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canidmajor's avatar

A question about building models (please see details)?

Asked by canidmajor (21700points) February 2nd, 2017

What does someone do with the small models they build (cars, planes, ships, whatever) that they don’t want to keep? A long time ago I knew a guy with a teeny tiny apartment who built models to relax, but didn’t have room to keep them. I have no way to ask him, so I’ll ask you guys.
What to do with models other than throw them out?

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14 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Give them to friends,as gifts or decorations other than that yeah chuck um.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

My son made some. When he grew out of them, we just shoved them in a box. I think it would be nice to find the box and give it to a charity shop. I’m sure some kid somewhere might like models of planes to play with.

canidmajor's avatar

oh, @Earthbound_Misfit, that’s a good idea! I wonder if that’s what my friend did?
@SQUEEKY2, would you want to receive a miscellaneous model someone had built? I ask because I wouldn’t, but everybody has different tastes.

Cruiser's avatar

Put them on Ebay. Lots of people admire models of the real deal yet do not possess the patience to build them who would buy them to add to their collection.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I just thought too that you could give them to a kids home or a place where kids with disabilities are. I’d see whether there is one local and give them a ring and see if they’d be interested.

canidmajor's avatar

All the hospitals around here have pediatric wings, I wonder if people donate to those?

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I’m not sure if they do, but I bet they’d like it. I’m imagining models hanging from the ceiling in a kid’s space. Great idea @canidmajor.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Depends on what they are and how well they were done.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I was a talented model painter and diorama bulder as a teen. My parent’s threw them out at some time. Bummer.

But I wouldn’t know what to do if I had them today. I wouldn’t decorate my apartment US Air Force models, let alone Nazi tanks.

My apologies for not solving your problem. I am equally confused.

CWOTUS's avatar

When I was a teenager, a friend of mine and I would build ship and plane models (usually fairly low-cost, quick-to-assemble and off the shelf stuff), and then we’d hang the planes from trees in the woods behind his house, to simulate the thing in flight, and shoot them up with his pellet gun. We’d take the ship models to the pond near my house, cover them liberally with fresh model cement – which is pretty flammable – set them alight and push them out into the water, and then from a distance lob stones at them as if they were long-range ship gunnery.

canidmajor's avatar

Ha ha ha, @CWOTUS, some great sympathetic magic there! Name the models after your enemies!

Darth_Algar's avatar

When I was kid my dad was always building models (usually classic autos) in the evenings after work. He’d display a completed one for a little while until the next was finished. Then they’d go back in the box and would be put away. I think he was more into the process of building them than he was into collecting or displaying them.

Not sure why he stopped. Last I knew they all went into a storage space in the attic of my grandfather’s garage. From there I’m sure they all went into a dumpster when that property was cleaned out after grandpa died in 1998.

Zaku's avatar

Fill them full of fireworks (preferably built in during assembly) and then set them on fire and film them at a high frame rate, and play back the video in slow motion. Or make films with them. Or sell them. Or give them to kids as toys. Or donate them to museums or other related places where they would be appropriate as decoration (e.g. hobby stores that sell models), or raffles or charities (like the toys for needy children ones), or as prizes, or to schools or doctor’s offices.

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