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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you think the mockery is getting to trump?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) February 3rd, 2017

I can understand that he doesn’t care if no one likes him. He doesn’t care if people disagree with him. He says he doesn’t care if he’s not popular (athough his obsession with numbers says otherwise.) But the whole WORLD is making FUN of him. Entire countries are making fun of him, right down to his penis. How do you think he feels about that?

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27 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

Pretty sure that picture was from Sandy Hook, @Cruiser. It certainly isn’t how trump would feel about it. He could care less.
You making more money yet?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Cruiser must make guns!

Yes, I believe the picture was Obama after the children and teachers were killed.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Oh ! !! ! Gun manufacturers will be happy that today Congress just loosened background check for gun permits and mentally disabled will be able to get permits must easier. OH Sandy Hook !

Seek's avatar

Wow, classy as ever.

Seek's avatar

Don’t worry, soon the public schools will be disbanded and the unstable ammosexuals will have to find a new favorite target, since defenseless Kindergartners will be harder to find in groups.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Are you fucking kidding me @Tropical_Willie????

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Sandy Hook was as real as ancient astronauts.

chyna's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central I hope you just made a bad joke.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I don’t kid about gun permits for crazies. Here is the BBC report

Not your average “alternate facts”.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

HC that is BAD TASTE ! ! ^

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III I typically don’t openly discuss my finances but I bought out my partner last August and was then able to afford the car in my avatar if that helps to answer your question…it is freaky fast

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Cruiser, I think you’re responding to a different comment in a different post, but while we’re on the same page, I agree that, Yes. You didn’t amass that money by being dumb, I know that. Which is why I don’t understand why you refuse see the simple math behind paying for security for two households, 24/7 for the next 4 ears. Both places will be behind the “iron curtain,” as you called the security around the White House, and that’s freaking expensive.

I want that car, @Cruiser!

elbanditoroso's avatar

I hope so. I hope it drives him nuts, so his head explodes.

kritiper's avatar

If it isn’t, it will.
He can’t handle ANY criticism. NONE! And now a judge has put a temporary halt to this 7 nation immigration thing.
I said it could happen.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“No one is above the law—not even the President,” Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson said.”

Bet that was surprising news to Trump.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@kritiper I think he can handle criticisms from a couple of fronts. He just blows them off as idiots. But the whole world making FUN of him? I think not.

kritiper's avatar

^^ I bet that was surprising news to a LOT of people!

MrGrimm888's avatar

It definitely gets to him. For such a busy man,he always finds ways to tweet or name call those who criticize him.

It’s quite transparent that he has the mind of a very insecure,not too smart, child…

cazzie's avatar

I just tried to see if Ylvis has made a Trump video yet, nope, nothing yet. This was drawn and published in Norway at the beginning of December in a national newspaper.

LornaLove's avatar

It will to some degree. He suffers extreme narcissism and psychopathic tendencies. So really we are all at fault. These are scary times.

Pandora's avatar

Of course it’s getting to him, and I would argue that it would get to anyone. However he does make it ever so easy. My daughter and I use to make frequent jokes at my son because he was often stubborn about things he would do wrong. He would often ask. When are you guys going to stop mocking me. And we would reply, when you stop giving us reason to mock you. Don’t get me wrong. It was often light hearted and always just among ourselves. Eventually he learned to stop being so stubborn and to actually listen to our advice and we barely ever mock him now. But Trump is 70 years old. He will never learn and never take good advice. Advice number one would be to stop acting like a jilted teenager and constantly looking for revenge. Two, stop tweeting like a tween. The whole world really doesn’t need to know his every thought or every time he feels treated unfairly. And number 3. Actually take council from our national security agents, the CIA and the FBI. They may not be perfect but they know a lot more than he does.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, there was a lot of mockery thrown at Obama those 8 years. He and Michelle handled it very well. trump can’t handle shit. I think it’s harder for him than for most. He is so used to be revered and sticking awe in the hearts of those who surround him. No one ever dared cross, or deny him, and he’s being crossed and denied at every turn now.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III For the most part I agree with your assessment of Trump but mocking Trump only adds Jet Fuel to the fire with him. He was mocked the minute he descended the escalator at Trump Towers 19 months ago and it only made him more lethal. Mocking a candidate is one thing mocking a President is another. Even I eased off the gas pedal once Obama became our President. They have a job to do and thankfully in either case we had a fully equipped Congress to keep the shit from really unraveling. Not time to panic and instead enjoy the game today.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, like @Pandora said, he invites it by doing such stupid, stupid stuff.

LostInParadise's avatar

He is such a petty little tyrant that it is kind of fun to see how little it takes to get him rattled. Tell him that his hands are small or tell the truth about how many people showed up at the Inauguration. Watch the baby throw a tantrum. The producers of South Park say that Trump is beyond satirization. They have given up. The real thing is simultaneously too funny and really scary.

cazzie's avatar

Norway finally made one of those ‘America First’ videos.

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