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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Can one suffocate from having a plugged nose?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) February 5th, 2017

If your mouth is covered?

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18 Answers

chyna's avatar

If both sides are plugged, probably.

zenvelo's avatar

When your nose is clogged up from a cold, you can still breathe, it is just more difficult. So no, you wouldn’t suffocate.

If your mouth is sealed, as with duct tape, you are more likely to be asphyxiated by gagging on your own vomit.

Darth_Algar's avatar

If you could I suspect there would be a lot more deaths from the cold.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes. While eating, or drinking a beverage. Stuff can go wrong.

If you get hiccups, you could float your brain in snot soup.

Coloma's avatar

Dam, @zenvelo beat me to the duct tape. lol

LostInParadise's avatar

I propose an experiment. The next time that you have a plugged nose, see how long you can go with your mouth closed. Do not bind your mouth closed. Just keep it closed naturally. If you find yourself involuntarily opening your mouth to gasp for air then, pending further experimentation, we may say that the evidence points toward likely suffocation.

Coloma's avatar

Hey…maybe a new form of autoerotica. haha Okay, I’ll just go now, I’m watching Louis CK and he gets my off the wall humor going. lol

Darth_Algar's avatar


Not sure how scientific that experiment would be as you’re going to be inclined, voluntary or not, to do whatever makes for more comfortable breathing. It’s basically a reflexive action, but it doesn’t really establish that suffocation is likely.

A more conclusive experiment would be to tape someone’s mouth shut with a plugged nose and see if they suffocate.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I feel very certain suffocation would result.
What has me curious is whether the frantic attempt to breathe would cause snot to ooze from any extra orafices.

Coloma's avatar

^ Lovely thought, especially on an empty stomach…excuse me while I go throw up now. haha

Mariah's avatar

I’m not sure if it’s true, but I think I’ve read that the body will naturally begin to “liquify” and clear out mucous that is blocking your nose if you can’t breathe through your mouth. It might be triggered by adrenaline production or something, if you can’t breathe and you’re panicking.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Okay, so I will try. I have a terrible cold. I’ll go get the duct tape.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Can’t breathe.
Ears hurt.
Not liquifying yet.
Things getting dark.
Still not liq

Coloma's avatar

@Patty_Melt Here, let me help you, lets try this pillow, now just relax, you’ll only feel pressure for a few seconds. lol

Strauss's avatar

@Coloma did you just make @Patty_Melt away??

Coloma's avatar

@Patty_Melt She’s resting peacefully now. lol

chyna's avatar

I really liked her…

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