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MakeItSo1701's avatar

What do you guys think of the Nacirema?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13737points) January 27th, 2017
This is a fairly long paper about a group of people called Nacirema, but I encourage you to read it and give me your thoughts. I have some interesting things I found that will hopefully prompt a discussion, but I want some people to read it first. I am interested to see what you guys think.

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13 Answers

SavoirFaire's avatar

Would it be too on the nose to call them “backwards”? ~

MakeItSo1701's avatar

There is a lot of things backwards about them.
For example, their name “Nacirema” is ”American” spelt backwards
If you read the article it talks about a place where the sick go (to basically get tortured) that they call the latipso, backward, it would read ospital which is very close to the word Hospital.
If you read the fourth footnote on the bottom it says
“According to Nacirema mythology, their nation was originated by a culture hero, Notgnihsaw, who is otherwise known for two great feats of strength – the throwing of a piece of wampum across the river Pa-To-Mac and the chopping down of a cherry tree in which the Spirit of Truth resided. ”
The cultural heroes name spelled backwords is ”Washington

canidmajor's avatar

Can’t link your article, but unless it’s from about 45 (or more) years ago, it’s plagiarized. We read it in school. Much interesting discussion about perception occurred.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

It’s from the American Anthropological Association, reprinted with permission. It also says I am allowed to link the page.
Is the link not working? I don’t understand what you meant by “can’t link your article” sorry.

Sneki95's avatar

It put a smile on my face. Quite an interesting work, makes you see things from a different perspective.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

This group I believe was made up to make other anthropologists see their own culture in a different way. It’s interesting because, say, if a Native American were to have time travelled to the future, this might be how he describes the culture now. (maybe not to an extreme degree, but similar enough)

canidmajor's avatar

Thank you, @Tropical_Willie, yes, that’s the one.
@SergeantQueen: I was casting no aspersions on your integrity, but because I couldn’t link, I was just wondering if the work was being passed off as originally someone who didn’t contribute.
Like I said, it presents an interesting perspective about cultural perception.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Both links work just fine for me so I was confused what you meant,sorry.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I only removed the “s” on the http.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@SergeantQueen “For example, their name “Nacirema” is ”American” spelt backwards”

Yes, I know. I put “backwards” in quotation marks for a reason. I was trying not to give it away.

P.S. Anyone who can’t get the link to work, try refreshing the page after you get the error message.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@SavoirFaire I know what you were trying to get at, that’s why I went on that tangent haha. :)

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