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Dutchess_III's avatar

Is the "Rogue POTUS Staff" Twitter account for real?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47155points) February 10th, 2017

Are they really inside the White House, close to Trump’s inner circle? Are they relaying things Trump has actually said?

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11 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

If it is not real, you sure as hell can not tell the difference.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Odds of authenticity look like about 0.0% to me.

Seek's avatar

I’ve been following it for a while, and if it’s not real it is a fantastic troll.

I’m OK with either, to be honest.

Soubresaut's avatar

They supposedly have a DOJ briefing they got from contacts inside the DOJ on Fed 7th:

Except that same brief was released by NPR on Feb 6th:

So…. I’m with @Call_Me_Jay.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I hope it is real and true, but there’s no hard evidence. My guess is that that the writer has to obfuscate some stuff so that it is not totallly obvious who is doing the leaking.

I think the chances of it being real are way for than 0% – I would guess 75–80% that it a real person.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, of course it is a real person @elbanditoroso! What else would it be? But is it really from someone in the White House, close to the action? Close enough to hear through closed doors and report?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Dutchess_III -thats what I meant by real – a person in the WH in a position to know this stuff.

ALSO – I think it is more than one person- probably 3–4 contributors.

imrainmaker's avatar

Will it be taken down if White House asks for it? What are the chances?

Dutchess_III's avatar

You think they haven’t already demanded it @imrainmaker? They don’t know who it is.

Seek's avatar

@imrainmaker – There have been a bunch of Twitter accounts made trying to flush out who the person running @RoguePOTUSStaff is. They’re not giving up any identifying information, no photographs, nothing. Which is good, because if it is real, and they ARE found, they’ll probably be sent to goddamn Guantanamo or something.

The biggest thing for me is the small stuff, not the policy things or the “big news breaks”. The little things. The things heard yelled at a janitor who couldn’t get out a stain made by Trump throwing a cup at someone.

BellaB's avatar

The whole WH is so leaky right now it almost doesn’t matter.

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