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MakeItSo1701's avatar

How come the Air Force doesn't visit my school as often as the other branches?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13865points) February 10th, 2017

We have military recruiters that visit my school every month. The Marines come every month, the Navy comes about every 2–3 months and the Army comes every 1–2 months. The Air Force only comes about once or twice a year and I was wondering if there is any particular reason for that. I’ve tried to ask counselors at my school and they don’t know. Is it because the Air Force is more selective? I’m really interested in the Air Force so it is slightly frustrating.

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8 Answers

johnpowell's avatar

Smart people go into the Air Force since they will walk out alive. Students are idiots so the Army and Marines have sweet gullible cannon fodder.

Darth_Algar's avatar

My understanding is that the Air Force is by far the most selective of the military branches.

kritiper's avatar

The Air Force takes applicants of a higher intelligence than the other armed forces. If you’re smart enough to consider joining the Air Force, I guess they’ll consider you.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You can gauge which branches have the least difficulty fulfilling their recruitment allotments by the intensity of the trolling for chumps.

Pandora's avatar

The Air Force is generally more selective. To advance in the Airforce (career wise) most continue taking college courses and graduate with at least one degree or even two. Since they are big on education,

Each branches of service have their own quota’s for their recruiters. I imagine the quota for the Air Force is lower, so recruiters rely more on those who go to recruiting stations and talk to them. Why fish in open water if the fish jump in your boat on the shore? Especially if you only need a few to eat. The other branches have higher quotas. So you go out into the open waters and throw a net.

Another thing may be where your school is located. I knew some Marine recruiters. In the City they had sometimes 2 to 3 times the amount of people to recruit vise those in a smaller town.

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MakeItSo1701's avatar

I posted this question a while ago, but I think I found the answer: Today I was supposed to talk to the recruiter (He didn’t show up, something else came up for him) and I was the only person there waiting for him. If he had shown up, and I hadn’t, he probably would have been the only one there. not as many people probably aren’t interested in joining the AF at my school.

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