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JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

Have you ever fallen for someone online?

Asked by JeSuisRickSpringfield (8701points) January 31st, 2017

Whether it was just a crush or something more, have you ever fallen for someone online? Was it on a site meant for online flirting/dating, or was it some other kind of site? Did you ever tell the person? Did you feel bad about it?

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23 Answers

Zaku's avatar

Yes, twice.
Not really, it was IRC.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Sure, a couple of people here on Fluther.

Not gonna tell. Nobody will ever know. Don’t ask.

anniereborn's avatar

I met someone on Friendster (remember that site?) and we dated for 6 months. We are still friends.
I had a 4 year serious relationship from a dating site. We are still friends.
Also I met my husband on a (not dating) website. We have been together for 13 years now.
And we are still friends :p

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Sure. Years ago. I don’t think it’s unusual. I think talking to someone online can be very intense, and of course, we usually only see the parts of their personality they want us to see.

anniereborn's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit “we usually only see the parts of their personality they want us to see”
That often happens in the early stages of “real life” dating too.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

It does, but it’s harder to hide things in person than it is when you’re communicating via a camera or in text. In person, you have little time to moderate your responses and it’s hard to manage your expressions when the person is right in front of you.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Sure. I had a crush on you.
It was short lived. I was never going to tell, but you asked.

cookieman's avatar

Just @AstroChuck. Sadly, unrequited.

flutherother's avatar

I fell in love with someone’s writing many years ago on a non-dating website. We communicated in public for years through pictures and poems and occasional brief and private messages. We never met or exchanged an email but it didn’t matter as she felt so close. As time went by we communicated less and less frequently and now not at all. I still think of her quite often. We never said hello and we never said goodbye.

ucme's avatar

Nah, words on a screen to me

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Once on a dating site. She was so witty and clever. When we met in real life the sparks simply were not there. (she was wacked out and crazy)

The next time it happened I ended up getting married.

janbb's avatar

Someone on here a long time ago. It would have been a disaster IRL; in fact, it was pretty destructive as an online fantasy.

Seek's avatar


I find the internet to be that fantastic kind of impersonal that puts people on an even level, so the while concept of romantic entanglement is put on the back burner.

Just how I prefer things.

zenvelo's avatar

Yes, I have, through on line dating sites. Met a woman I was with for six years. When we first met on line, the conversations before we even met were a heady mix unlike anything I’d had since I was in college. Even now, four years after she moved away for work, our conversations are incredibly touching.

My current girlfriend and I reconnected because of social media, 23 years after we had gone on a couple dates. After her marriage fell apart, I fell for her all over again.

ragingloli's avatar


janbb's avatar

@ragingloli Say it ain’t so! What about all those lurvin’ PMs you sent me? Did they mean nothing to you?

cookieman's avatar

@ragingloli: Sure, but if an amorous tentacle monster “friended” you…

BellaB's avatar

I met someone on the New York Times/Boston Globe discussion forum, Abuzz, about 20 years ago. We’ve been living together for about 8 years now.

Several other couples formed in that group. At least two that I know of got married.

cinnamonk's avatar

I met my first ever boyfriend online on craigslist

cazzie's avatar

I fell in love with @Seek, but it was after getting to know her better IRL. It’s a platonic sort of love.

Sneki95's avatar

I had an online crush on one guy on 9gag. We never communicated, but he was the cutest metalhead I’ve seen.
He disappeared after a while. Me too.

Coloma's avatar

I’ve had/have a couple whimsical crushes on a couple fellows here but I am a realist and don’t believe you can truly formulate an actual romantic relationship without real face time and physical time. Mild romantic thoughts yes, playful engagement yes, but nah, I’m a firm believer that it takes quite a long time to really get to know someone in real life.
I am attracted to humorous and playful personalities and a little of that goes a looong way with me.
I’ve done some online dating but not for quite a few years now.

I am content being single and have no interest in trying to drum up some action. If it unfolds naturally sure, but as far as actively seeking, no.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Yes. Met online by chance (not a service).

Married 8 years.

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