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Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Trivial Pursuit! (which means you can't Google!) What are the 5 largest countries by area?

Asked by Call_Me_Jay (14058points) February 8th, 2017

Don’t Google! And you can just pick the first few if you don’t know five.

I got the first two without Googling. The top ten included surprises.

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22 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

United States

(Unless we were also counting territorial waters as part of the country, in which case Indonesia would move up to a place on the list.)

stanleybmanly's avatar

China has to be in there. I think it probably crowds out Brazil.

Coloma's avatar

Uh..Australia, China, Russia, US, India?

JLeslie's avatar

No google. Russia, Canada, US, I’m not sure about China? It’s very populated, but I don’t know if it’s very big. Brazil sounds good. It’s pretty big, about half of South America. I hadn’t thought of it on my own, but saw it above in answers and it sounds like a good guess.

dxs's avatar

1. Russia
2. Canada
3. Brazil
4. China
5. USA

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

My guesses were:

rojo's avatar

China, Russia, Canada, Australia, Antarctica (no specific order)

stanleybmanly's avatar

But Antarctica is not a country.

Coloma's avatar

So when do we get the answer? Australia HAS to be one of them.

rojo's avatar

What is it then? A land mass? A continent? Sure, but does a land mass have to have a permanent population to be a country?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

A country has a government recognized by other governments.

Brian1946's avatar

Russia > 6 million square miles.

Canadia: about 3.8 million sm.

China: about 3.7 million sm.

US: about 3,615,000 sm.

Brazil: about 3,233,000 sm.

I think Australia is next: about 2.8 million sm.

India: 1,221,000 sm.

Argentina: a little over 1 million sm.

Sneki95's avatar

Russia, USA, Canada, China and Brazil.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Antarctica is one of the continents, while Australia is distinct in being both a country and a continent.

ucme's avatar

Maybe you should’ve included copying other answers as well as google :D

Sneki95's avatar

@ucme Well it’s not like we have a lot if big countries to choose from…

LuckyGuy's avatar

Ok, I’ll bite. I’m not looking at other answers or any maps. Here’s my guess. (I hope I don’t embarrass myself too much.

United States

Australia, China might be in there but I will stick with my guess.

ucme's avatar

Of course not, but other answers written write above where you’re meant to compose your own is a far bigger cheat risk than that which googling poses, if you’re of that mindset of course.
Never mind, no biggie anyway, just a throwaway observation is all…

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Dutchesses’s question reminded me I never gave the answer.

Listing to 12th place to include all the countries mentioned:

Rank / Country / Square Kilometers / Square Miles
01 Russia….....................17,075,200 / 6,592,769
02 Canada…......................9,984,670 / 3,855,101
03 United States of America…....9,826,630 / 3,794,081
04 China….......................9,596,960 / 3,705,405
05 Brazil…......................8,511,965 / 3,286,487
06 Australia…...................7,686,850 / 2,967,908
07 India….......................3,287,590 / 1,269,345
08 Argentina…...................2,766,890 / 1,068,302
09 Kazakhstan…..................2,717,300 / 1,049,155
10 Algeria….....................2,381,740 / 919,595
11 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the….....2,345,410 / 905,567
12 Greenland…...................2,166,086 / 836,330

Geohive – The 50 largest (area) countries in the world

rojo's avatar

I still think Antarctica is a country

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@rojo Thank you for reminding me. I did want to include the continent (not country) of Antarctica in the list.

Special mention
Antarctica…14,000,000 sq. km / 5,405,428 sq. miles

I had it in my spreadsheet and forgot to copy it over.

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