Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Did Obama ban all Iraqi refugees for 6 months in 2011?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) January 29th, 2017

If so, why?

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38 Answers

Pandora's avatar

Not the same thing. I posted the same as ^^above.

Cruiser's avatar

2 Iraqi’s who claimed to be refugees seeking asylum in the US were ultimately connected to an attempted roadside bombing in Iraq in 2009. ABC news exposed the story in how these terrorists were admitted into the US by a faulty screening procedures and which prompted Obama to declare a 6 month ban on all Iraqi refugees. It actually happened…it really really did. Obama was a racist and nobody noticed.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He didn’t do it helter skelter, and he didn’t suddenly throw out a thoughtless, ridiculous executive order at the last screaming minute, that he wouldn’t even let HLS see until just before it was submitted, @Cruiser. He, and congress, had a specific reason to do it and it wasn’t so Obama could wave his dick around.
For crying out loud, read the thinks above.
Trump is too fucking stupid to be president.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III If you knew this much already…can I ask why you asked the question the way you asked it? Why even ask it at all? BTW thanks for bringing this up as it serves a great purpose to highlight the hypocrisy of this question and all those who are tossing eggs at Trump when Barry did the same damn thing 5 years ago and no one raised an eyebrow.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t know it. That’s why I asked the question. I read the link @Pandora presented.

It took Barak AND congress 2 years to enact the ban.

johnpowell's avatar

Obama was a racist and we are doing the same so it is alright. Gotcha.

ragingloli's avatar

It was a slow down in processing caused by the introduction of more stringent vetting rules. Not a ban.
Once again, Drumpf is lying.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III It took 2 years not because of Congress or Barry….it took 2 years because the case was tied up in court for 2 years. Barry needed a conviction to enact his ban so he didn’t look like a wide eyed racist on a witch hunt.

Cruiser's avatar

@ragingloli “It was a slow down in processing caused by the introduction of more stringent vetting rules.”

How exhausting….this is precisely what Trump is doing. How can you have a problem with what he has done?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He stopped ALL people from HIS specified countries from putting the feet on USA land.

IF your exhausted . . because people keep refuting yours and Breitbart News Network claims so be it.

ragingloli's avatar

We have already established that you have a problem telling the truth, so let me reiterate, not for you, because you are beyond hope, but for the others:
Obama introduced more stringent vetting criteria, resulting in a slow down in processing.
Drumpf did not change the vetting system, he summarily banned entry, without cause, from several muslim countries, “until further notice”, except of course those countries where he has active business ventures.

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ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I have family and good friends that fleed Iraq. A ban is not “vetting” it’s chicken shit, lazy and unamerican.

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Pachy's avatar

No matter what your politics, you’ll have a hard time denying Trump is and will continue to be the most devisive president ever elected after reading this thread. So depressing.

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Dutchess_III's avatar

@Cruiser if Obama did it for no reason other than he was racist, why just Iran? Racism isn’t bound by borders. Why not all middle Eastern countries (like Trump pretty much did, for no reason)?

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tinyfaery's avatar

I’m not sure if I want to laugh or cry. #calexit.

Cruiser's avatar

Umm @Dutchess_III it was Iraq…you even said so in your OP BTW Trump did it for a reason…specifically to put the breaks on unfettered admission of refugees from hostile countries until we/he can put in place a more effective screening process. Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend?

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Dutchess_III's avatar

Same question @Cruiser. Why just Iraq?

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Dutchess_III's avatar

The countries he exempted is interesting. They’re all rich. The countries he hit are all poor.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Well those countries are usual Muslim-world exemptions for us, so I don’t think it’s necessarily a Trump thing. Those are, for better or worse, the countries that we have relations with. Notice that Jordan is not one of the banned countries ether. But then Jordan doesn’t really produce or sponsor terrorism ether. It is, frankly, one of the shining lights in a largely backwards and regressive region. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, is not (but they’ve got the oil).

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Stinley's avatar

[mod says] Flame off, folks. No need to make this personal.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Interesting bit: “The 19 terrorists in the Sept. 11 attacks were from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates….They are among the Muslim-majority countries not affected by Trump’s immigration freeze, but where Trump does business”

JLeslie's avatar

First of all Iraqis aren’t a race. Second of all, why would the right wing publicize it? They wanted everyone to believe Obama was a Muslim, and an Arab terrorists sympathizer trying to undo America.

Bush did business with Saudis too. Hell, he was a business partner with Bin Laden’s half brother. Obama didn’t have Saudi on the list either. We don’t agree with a shitliadbof stuff Saudi Arabia does, but we make nice with them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No one said they were a race @JLeslie. And you are WAY off the point here. This is not about “doing business” as much as targeting a particular group of people for no apparent reason.

JLeslie's avatar

^^You and cruiser seem to be throwing around the word racist a lot. Are you divorcing the word racist from race?

No apparent reason? There is a reason to be over vigilant from those countries. I’m not in favor a total ban though. I never am. At the same time we are constantly picking and choosing who we let in and there are people left behind constantly. There are a lot of people in need around the world.

The way I look at all of this is one day I could be the refugee, and I would want a country to take me in.

I believe most people who easily say leave the refugees to suffer, they never put themselves in that same position. They are too comfortable in their life here and think it can never happen to them. I think that’s a mistake.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No here one said they are a race, and you’re not following the discussion. @Cruiser said Obama banned flights from Iraq because he’s racist. I said if he was racist, why just pick on Iraq? So stop with the educating. Everyone here already knows.

OF COURSE THERE IS A REASON TO BE VIGILANT CONCERNING THOSE COUNTRIES! Do you just think we’re stupid @JLeslie? But we need to be vigilant about ALL of the Middle Eastern countries INCLUDING THE ONES TRUMP LEFT OFF HIS BAN LIST! Such as Saudi Arabia, who funded the 9/11 attack.
WE HAVE BEEN VIGILANT. Have been since the 70’s. What Trump did went beyond simple vigilance. He thought that’s what the people wanted him to do, because he’s stupid.

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