Social Question

Sneki95's avatar

What's your unpopular opinion?

Asked by Sneki95 (7017points) January 24th, 2017

Dub us death, Kanye West is not a bad singer, communism isn’t a bad system, pizza tastes awful, Judas Priest > Iron Maiden, no one cares about grammar mistakes, God exists….

What is your unpopular opinion? When do you grab the popcorn?

Also, don’t answer each other answers, please, just list what you have in mind.

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111 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Soldiers are nothing more than paid killers.

cinnamonk's avatar

This question is a trap and I’m not falling for it.

Seek's avatar

The Walking Dead is terrible television.

Seven years to get through what takes three days, max, to read in comic book form.

Oi vey.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Oh my, I asked this here years ago (I was JayTKay in a previous life) and it was kind of a disaster.

“Also, don’t answer each other answers, please”

That’s the key, everybody has to refrain from attacking each other.

Pandora's avatar

I only like peanut butter in my reeses peanut butter cups. I don’t care for it in anything else.

White chocolate is total crap. If you give offer me chocolate and give me white chocolate I will give you a death stare. The desire to throw it in your face is strong.

People who walk around texting and tweeting their lives away all day long are ass hats.

cinnamonk's avatar

@Pandora fun fact, white chocolate is not actually chocolate because it doesn’t contain any cocoa powder.

Seek's avatar

I have a hard time grasping the concept of property ownership, especially as it relates to abandoned property.

There are over 100 perfectly good houses near my sister in law’s house that no one is living in. No one has lived in these houses for years. They’re sitting there, being not used, while many people live in shelters or storage spaces or behind gas stations… Because the bank “owns” them.

I literally cannot understand how a bank can take a house from someone, then leave it empty for 5 years or more, but if someone moves into that empty house they are a criminal.

I really, honestly, don’t get it.

cinnamonk's avatar

@Seek there are more empty or abandoned houses in the United States than there are homeless people. That is something I honestly don’t get.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Too many people go to college in the US and public spending on colleges and universities should be reduced.

Instead the resources should be used for preschool and K-12, with high standards and achievement for reading, math, civics, logic, and critical thinking. Schools in poor areas will require more spending and attention to break the cycle of poverty.

Then state colleges should be free, but with competitive admissions. That’s how the U. of California system worked before Reagan was governor – getting into Berkeley was possible for everybody based on academics, not cost.

I was appalled at the dismal writing and reasoning skills of the average freshman when I went to a good university. They should not have been given high school diplomas.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I think every single human being on the planet should have certain things given to them without thought of what they can give back. Those things are as follows:

clean air
clean water
healthful food

Pandora's avatar

@AnonymousAccount8 I know. That’s why I get pissed if someone promises me chocolate and gives me something that is just chocolate fat. Not real chocolate. It’s like promising me steak and then giving me the fat of the steak and saying I am eating steak. It should never be called chocolate. NEVER!

cinnamonk's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake it depresses me that that opinion is unpopular.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

The wage gap doesn’t exist.
Feminism is an unhelpful and pointless movement.
Black Lives Matter should be considered a terrorist group.
From my experience, these are all unpopular.

Sneki95's avatar

People that do the Slav squat look like peasant vultures, especially if they squat together.
Cyber dancing is awesome, as long as one person is dancing. If there are more of them, it looks like a moron squad having a seizure.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I have no problem with capital punishment.

jca's avatar

We can do away with Affirmative Action.

cinnamonk's avatar

^^hardly an unpopular opinion. 31 states have capital punishment.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yay, Trump!

Zaku's avatar

Non-human species, plants, animals and ecosystems, even geographic features should have some rights and representation in human decision-making. These should be potent enough to provide for the needs for healthy survival of all species, which should be held far above the desires of corporations or individuals to profit economically.

Stopping the extinction of non-human species due to human activity, and the destruction of natural habitats and ecosystems, should be one of the highest priorities of humans. This definitely includes doing whatever is necessary to avoid catastrophic climate change, ocean acidification, wild habitat destruction, etc., and may mean converting considerable amounts of land from human use back to natural habitat.

Human needs should be provided to everyone (stealing from Hawaii Jake’s list): clean air, clean water, healthful non-GMO non-toxic non-carcinogenic food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, education, with no debt incurred.

I think charging interest should be abolished.

The influence of wealth, especially corporate wealth, should be removed from all governments that claim to be democratic. Money-corrupted and corporate-beholden representatives should be immediately ejected from office. I.e. most US government representatives should be tossed out.

No large (~$100 million) corporations should be allowed to have all-for-profit purpose in their charters. They should all be required to first do something beneficial and not do harm. Corporations should not have the rights of people, and should be as accountable as people – corporations which break the law severely and do great harm should be made to undo the damage, their charters and leadership corrected so they don’t do anything like it again, and/or disbanded.

The Patent Office is wrong-minded and should be massively reformed or abolished.

“Intellectual Property” laws are very broken and mainly serve backwards corporate greed and business models that should be replaced. It shouldn’t be illegal to freely copy and distribute information, even commercial media.

The War On Terror is a fake political power play.

The War On Drugs is a fake political power play.

Not being recorded is usually more valuable than the security offered by security cameras.

Actual reckless/dangerous driving should be apprehended but most speed limits are too low and speeding often isn’t dangerous.

Traffic cameras should not be allowed to issue tickets.

ragingloli's avatar

Right now, China is less evil than the Colonies.

Pachy's avatar

It defies logic to believe you can drive safely while using your phone in any way, even hands free.

Mariah's avatar

People who have excess money and aren’t willing to give away some percentage of their excess to fund programs that support people who need healthcare or who are in poverty are shitty humans.

Trans people are members of the gender they identify as.

Sex is a want not a need, and nobody is owed sex for being nice.

ucme's avatar

Housestaff can be fired at the whim of an eccentric but adorable master

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The first matrix movie was good the other two bombed.

rojo's avatar

9/11 was an inside job.

DominicY's avatar

Circumcision is wrong. Spanking is hitting. Psychiatric medication is over-prescribed. Islam is responsible for more violence than any other religion. And bacon is not that good.

Come at me, bros! :D

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

We don’t really know if we are causing global warming or not.

Religion is an abomination.

Affirmative action often discriminates against those who are most qualified to do the job

People hold feelings and political correctness above the truth and common sense.

People on the extreme left and extreme right lack the sophistication and possibly backbone to navigate complicated and controversial issues.

Sometimes war is the answer (but not usually)

The second amendment is a good thing.

We need to pony up and have national catastrophic healthcare insurance.

The federal gov’t should control and maintain ownership of our infrastructure such as the power grid.

Free markets need regulation.

The gov’t has no right to tax property or use eminent domain to take it from people.

In order to incorporate companies must justify how they will benefit the country.

Nobody is entitled to anything if they are able and refuse to help themselves.

I don’t give a shit which bathroom you want to use.

Homosexuals are born homosexual, it is not a choice.

Fetuses have rights, zygotes do not.

Great, now everyone here hates me.

Irukandji's avatar

That questions like this are circle jerks.

Cruiser's avatar

Anyone I share here.

johnpowell's avatar

I want to punch audiophiles in the dick. Monster Cable or coat hanger. It sounds the fucking same.

DominicY's avatar

I’m an amateur audiophile, but I kinda want to punch most of them too. I just think they’re insane sometimes. “This $2000 USB cable has a bit more refined bass and wider soundstage than this $1500 cable”. No it doesn’t. It’s a digital cable. It has the same “soundstage” as the free cable that came with my DAC. It makes no difference. But I digress…

cinnamonk's avatar

Expressing an actual unpopular opinion here tends to invite so much ridicule that you’d be way better off just keeping it to yourself.

johnpowell's avatar

@AnonymousAccount8 :: I get the vibe from this thread that we know it will be garbage and is meant for fun. Ideally we can all laugh for this one time. Don’t attack, just be stupid.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I was serious

Not so much: yes audiophiles probably just need to get laid.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

That’s the key, everybody has to refrain from attacking each other.
Did they find all of the shanks on the yard yet? ~~~

Here is my list (let’s see if people adhere to the admonishment of the OP), they are mostly unpopular here, but not so much in the real world from my past experiences:

• Prisons are just moneymaking crime factories that take petty criminals and released them as seasoned criminals.
• Every school would get better if the money was attached to the student by vouchers.
• Not that I support it, but of you are going to be fair you have to let those wanting incestuous marriages and polygamy if the state wants to redefine marriage from just one man and one woman.
• Hitler and Mother Teresa are on equal footing without God.
• Abortions are a selfish act where the mother gets to dictate the fate of two other people who are involved but have no say.
• Welfare and other entitlements hurt more people than they help.
• Bra have little to do with support or breast sag prevention but undercover shamming of women who believe men will benefit more from them not wearing them.
• A horse, a whale, a chicken, a panda bear, they are all animals that may be shot, or otherwise killed eaten, and or stuffed, same with dogs and cats.
• That is it for now

I will stay behind the riot shield as I can feel the temperature go up as some blood is boiling to the point they can’t refrain themselves.

Seek's avatar

You left out the fact that you think it’s OK to fuck little girls if their daddy gives you permission.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Each of us has a 100% chance of dying. You, me, and everyone we know will someday die. This is the one thing that all living creatures have in common.

Socialism is a very good thing that doesn’t deserve bad connotations. Public schools, public libraries, town/state beaches, roads and sidewalks, mass transit, fire departments, law enforcement, the penal system, courts, the armed forces, the postal service, garbage collections, snow removal, disaster relief, running water, sewage…these are all examples of socialism, which affect everyone each day. We benefit when we work together. Perhaps we should substitute the word “community” for the word “socialism?”

Self-proclaimed wine connoisseurs are pompous a$$es. Every wine connoisseur I’ve ever known thrives on the opportunity to lecture people about region, vintage, body, bouquet, tones, grape, style, etc., etc. All this is tedious and pretentious.

Self-proclaimed wine connoisseurs might be alcoholics masquerading as experts. How easy is it to hide an alcohol problem behind the veneer of high costs, social acceptability, and perceived “classiness?” A wine connoisseur isn’t a skid-row drunk; he/she’s someone who appreciates pricey beverages. Alcohol is alcohol; it really doesn’t matter whether someone’s drinking pricey Chardonnay by the case or malt liquor from a paper bag; every drink counts.

jca's avatar

People on public assistance should be made to undergo and pass drug tests the way I have to for my job or government contractors have to or many other employees have to.

Seek's avatar

I think employee drug tests are an unreasonable breach of privacy.

Cruiser's avatar

@Seek Drug tests are very necessary. My employees operate 700 gallon high speed dispersers that could pull them in and make a smoothie out of a toasted employee, fork lifts and high pressure pneumatic dispensers that manned by a druggie or alkie not only puts them at risk but the other employees around them. IMO keep the wasted ones as baggers at the grocery where they can do little to no harm.

Seek's avatar

If someone shows up for work incapacitated youhave every right to fire them. What they do on their own time is none of your business.

Brian1946's avatar

Flo, the Progressive insurance babe, should get the Best Supporting actress Oscar for her Streepian performance in that episode of Portlandia.

Every episode of Terms of Engagement is way funnier than anything Monty Python ever did!

Nickleback should have won every Grammy that was ever awarded.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

And here we go…..people who cannot read or respect the OP

You left out the fact that you think it’s OK …blah, blah, blah
Maybe you had cotton in your ears the last time I said it, so I will say it again, if a daughter can legally marry her father under God (she can’t by the way, you know that don’t you, or did you forget; selective amnesia) then it is not OK, just like any other union that is not one man with one woman in marriage. I could tell you what you could do to not forget it in the future, but you are the insult queen and I have no desire to steal your title.

Cruiser's avatar

@Seek Please think a bit deeper about what you just said….just because an employee slept one off and shows up “sober” does not mean their “habit” will not creep into the eight hours they are here. More than a few times I caught asshats smoking bowls at lunch time and one would have a liquid lunch. Send an Email to OSHA and ask for some stats about addicted employees and the liabilities a company assumes with the absence of a drug testing program.

Brian1946's avatar


“Each of us has a 100% chance of dying.”

I’d say that’s more of a fact than an opinion, and very few people in this plane of existence would dispute its numerical accuracy.

jca's avatar

For me, re: the drug testing issue, I’m not debating it as it’s my opinion and the OP specified “Also, don’t answer each other answers, please, just list what you have in mind.” (although I do believe that stats show a higher rate of absenteeism for drug abusing/using employees. Regardless, I’m happy to comply for my paycheck, if asked to do so, and I would hope the same of someone who receives public assistance).

Sneki95's avatar

::gets the chair::
Now it gets interesting….

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

If I want to smoke weed on my own time it is nobodys business. I have not had a single toke in over 20 years simply because I have always had jobs that random drug test.

Brian1946's avatar

@Sneki95 “gets the chair”. Hopefully it’s not an electric one. ;-)

Berserker's avatar

@DominicY Truth. Bacon’s ok. That’s all.

Mimishu1995's avatar

- Buying things to show off is stupid. What’s the point of buying something just because it’s expensive while you can afford the same thing with lower price and sometimes more durability
– No matter who you are, my relative, my childhood friend, someone who give me presents, my parent, if you are an asshole you are an asshole.
– Marriage should be a choice, not a necessity.
– The people you criticize for obsessing with “weird” things are probably more functional than you.
– Face it, everyone needs someone to hate once in a while.
– There is nothing wrong with religion itself. Just look at it like some sort of club, and people love to belong to something. And just like any other club, the members can be saints or devils, it’s their choice.
– Sometimes it’s OK to be an asshole to people who don’t deserve your love and time.
– People do evil things, but not everyone do their things because they turn them on.
– To me the politic scene is more like a nursery house with some spoilt children whining about why they can’t get that shiny toy.
– If ghosts have immortality and amazing abilities humans don’t have or at least just the ability to scare the hell out of people, why are people afraid of death? And also why are ghosts so butthurt about being dead?
– I know, you are a homosexual person and you get so much hate, you are a disabled person and you are teased all the time, you are a female and all those males are stepping on you… I know and I’m sympathetic with your problem. But please just stop babbling about how you should be understood all the time? After a while it’s more like you are trying to get attention than actually fighting for your own right. Most people out there are too busy with their problems to even care who you are.
– Some books/movies/things like that seem so offensive. But can people just ignore all the sex and violence that offend them and see what the authors are trying to convey?
My life is full of unpopular opinion. I know I will get a lot of hate for that so I just keep it to myself, until now.

Rarebear's avatar

Stein voters put Trump in office.

Cruiser's avatar


Rarebear's avatar

And here it comes…

tinyfaery's avatar

“Something About Mary” is not a funny movie.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Beer and wine snobs are annoying fuckwads. Fuck your craft beers, fuck your obsessions over tannins or what the fuck ever. Fuck it all. Whatever happened to just being a good old fashioned fucking drunkard?

“Foodies” are annoying twats as well.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

If you advocate war on a country you can’t find on the map, your voting privileges should be removed permanently.

If you advocate torture you should be publicly tortured.

The federal gas tax should be high enough to fund 50% or more of the Pentagon budget.

Brian1946's avatar

The “winner” of this thread is the one with the least GAs. ;-)

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

You have too much. I have too much. Most of us already have too much shit, too much space, too much house, too much car, too much junk. People are starving and we have household junk drawers. Black Friday makes me feel sick to my stomach.
I have a lot of unpopular opinions, but that’s the one that people seem to recoil from the most.

rojo's avatar

Regular drug and alcohol testing should be mandatory for both State and Federal Senators and Congressmen, Governors, Lt. Governors, Presidents, VP’s and I am gonna throw in Judges as well.

ucme's avatar

Paedophile’s should have their cocks severed with a big knife & have it rammed down their fucking throats.
Can’t fathom how this is unpopular but plenty of morons here have yelled barbaric & “rehabilitation…yeah right, bite me.

Seek's avatar

Punching Nazis is the right and responsibility of all Americans.

jca's avatar

People who are truly against abortion should adopt an orphan or two before giving birth to their own biological children.

Seek's avatar

Lima beans and Brussels sprouts are goddamn delicious.

ucme's avatar

Jellies who repeatedly ask game & party threads are attention seeking lurve whores who need to give their heads a wobble

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@Brian1946 Yes, death is an irrefutable fact, yet one that people find ways to deny.

All you need to do is watch what happens, much too often, when a very elderly person is ready to die. Rather than letting the person go peacefully, the family works with health care practitioners to resuscitate, rush him/her to an ICU, and take “heroic” measure” to prolong life. What’s being prolonged is death.

Grief and loss are devastating, but they’re inevitable.

Pachy's avatar

I love the movie “My Dinner with Andre.”

Seek's avatar

I legitimately like Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up”.

rojo's avatar

Some classic literature is boring to read.

ucme's avatar

Any parent who violently abuses their child(ren) needs to be, well…violently abused…no wait!

ucme's avatar

Oh I got a good one, Meryl Streep is massively overated, 20 oscar nominations…purleeze!

cinnamonk's avatar

fun fact, most people who abuse their children were themselves abused as children. So your wish is reality, @ucme.

Sneki95's avatar

If you have it bad, one way or another, it’s at least half, or mostly, your own fault.

also, I wholeheartedly agree with the last five entries.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Cooking with propane should be outlawed.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Darth_Algar That’s the reason I cook with lump charcoal on my BBQ.^^^

Allie's avatar

@AnonymousAccount8 Not sure I’d call that a fun fact…

Here’s mine:
1. Illegal immigrants should be deported. I’m not against immigration, just illegal immigration. And state funds shouldn’t be given to illegal immigrants over citizens… talking to you, DREAM Act.
2. I support capital punishment… and think it should move along quicker. Those on death row shouldn’t live out the rest of their life there.
3. I understand the privacy argument, but if NSA listening to phone calls helps catch fugitives and stop crime, I’m for it. Let them listen to me talk to my mom about going out to eat pizza or ordering in.

ragingloli's avatar

Trump voters are all accessories to future war crimes and should be preemptively hanged.

ragingloli's avatar

Men should almost all be neutered/spayed/castrated, to curb their male aggression, and massively reduce violent crimes and rapes. Keep some intect and locked up for breeding purposes.

Sneki95's avatar

PC language is actually even more insulting than the “insulting” language.

Darth_Algar's avatar

“PC” is just a butthurt whining term for “I said something stupid and got called on it”.

johnpowell's avatar

I take offense at the term Butthurt.

But yeah. It is whinging that actions can have actual consequences.

rojo's avatar

A lot of what is termed racism is really just people being assholes to other people and happens whatever color you are.

If a white guy calls me a dick he is an asshole, if a black guy calls me a dick he is racist asshole.

I guess it depends on your perspective.

rojo's avatar

Military personnel do not deserve any more respect than any other person. They picked a profession, did their job and were compensated for it. Should we fix those who were broken? Certainly. Should we give special preference for employment, housing, etc? No.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Given the huge numbers of homeless veterans, especially combat veterans, I’m inclined to disagree there. If someone goes off to war in the service of his country then that country at least owes him adequate housing when he returns.

rojo's avatar

Ah, and there is the rub @Darth_Algar Was our war in Iraq really a service to the country or was it simply to further the aims (and probably line the pockets) of those in power?

What or how do you determine “service to the country” versus “service to the countries ruling elite” and who gets to decide?

Don’t get me wrong, I am not unsympathetic with their plight but the why of it.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@rojo, they were betrayed by those very people but their sacrifice deserves serious recognition. They went out and fought while many of us stayed safe at home. Who the hell are we to criticize them for not seeing the larger picture. Many are left physically and emotionally scarred. You’re damn right they deserve special consideration.

rojo's avatar

^^ Well, I guess that is why it is called an unpopular opinion.

ragingloli's avatar

There already exists adequate housing for them: Prisons.

Seek's avatar

I’m with @rojo

If you signed up in 1998 because we hadn’t had a conflict in 15 years and fell for the “Army of one” scholarship program speech that’s one thing.

Anyone who signed up after 2005 knew exactly what they were getting into.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’ve worked with in the hospital setting with PTSD (Korean conflict permanently hospitalized).

Had friends that chased butterflies (Vietnam Era)

Entertained and fed patients from Walter Reed Hospital (currently receiving treatment from Afghanistan era)

None of them thought it was going to happen to them, they were invincible in their eyes.

Rarebear's avatar

Going to ask a question on this.

Brian1946's avatar

I served during the Vietnam war and I tangentially agree with and enjoyed reading @ragingloli‘s opinion.

I was in the USN against my will and while I don’t want to go to prison again (military service was a de facto prison), I would have had no problem seeing LBJ, any other warmongers, and anyone who profited from the war going to prison.

Darth_Algar's avatar


The why doesn’t matter here. The point is that the country asked them to put their bodies, their minds, their lives on the line in service. They did and thus are owed for that service.

rojo's avatar

@Darth_Algar I disagree, the why does matter and they were already compensated for their service with a paycheck.

Darth_Algar's avatar

That paycheck is far from adequate compensation. And the country, or the country’s ruling elite – term it however you wish, but the fact is we allow it to happen. People like to think of themselves as divisible from the government. We are not. Even now the government is of and by the people. And everyday we vote – at the ballot, with our wallets, at the gas pump, via the web traffic and ad revenues we generate, etc – and create the conditions which send young men and women (often with little prospects and few resources available to them) off to war. We, as a society, owe these people.

Rarebear's avatar

Oh here is one. Rachel Carson is responsible for the death of millions of people.

cinnamonk's avatar

@Darth_Algar it should also be mentioned that many (if not most) soldiers’ military indoctrination begins in high school, when they are still impressionable children and not yet full-fledged adults on whom years of life experiences have conferred the ability to weigh the consequences of their decisions.

At my high school in the non-honors or AP senior classes we would even have recruiters come in and give spiels during class time.

rojo's avatar

If the paycheck is far from adequate compensation perhaps they should find a different line of work.

ragingloli's avatar

Like mercenaries, contract assassins, or hitmen for the mafia.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

[...indoctrination begins in high school, when they are still impressionable children and not yet full-fledged adults on whom years of life experiences have conferred the ability to weigh the consequences of their decisions.
Unless they go on a crime spree involving theft, kidnapping, carjacking, much less murder, then they are no longer impressionable but fully understanding of what is going on. ~~~

Darth_Algar's avatar

@rojo “If the paycheck is far from adequate compensation perhaps they should find a different line of work.”

And do you use the same argument for Walmart and fast food workers?

rojo's avatar

MOST Walmart greeters are not paid killers.

Darth_Algar's avatar

So? If their paycheck is not adequate compensation then they should find another line of work right? They knew what the job, and the pay, was when they accepted.

Seek's avatar

It occurred to me that the recruitment strategy for the American military is not unlike the strategy inner-city gangs use to recruit 15 year old boys to ride shotgun on drive-bys.

“I’ll teach you to be successful. You’ll get paid better than working some regular job. You’ll belong to something bigger than yourself. You’ll be a hero to your home. We’ll take care of your family if anything goes wrong…”

Darth_Algar's avatar


Pretty much. And there’s a reason why military recruiters tend to go into poorer urban and rural areas while staying away from the more affluent suburbs.

rojo's avatar

@Darth_Algar it is not an argument, simply stating an opinion and, yes, if a person is not happy with the compensation offered in whatever position, for whatever entity, then perhaps they should not go into that position in the first place.

And, yes, I know that sometimes desperate times call for people to to what they would not normally do or to do things that are not in their best interest whether that is going into the military or becoming a Walmart greeter but that is indicative of the times we live in. It doesn’t negate my opinion.

rojo's avatar

The Poverty Draft has been in place for a long time now.

As this article states: “Recruiters may not explicitly target “the poor,” but there is mounting evidence that they target those whose career options are severely limited. According to a 2007 Associated Press analysis, “nearly three-fourths of [U.S. troops] killed in Iraq came from towns where the per capita income was below the national average. More than half came from towns where the percentage of people living in poverty topped the national average.”

Seek's avatar

I was flamed on Facebook recently by an active serviceperson who was upset that I hold an anti-Trump stance.

He, apparently, had been worried Clinton would be leading us to war in Syria, and that he would have to deploy for it. He made quite a big deal about how he “might never see his family again”, had she won.

I suggested if he didn’t like the idea of going to war, he might have chosen a different profession. After all, it’s not like he was drafted.

He basically exploded into a fit of profanity, exclaiming he had joined the military in order to further his education.

To which I simply responded, “The army is not a scholarship program.”

He didn’t like that very much.

Smashley's avatar

I still like Hillary, and would consider voting for her again

Animal rights are important but fundamentally inferior to human rights and no number of animal lives equals a single human one

King of the Kickboxers is a movie worth watching

Sometimes it’s OK to kill an unborn child

We get the government we deserve

Green Mountain Coffee isn’t that good, and they’re hardly “green”

Trevor Noah is a worthy successor to John Stewart

Alex Jones is no different than any conservative talk show host

An ecologically sensitive way of keeping people from crossing your border without your permission is morally justifiable

The government does owe you a living

All librarians are sexy

14 would be a good voting age

Cursive should be taught in schools

Tom Green is a genius

Marijuana buds shouldn’t be used culinarily

You should compost that

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