What do you think about the boycotts on Ivanka's clothing line?
Asked by
JLeslie (
February 8th, 2017
from iPhone
I heard Ivanka’s line was dropped from Nordstrom’s and other retailers. Nordstrom’s says they dropped her line, because sales have been steadily declining. Let’s just accept that is true for this Q, but also assume it has to do with boycotts.
Is it fair to boycott businesses of the President’s children? Businesses they truly started from scratch and didn’t take over from their father? Is the Trump dynasty just seen as one big conglomerate? Do you think this sort of thing would cause Trump to resign?
Some people say Ivanka is the semi-liberal bird in Trump’s ear that might keep a small amount of sanity in the White House. Do you believe that? Is boycotting her cutting off our nose to spite our face?
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53 Answers
He promised not to mix personal business with the presidency. Of course he tweeted about it. He’s upset his daughter’s business is going downhill. Not something the president of the United States should be doing, but whatever.
Do you know for a fact that his children started their business’ from scratch and didn’t have their fathers help?
But to answer your question, if her line is truly not selling, they have every right to dump her.
@chyna I have no idea the actual facts. Just a clip I saw on TV news about her line being dropped from various stores.
If her business is declining then of course the stores have a valid reason to drop her line. In fact, if they just want to not bother with being mixed up with the politics or want to make a political statement I’m ok with that too.
I’m not sure it’s fair to go after her, but people can do what they want of course. She seems sort of reasonable, unlike her two adult brothers.
People who work at Nordstrom have posted that they hung onto the line hoping sales would improve after the inauguration but it didn’t happen. There’s also an ongoing issue with lawsuits against the line by designers who claim the line is ripping off their work.
People who offer her clothes in swap groups haven’t been able to get rid of them for about a year now. Right now, things from her line tended to be posted with some kind of an apology – sorry , it was a gift etc. If you want an IT dress , you can get one for a subway token these days in Toronto.
People don’t want to buy their crap. Why do the Trumps hate the free market and America?
I have a bachelors degree in economics. And yeah, there are a ton of people that analyze things like dollars made per square foot.
She no longer met that metric. The name is now toxic. And Nordstroms isn’t really where Robby Rebneck goes for shoes.
The name Trump used to mean gold-star quality.
Now it means sniveling liars and hate mongers. No retailer wants to be associated with it.
The name Trump used to mean gold-star cheap-ass fake-gilt quality.
Still does.
Boycotts are lawful and effective ways to get one’s point across.
@elbanditoroso “Trump” has never meant gold-star quality. It has always meant cheap glossy tasteless bunk.
Also, she had an interview where she wore a bracelet from her own line that was 10,000 and her people kept mentioning it. Who in real life can and want to buy a 10,000 dollar bracelet?
@chyna My SIL sells $10,000 purses to customers. Ivanka shops at the store once in a while. Some bags are $25,000. It’s a different world the super rich live in.
What do I think of the boycotts? I think they’re a good idea. I actively participate in them. I’ve never bought Trump merchandise, but I regularly shopped at a department store that carries her line, and now I’ve stopped.
Why would I want to donate my money to someone who supports a fascist regime?
@JLeslie Such waste. It breaks my heart.
@chyna It’s freaky. I know people who will spend $20,000 on a kid’s party and I know people who would rejoice at $100 extra for groceries.
It hurts.
^^I know people who do both of those things. I practically fall in that category. I wouldn’t spend $20k on a party, but my husband and I have spent a load of money on luxury cars, which I feel is unnecessary. He loves the fancy cars. At the same time he is extremely tight regarding groceries, eating out, buying clothes, and various other things. We use coupons, always take home leftovers, rarely buy new clothing, and it’s almost always on sale. I have to push him to buy new socks and underwear when his are visibly worn out or even have holes.
@JLeslie I read today that women are cutting up their Nordstrom cards.
I couldn’t care less. It’s the man that I have a problem with, not his family. I wish people would just stay FUCKING FOCUSSED!
He’s trying to bring get rid of the Dodd-Frank amendment, privatize our schools, reversing foreign policy that has been in place since WWII, giving China a free hand in SE Asia, making enemies left and right, using court jesters for advisors. For those of you who are obsessing whether or not his daughter can sell cheap copies of her inaugural watch for ten grand a pop, maybe you should be concentrating a bit more on what these things mean for our nation.
What a fucking nation of empty-headed dilletantes. You people deserve what you get.
I’m just in a pissy mood today.
Nordstrom is a business. If Ivanka’s lines aren’t selling then they have every right to drop them. We can assume the decision is about the potential for negative backlashes or because the owners/board don’t like Trump or his politics, but there’s no way to prove that. Overall, I don’t care much. She’ll survive.
@Espiritus_Corvus We’re not the enemy, and we’re capable of doing more than one thing at a time. And, uh, some of us aren’t even American. We don’t deserve any of this.
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If you want to then go for it.
I can’t because I am fairly certain not a single member of my family has ever purchased anything with her name on it.
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Agree wholeheartedly with @Espiritus_Corvus initial point, this fucking obsession with all things Trump is all consuming & self destructive, unless of course you just love to feel miserable.
Since Trump is using the presidency to enhance his branding, boycotting is not only legal but a highly appropriate response. Nordstrom’s main concern is making a profit. Whether they dropped the line due to falling sales or fear of retaliation for carrying the products does not make that much of a difference. It is good to see that customers of a high end store are acting against Trump. Apparently it is not just the members of the lower and middle classes who oppose him.
I’m fine with boycotting his products.
I just think if I owned a business, and my dad was an ass, I would hope people wouldn’t boycott my products. I would also hope people would understand that I disagree with him sometimes and agree with him others, but to expect me to distance myself from my father in any extreme way is probably asking too much.
I do think that even without actually boycotting, it’s hard for anyone who is upset about him being president to buy anything associated with Trump now, including Ivanka’s line, real estate, or even staying in a hotel or playing at a golf course. Without trying to make a political statement, people still just can’t put their name near the Trump name.
With the Trumps they have plenty of money to fall back on, but what if they didn’t? She is probably sitting on a lot of expensive inventory.
I bought an Ivanka Trump handbag about five years ago at Lord and Taylor. It’s a little chain handle thing like a Chanel bag, quilted with a tassle. It’s like a mango color, meant for summer. I was going to the city for a birthday party and needed something nice but not too big and it was perfect.
I haven’t looked at it in years and I’m not sure what the logo is like on it, but I’d hesitate to wear it because of her name, if the logo is anything visible with “Ivanka” or “Trump” on it.
If she would use her dad’s name to push her products, she has to be prepared for the opposite to occur. I’m surprised he’s so vehemently against stores discontinuing her products since he is a businessman and he knows the bottom line is profit. If the products are not doing well, the stores won’t sell them. If the stores sell something that ends up on a clearance rack, the stores lose money, the shareholders lose money.
@jca I was thinking the same thing. If she uses the name prominently on her product then she has to deal with the consequences of having used the name for gain. My understanding is you didn’t buy it because it was an Ivanka bag, but rather because it suited your needs at the time. I’m not familiar with her line. I don’t know if someone can spot it like a Chanel item.
@JLeslie: Yeah, the price was right and the bag was cute. It had nothing to do with the fact that it was Ivanka. I would have bought it if it was a no name or some other name.
I just think if I owned a business, and my dad was an ass, I would hope people wouldn’t boycott my products….With the Trumps they have plenty of money to fall back on, but what if they didn’t?
Then she wouldn’t have a line of products with her name on it. Problem solved.
She’s not some scrappy creative person making nifty items that fill people with joy. She’s simply slapping her name on things that other people make.
I don’t feel sorry for her one bit, it’s not as though she’s going to fall into poverty if this hurts her business.
@Call_Me_Jay I don’t get the feeling she is a designer either. Her line is more about her taste and business acumen I’d guess. It doesn’t matter either way to me though. Whether she is creating from scratch from her own brain, or procuring her items from other people who design, it doesn’t matter to me.
I just looked online. I like her stuff. A lot of it people probably wouldn’t know you were wearing Ivanka. A lot of shoes with reasonable heal heights.
Not that I’ll be buying anything.
Nordstrom hoped sales would improve after the inauguration. They did not. There are lawsuits in progress re Ivanka’s line stealing designs. The plug had to be pulled.
The Kellyanne issue is another bag of stupid. There is a formal bipartisan ethics complaint as a result of that.
”....another bag of stupid. Heh! Heh!
United States Code (federal law)
5 CFR 2635.702 Use of public office for private gain
An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity, including nonprofit organizations of which the employee is an officer or member, and persons with whom the employee has or seeks employment or business relations.
‘Norm Eisen, former Obama White House ethics czar, told MSNBC, “I believe that it’s a violation of the rules and she’s gonna need to be disciplined for it.” But don’t count on her facing serious consequences any time soon. As far as who would discipline Conway, Eisen said that since Conway is a White House official, it’s up to the President to do something about it. ’
@rojo Correct, there will be no consequences for Conway turning the White House into QVC.
The Trumpsters are a tight little group in the bunker, cheering each other on as they break all the rules. Donald can’t abide bad news, and they aren’t going to give it to him.
My prediction now is that within six months Republicans in Congress will tell Trump he will be impeached or he will STFU and let Pence run things. And the whole White House nuthouse will be ejected and replaced with conventional party people.
It will suck but at least Pence won’t be sending us into a depression with a trade war or into Armageddon with a shooting war.
You may be right but Trump will not go quietly into the night. Just like his little rant this evening…..“See you in Court”. Seriously, does he not know he was just in court? He will go down swinging convinced he is in the right and everyone is out to get him which they may well be by that time.
The Supreme Court is going to decline to hear the immigration course or, at worst, tie 4–4.
Either way, the 9th Circuit decision will stand – the immigration executive order is unconstitutional.
Regarding Donny fighting on – my hope is that the agencies and the military will refuse unlawful orders and he’ll be impotently sending out commands that nobody follows.
We’ll see. Maybe I’m dreaming. I’ve been disappointed every step of the way since he crushed the opposition in the primaries.
I am going to guess that even with an eight justice SC they will find it unconstitutional by more than a 4 – 4 margin. I think Roberts at least will side with the more liberal members.
In case anybody missed it, Congress has decided to discipline Conway for what she did. My guess is that all she will get is a slap on the wrist and a warning that next time she will not get off so easily. Link
That’s terrible. I can’t imagine how harsh it must be to be a rich debutante who only has to sit back and bank on her name, and then the overwhelming horror when that name becomes toxic.
I do hope poor little Ivanka has plenty of ladies maids to dab away her tears.
I don’t care. But honestly I don’t think people would boycott her stuff if Trump really kept business separate from his position and did a blind trust. Another thing may be because her stuff is manufactured in China. He says he want’s to punish businesses who don’t employ in America but it seems his whole family and himself included are held to a different standard. Latest I heard is she moving the manufacturing to another country, but it isn’t ours. I think that is why she is being boycotted. It a very strong conflict of interest.
If she had changed her manufacturing to doing it here in the states than maybe she would’ve faired well. Even liberals would’ve been ok with that.
As for her being a liberal, that may be true but I don’t believe she has any real influence on Trump. You have to be a reasonable person to listen to reason. So he may humor her from time to time, but I doubt he really trust anyone’s opinion but his own. And if he thinks she is wrong about something because it contradicts his wishes and his inflated ego, he will ignore it.
Plus how liberal can you be when you manufacture your stuff in a country that has been well known for horrible working conditions, and slavery wages?
I can’t boycott her line of clothing because I also can’t afford to buy it to begin with.
I seriously doubt that she started it from scratch without daddy’s help. Her allowance alone would be more help that I ever got. My dad gave me an allowance of 25 cents a week & expected me to be thrilled!!!
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