Dutchesses’s question reminded me I never gave the answer.
Listing to 12th place to include all the countries mentioned:
Rank / Country / Square Kilometers / Square Miles
01 Russia….....................17,075,200 / 6,592,769
02 Canada…......................9,984,670 / 3,855,101
03 United States of America…....9,826,630 / 3,794,081
04 China….......................9,596,960 / 3,705,405
05 Brazil…......................8,511,965 / 3,286,487
06 Australia…...................7,686,850 / 2,967,908
07 India….......................3,287,590 / 1,269,345
08 Argentina…...................2,766,890 / 1,068,302
09 Kazakhstan…..................2,717,300 / 1,049,155
10 Algeria….....................2,381,740 / 919,595
11 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the….....2,345,410 / 905,567
12 Greenland…...................2,166,086 / 836,330
Geohive – The 50 largest (area) countries in the world