How does trump figure this is violation of free speach? (See link in details.)
Berkley UC
Trump tweeted, “If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view – NO FEDERAL FUNDS?”
As far as I know, the student also didn’t practice violence ON innocent people. They protested a proposed right wing speecifier’s speech from the night before, but not on the speecifier himself. They went about it all wrong, IMO, and that saddens me.
So what the hell was trump referring to, and why did he blame Berkley?
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Presumably because some students didn’t let Milo Yiannopoulos speak. UC Berkeley said “We condemn in the strongest possible terms the violence and unlawful behaviour that was on display and deeply regret that those tactics will now overshadow the efforts to engage in legitimate and lawful protest against the performer’s presence and perspectives,” UC Berkeley said in a statement:
“While Yiannopoulos’ views, tactics and rhetoric are profoundly contrary to our own, we are bound by the Constitution, the law, our values and the campus’s Principles of Community to enable free expression across the full spectrum of opinion and perspective.”
Trump claims this shows UC Berkeley doesn’t allow free speech. Clearly absurd and threatening to cut funds is a reaction to a non-existent problem.
Being a dictator means that the laws are not relevant to you.
Dissent is proudly American.
I personally think that Yiannopolous should be allowed to speak, even if he is an asshole. I wouldn’t silence him, on principle.
But Trump – he makes up the rules as he goes along.
Clearly Mr Trump does not understand free speech. No one prevented Mr Yoannopoulos from speaking, they just strongly objected to him speaking there.
and not only was this individual allowed to speak at my own alma mater on Tuesday evening, the university president actually paid for his security detail (rendered necessary by threats of violent protest) using taxpayer money. His security detail involved SWAT, security fencing, and university police sent in from all over the state of California. So if you’re a California resident, congrats, your tax dollars just paid for this guy to speak at a California public university.
How free is “free” speech when other people end up having to pay for it?
Milo became famous by harassing women online. He led a Klan-worthy online assault on Leslie Jones. He’s a racist, Islamophobe and a gay hating (but supposedly gay), trans-hating loudmouth.
Meaning Trump is simply defending his people.
That said, he should be ignored. He is deliberately trying to provoke attention, and the protesters give him what he wants. At the most they should attend his events with their backs turned to the detestable piece of garbage..
They allowed him to speak. But when it turned violent they “evacuated” him, @elbanditoroso.
The ones that started the violence wore black masks, and are believed to be members of the ‘Black Bloc’ anarchist group.
Of course, since they were masked, they can not be identified. They could be anyone.
They could even have been hired by the Drumpf regime to manufacture an excuse for a crackdown on his opponents, just like the Gleiwitz Incident, in which Nazi forces dressed up as polish soldiers, assaulted a German radio station, and gave Hitler a pretense to invade Poland.
I believe he makes all his decisions based on headlines.
@ragingloli it occurred to me that the riots that erupted on inauguration day may have been manufactured by Trump and his cronies. It does not seem far-fetched to me at all that these violent protests may have been his making too.
Obviously I say this with no evidence whatsoever.
may have been manufactured by Trump and his cronies
I wouldn’t speculate on that without evidence. There is plenty of verified and obvious malfeasance, adding rumors to the true stories weakens your case.
@Call_Me_Jay yeah, I know. It’s just a thought I had. I’m sure I’m not the only one.
I’m disgusted that the protest involved setting a fire! I’m all for protesting, but setting fires is dangerous and out of control in my opinion. I think the people who set the fire should have been arrested, I don’t know if they were.
When I was at college Farrakhan was to give a speech and there was opposition to it. I didn’t like the idea of him speaking at my school, but I understood the free speech reasoning. What bothered me most about it was using university funds to pay for him to speak.
It’s sort of interesting Trump is threatening no federal funds if free speech is inhibited or if there is violence. On the surface it sounds like it’s protecting free speech and safety, but in reality it won’t be that.
How flipping ironic can it get? The republicans want less government and here is Trump injecting the federal government in our universities. Unbelievable.
Hell, we live in an age where declining to spend your money at a business if you disagree with their politics is often construed as suppressing free speech (rather than recognizing what it truly is: the free market in action). So does this really surprise you?
@JLeslie We all agree. But apparently the protest was peaceful, but then about 150 unknown people, dressed in black and wearing masks, came in and stirred the shit up.
”The attackers, who were not affiliated with the university…who are a part of an anarchist group known as the “Black Bloc” that has been causing problems in Oakland for years,”
@Dutchess_III That makes Trump’s threat to cut federal funding to the university all the more brainless.
Well, he’s brainless. He’s an alternative human.
Whoever is causing the violence, or fires, is the problem. I’m not trying to blame the other people who were peaceful.
Lord, “black bloc” isn’t a group, it’s a method. And it isn’t an Oakland thing (or even necessarily an exclusively anarchist thing). It’s a method of protesting that originated in Europe and has been employed for decades.
Well, whatever and who ever, whatever. It’s destructive and serves no damn purpose. They can give it what ever name they want, but I would bet it’s really a bunch of young men with too much time on their hands, and full of energy looking for any excuse to expel it.
Pardon me for attempting to provide some context and insight beyond the sloppy, half-assed media reporting.
Ok but it doesn’t change the point. But thank you.
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