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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Would you like to be able to sue your childhood bully?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25149points) January 31st, 2017

Do you remember being bullied in grade school?

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33 Answers

Mariah's avatar

I was bullied, yes. But now I’m an engineer and she’s a cashier so ¯\(ツ)/¯ I feel no need to go after her money.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Mariah I broke my bullies kneecap the last time he bullied me. I saw him later and we ignored each other and he left me alone. My only guess is that he’s in jail. Thanks I can let go now.

Mariah's avatar

Damn. Sometimes sticking up for yourself pays off!

canidmajor's avatar

Too much trouble to sue my sister, and I don’t have anything to do with her anymore anyway.

kritiper's avatar

Sue the guys who bullied me through school. Punish them for what they did before they were 18. It would never fly in court.
I might do something if I could go back in time to when the bullying was actually taking place.

Cruiser's avatar

Once….after I clocked her she never picked on me again.~

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Nerds win and my 20 year high school reunion was empirical proof. That said, In middle school I had braces, zits and wore coke bottle glasses. You have enough and fight back eventually. Turns out I was actually good at fighting. The main guy that bullied me real hard got an elbow to the face one afternoon in gym class. We actually became friends after that.

cinnamonk's avatar

No, we were children, and it would be stupid to hold a grudge against a child.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I really wish I had that much evidence to prove that my entire high school class bullied me.

Bully comes in different forms. You only think of the physical form.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Was never bullied.

puddintane's avatar

Some bitch punched me in the eye when I was walking out of my German class in tenth grade. I was suspended for fighting back and she was expelled because she was a bitch.

From what I know she is now a drunk biker and I’m happily married. I hope she runs off the road some day. not hurting anyone but herself of course

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I was the “body guard” in 4th, 5th and 6th grade. I walked home several girls and a couple of boys (3rd grade). that were being bullied or pushed around on the walk home from school. I was one of the biggest guys even in 4th grade.
One of the bullies called me out after school, thought it would be fun to have punch in the gut game, he punched first (I think he broke his wrist), I punched him (it was ten minutes before he could get up a walk home).

Sneki95's avatar

Even if I had them, I wouldn’t sue them.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

No. Life is too short to worry about what happened back then. I’ve moved on and my life is fine. I couldn’t care less about those people.

ragingloli's avatar

No need. They all died in unfortunate accidents.

Patty_Melt's avatar

^^^^^^And were eaten?

Who I would like to sue is those f%#@ing law firms that tell me all the products I have used in my life cause horrible diseases, and that some of my past work could kill me long after I left.
They fill me with great angst wondering if I will fall victim to any of these terrible blights.
I hate them hate them hate them, and I believe they owe me.

Seek's avatar

No need. I was contacted before the 10 year reunion and assured if I showed up certain people wouldn’t be there as they’d already died due to drug overdoses.

It’s like the trash taking itself out.

ucme's avatar

Was never bullied but this one girl kicked me squarely in the nuts for parping her tits.
Her name…Sue, ironic much.

LostInParadise's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 , How much bigger than you was the bully whose kneecap you broke?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@LostInParadise 6 years older and bigger than me slightly. He was built.

cinnamonk's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 did he learn his lesson?

cinnamonk's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 should have broke both his kneecaps.

ragingloli's avatar

You should have cut out his knee caps and worn them as a necklace.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@ragingloli Thanks… If I travel back in time again I will seriously consider it. : ) I don’t play with knives anymore. I was a rapier fencer in 2003. I had a twinge of weakness mercy when he was crawling away from me and let him go. I did scare him with the thought of me hurting him worse.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@ragingloli Thanks I relived it and I showed him mercy. didn’t travel far enough back in time to change my teenage self. Sorry, I did scare the hell out of him and told him what I could do to him when he was helpless. I’m good. I also relived my 5 year old self and cracked the 12 year old bully across the head with a 2 by 4 and scared the hell out of him.

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marinelife's avatar

I was bullied in high school. No, I am over it (after a lot of personal growth work). He was an immature putz. Not worth my time.

cinnamonk's avatar

^agreed. Life’s too short.

Berserker's avatar

I wonder if anyone here was a bully back in school.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Berserker I hate to admit it, but I was a bully in middle school. The kid was mentally disabled. He wasn’t the kind of “restard” kids with things like Down, but there was something in his brain that prevented him from growing up as fast as normal kids. I was at the bottom of the popularity scale so harrasing the kid somehow gave me a hard on. I didn’t think of it as bully though. Most of the time I made snacky remark about him with the intention of “making him better”. Now I’m being more honest with myself and I see that it was more about making me better.

Seek's avatar

@Berserker – not I, but if I’m painfully honest I’m a bit of a bully now.

I tend to write it off as righteous indignation.

Sneki95's avatar

@Berserker I was a loudmouth attention whore in highschool. Some buulying was a given. There was one particular girl in the class that was everyone’s target, so I jumped the bandwagon.

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