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MakeItSo1701's avatar

What happens if you drink mint extract?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13867points) February 10th, 2017

I like to put a small amount of peppermint extract in my hot chocolate. When I went to put some in I noticed we were all out and all we had was mint extract. I’ve never tried mint extract and I wanted to see if it would taste good in my hot chocolate so I took a drink out of the bottle. It tasted terrible. Am I going to get sick because of this?
(I didn’t think this through when I did it.)

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8 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

It won’t hurt you.

It is usually suspended in alcohol, so if you drink enough (a lot) you could get drunk. But that would have to really be a lot, and the way it tastes would be hard to take.

But mixing a few drops in a hot chocolate is a good idea!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It has not made me bald !

It must have been something else.

Patty_Melt's avatar

If you have a sensitive stomach, a large swallow could upset your tummy, but I would bet you didn’t get all that much down.
Extracts can tend to be awfully strong. By themselves they are nasty. Mixed with something else is a whole other ballgame.
Give it a shot, but you will need to experiment with amounts. I would start with three drops, and go from there.
Also, have you tried candy canes for that shot of peppermint? YUM!

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BellaB's avatar

@SergeantQueen – extract is meant to be used dropwise. Drinking from the bottle won’t make you sick, it just doesn’t make sense. It is a concentrate and not meant to be used/tasted at full-strength.

Patty_Melt's avatar

On the upside, you should toot pretty for a few days. :-)
BRRRRRRT… mmm minty fresh.

Zaku's avatar

It’s one of the ingredients in leprechaun potion, but only one of them, so you’re probably ok. But more minty. You are what you eat.

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