Meta Question

MakeItSo1701's avatar

What's with the sudden waves of spam?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13737points) February 2nd, 2017

I know there isn’t a way to control who signs up or regulate the intentions of those who sign up, but this website isn’t too well known so I am wondering how or why these people choose this website when there is about 40–50 active users, and most just ignore the spam anyways. I’ve seen 5–10 spam questions in the past week which is the most I’ve seen since I joined (about a month ago).

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6 Answers

Coloma's avatar

The poop question today wasn’t spam, it was just some trollish type trying to stir the shit, so to speak, haha.
Spam comes and goes, most of us flag it when we come across it depending on the time frame it’s posted. Probably they are just looking/searching for any Q&A type sites/forums that they can post their solicitations to. I take it in stride, into every site a little spam must fall.

BellaB's avatar

Given what I see at a site I help out at, I think Fluther gets off lightly. We sometimes see a couple of hundred pieces of spam a night at the other site.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Mods may have been less active this week and so you’re seeing spam they normally clean up quickly.

Stinley's avatar

It’s about the same as usual. We normally get a surge towards the end of the week (spammers getting their quotas in?) but nothing out of the ordinary this week.

Confirmation bias, methinks!

imrainmaker's avatar

More spams means more popularity. Looks like Fluther is gaining some weight ( tiny may be) if we go by your words.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Hope the upcoming maintenance will do something about it.

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