Social Question

MakeItSo1701's avatar

What are some political movements that happened in the 1900s that aren't too well known?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13737points) February 3rd, 2017

As asked. I’m curious about the United States specifically. An example I have is the ban on alcohol- I never learned about that in school.

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19 Answers

janbb's avatar

It’s hard to define what “not too well known” means. Some that you may not have heard about, are very familiar to me.

But you might want to learn about:

Anthony Palmer and the Comstock laws
The International Workers of the World and labor movements in general
Woman’s Suffrage Movement
Margaret Sanger and the birth control movement
The Great Migration (Southern Blacks moving to northern cities)

I would hope you learned about the Freedom Riders and the Civil Rights Movement.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@janbb I know about the Civil Rights Movement and as for the Freedom Riders—I only heard about them for the first time 2 weeks ago.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Where on earth do you go to school?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Dutchess_III I go to a charter school inside the school and I focus on Music. I may have learned about them at one point, the first time we discussed the Civil Rights was when I was in grade school, and after that, it was never really mentioned much.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Are you going to school in America? What is a “charter school inside the school?”

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I am in school in America.
We have 3 charter schools along with the “traditional” high school
Without being too specific, one is for performing arts, another for health/medical interests, and another for world business. The schools use personalized learning to teach students information and use more real life examples of things. For example, I have built a mini golf course to get discrete math credits.

zenvelo's avatar

to get discreet math credits… Like no one can talk about them? Or are they separate and distinct, as if they were discrete?

Have you heard of the Farmworker Organizing Movement in California in the late 1960’s and 70’s? Led by Cesar Chavez, and best know for the table grape boycott?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Thanks for the correction, sorry. I fixed it. :)

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

The First Red Scare resutlting in the Sedition Act Palmer Raids and which was an excuse to end the Labor Movement and the Industrial Workers of the World through Deportations of the Labor Movement leadership and members

The Okie Migration as a result of the Dust Bowl

Jan already mentioned the Second Red Scare

The Civil Rights Movement

The Freedom of Speech Movement which after the formation of the Vietnam Day Committee morphed into the Anti-War Movement and the Feminist Movemen of the 1970’st and joined with the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Power Movement.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Wow, I think this is a woderful question, and it has been covered so well I’m going to have to think deeper. There is some stuff here I will have to look up.
GQs and GAs all around!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Here’s one:1960, the FDA approved the pill as a contraceptive — but in some states, like Connecticut, it wasn’t actually legal for doctors to prescribe it.

janbb's avatar

“Those who do not study the past are condemned to repeat it.”

@Espitirus_Corvus I mentioned the first Red Scare – but not by name – as well with Anthony Palmer.

janbb's avatar

Oh, another would be the environmental movement of the 1970s.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

The Bonus Marchers and resultant riots as a result of the Great Depression and the WWI Adjusted Compensation Act. Many of these same veterans were hired to work on the Overseas Raiload and were killed en mass in the 1935 Labor Day Hurricane while living in veteran work camps.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@janbb Yes, I know, but history must be taught in context or it makes no sense and is open to politically driven revisionism – as anyone who has lived in this country for the past 50 years knows so well. “Alternative Facts” have been with us for a very long time.

flutherother's avatar

The Weathermen i in the 1960’s and 1970’s.

The Youth International Party, or the Yippies was an anarchist movement of the 1960’s. There has never been anything like them before or since. Abbie Hoffman’s testimony in court is hilarious.

Brian1946's avatar

Temperance movement. They were instrumental in the passage of the 18th Amendment in 1920, which prohibited the sale and consumption of alcohol.

I attended UC Berkeley from September, 1965 to January, 1966 and I spent a lot of time on Sproul Plaza getting involved with different progressive and revolutionary groups.

Some groups involved in the 60’s civil rights struggle were:

CORE (Congress Of Racial Equality).

Martin Luther King Jr’s group, the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference).

Stokely Carmichael’s group, the SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), which was more militant than CORE and SCLC.

Even more militant than any of the above was RAM, the Revolutionary Action Movement. They eschewed the pacifist approach of the above civil rights groups (derisively referring to them as “civil rites”), and said that blacks should arm themselves to fight their racist oppressors.

Some of the Marxist groups on campus:

YSA (Young Socialist Alliance). They were the student division of the Socialist Workers’ Party and claimed to be adherents of Leon Trotsky. While they opposed the Stalinist governments of the USSR, China, North Korea, and North Vietnam, they supported the Stalinist government of Fidel Castro in Cuba.

Spartacist League. They were another and more militant Trotskyist group. They criticized the YSA for supporting Castro, and said all of the Stalinist governments needed overthrowing.

Independent Socialist Club. They claimed that Marx would have opposed the Bolshevik Revolution, because Russia was still a primarily agrarian country and therefore had not undergone the prerequisite transition to a capitalist economy.

Progressive Labor Movement. A Maoist (Stalinist) group that was strongly aligned with Mousey Tongue (aka Mao Zedong), who was the leader of Communist China from 1949–1976.

Communist Party (Marxist–Leninist): These guys were hyper-militantly Stalinist-Maoist. A YSA member told me they tried to give some YSA literature to a CP M-L. Instead of saying, “No thanks.”, the intended recipient snarled in reply, “I don’t read Trotskyite garbage!”.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

The invention of intelligent design by creationists to keep evolution out of public education.

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