[NSFW] How would you rate the strangeness of these sexual acts?
Just for giggles, how would you rate these sexual acts in levels of strangeness (to be polite)?
• Sex with animals, giving and receiving.
• Sex with body fluids and waste, including consumption.
• Sex with dead bodies.
Like I said, it is just for giggles (who knows, it might be insightful), how would you rate them with less to more ”strange”?
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28 Answers
Too weird to comment about.
I would rate them right down there with something I would expect from you, Man of God.
^ If you actually knew what a Kingdom Man was, then that comment would be more than hot hair (to say it politely).
Sexual attraction to animals and corpses is not strange. It’s perverted. We define those with a term paraphilia, which means they are considered deviant sexual fantasies. If someone came to me and told me he is into animals and corpses, I wouldn’t react with “well, that’s a bit unconventional”. I’d be appalled someone not only has such perverted fantasies, but also have enough courage to openly admit it to someone else.
I’m sure you are aware that is also considered a violent act and is against the law.
When it comes to liquids, though…well, that is a bit unconventional. How is that even po- wait, by “waste” do you mean…like… that waste? And you include consumption?
Ewwwww, that is gross! Like real gross. If I had to rank it’s strangeness from 1 to 10, it’d be, like, 50.
0, 0, and 0. Heard of all of them. The internet is just making those things more known.
Give me something different please! Sex with a meteor for example.
P.S: this answer is for giggle too.
@Hypocrisy_Central LOL. Next you’ll be telling us that you are Michael the Archangel… or perhaps Lucifer? to put it politely
I would rate all three as “too gross to contemplate.”
It takes all kinds. Different strokes for different folks. Whatever blows your skirt up.
1. Unacceptable as consent can’t be obtained from animals.
2. Not my business between consenting adults.
3. Unacceptable as consent can’t be obtained from a corpse.
Giggles? You need a hobby! Perhaps jigsaw puzzles.
Just for giggles. In my alternate universe I would rate them as follows:
Normal • Sex with vaginal or seminal body fluids
Strange • Sex with body fluids other than above and waste, including consumption.
Stranger • Sex with dead bodies.
Strangest • Sex with animals, giving and receiving.
Hey, if it is okay to kill and eat them, it is okay to fuck them.
They can not consent to either.
Ok, one more:
Strangest but somewhat titillating to imagine – Sex with @ragingloli, giving and receiving.
this is social isn’t it?? Yeah, ok, whew!
I do practice post-coital predation.
@Sneki95 It’s perverted.
To know where you perceive ”perverted” what is the measuring stick you are using (not that it is the ultimate)?
When it comes to liquids, though…well, that is a bit unconventional. How is that even po- wait, by “waste” do you mean…like… that waste? And you include consumption?
Ewwwww, that is gross! Like real gross. If I had to rank it’s strangeness from 1 to 10, it’d be, like, 50.
Then I strongly suggest you never catch up with Two Girls, One Cup, and certainly right after you had a hardy meal.
@Mimishu1995 0, 0, and 0. Heard of all of them. The internet is just making those things more known.
Sure, the growth of the Internet has exposed the underbelly of society that people heard of but thought was urban legend. Of sex that is possible (if one had sex with a meteor it would be simply a form of masturbation, but meteors are not commonly used and hard to find for that), by zeroing them all out you find them all equal in strangeness or normality?
@ragingloli Perfectly normal.
I expected no different answer from you, thanks for sharing. ;-|
Hey, if it is okay to kill and eat them, it is okay to fuck them.
They (sic)can not consent to either.
Logic from that end of earthly reasoning, I find myself to be forced more in agreement. We kill and eat many animals without asking, we make them pets or beast of burden without asking them or getting permission, why would it be more above board for someone to swipe the wool from a sheep but not gratify oneself by it? Why would it be acceptable to have a dog guard my property or perform work for humans and said human not use it in an intimate fashion or a pig before making it bacon? I can’t go into why I don’t roll with that when you get out of this spectrum of earthly reasoning because it is not that type of conversation.
Strange is the new normal…
People are fucking crazy.
@Hypocrisy_Central . Out of curiosity, does the Bible mention anything about those subjects?
“Just for giggles” translates in HC lingo to ” for my perverted and voyeuristic pleasure in discussing sexual acts that no healthy person would ever condone.” Yep, you need a new hobby HC. Would you like to know what I am wearing right now too and my bra size?
Nothing giggle worthy here.
@Coloma No offense, but according to this question, you are too old, alive and human for him…
@Hypocrisy_Central I use my measuring stick, which classifies every sexual preference by two criteria: first one is in “with humans” and “with non humans”. The second category is “harmful” and “not harmful”. Both of your examples fall into “harmful”.
And I’m pretty sure Two Girls, One Cup is the main reason you mentioned that one in the first place, isn’t it?
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@Sneki95 Both of your examples fall into “harmful”.
I guess how you factor ”harmful” is different, I cannot see how two people slinging their s*** around on each other or having ”golden showers” etc. can be harmful if both agreed. If it is the animals, I can’t see it as any more harmful than killing them and eating them, or simply shooting them to keep them from tearing up the lawn, and the dead person is dead, according to some they are in the great white zephrum so what is left is not even them but just rotting meat, how can you harm that? But thanks for clarifying what you though it was.
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@Hypocrisy_Central Quit twisting my words. I referred to zoophilia and necrophilia as harmful. It’s pretty obvious. It says “both”, not “all three” and the sex with liquids one is clearly referenced immediately later.
I won’t discuss anything else after that. If you disagree, your problem.
^ I did not twist your words, just trying to see where “harm” was had, but you are right, you have your opinion and I have mine….guess that is where it is, bygones….
IMO. Too much real “shit slinging” here.
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