editor that comes with Windows. Press CTRL-v to paste the text as an image, and save the file.

Pachy's avatar

For future reference, it’s really easy to find answers to such questions by Googling or looking at YouTube DIY videos. I have to do it all the time.

Stinley's avatar

Make the whole thing in Word and copy paste it into your letters and emails. This would look more professional than a jpg with your contact details. And would be easier to change. PM me with the details and an email address and I’ll take a look if you want.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

If you do go the picture route, start with a BIG version.

A big one can be scaled down. A little one will be jaggy if scaled up.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Can I offer a suggestion… I’d be tempted to leave your contact info as plain text in your signature as opposed to making it an image. People are lazy. People will want to copy and paste your email address to avoid typing it out. People will want to copy and paste your telephone number and address into their contacts etc. Don’t make it difficult for them. It will just annoy them.

Yes people are that lazy. Have you not met people. :)

rojo's avatar

@Lightlyseared I, as a people, was going to type a rebuttal but….eh.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@Lightlyseared That’s what I’m doing now. I copy/paste my logo into an email, and I add my contact info below it. The problem is, the font and size often don’t relay from sender to recipient; my very pretty, 12 pt. italics Arial may appear as 10 pt. Courier for the next guy. I’m trying to create something slicker, reliable, and more professional-looking.

@Call_Me_Jay Thank you for your instructions. I’ll give them a try. If only I knew what a “BIG version” is; eek, my brain!

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@Pachy Yes, I frequently search online for the how-to of, say, cleaning tile grout or dusting mini-blinds. For me, technology is a whole other, and utterly intimidating, matter.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

A big version meaning like use a 24 or 36 point font, not a 10 or 12 point font.

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