1. Most importantly, stop destroying the planet and pushing non-human species to extinction and destroying ecosystems. Switch to non-greenhouse sustainable energy and technologies as quickly as feasible. Provide for the needs of non-human species and eco-systems, restoring wildlife habitats, stop poaching and other threats to endangered species, stop over-fishing, stop bee-eradicating pesticide use, stop eradicating biodiversity through needless GMO monoculture crops, more to more sustainable/natural agricultural practices, etc. Remove corporate rights to plunder the planet’s resources for profit.
2. Next most importantly, identify and remove all corrupt oligarchic string-pullers and their minions from power. Dismantle all the networks of international mega-corporations, and reform their corporate charters so that they are all to do good non-harmful things (taking non-human environmental interests greatly to heart, as well as the needs of non-wealthy people) more importantly than profits or growth. Remove corporate pawns from public office. Remove big-money from politics. Remove/replace corporate news media.
3. Provide for the basic needs of all humans. No one should be without food and water, shelter, or ordinary medical care.
4. Stop warmongering, despotism, and population feuds. Much of it should already have been vastly reduced by handling issues 1–3. Remaining issues should also be handled by pruning as necessary, assuming the means are available or can be figured out.
5. Provide for the well-being of all people. Free education. Better free healthcare. Basic universal income. Eradication of toxic debts (national, World Bank and personal) and interest on debt. No taxes on people’s homes. Rent control.
6. Establish democratic systems that actually take people’s actual opinions into account. No more forcing them into a false dilemma about which corporate pawn to appoint to represent them for years at a time.
7. Establish rights to freedom of access to uncensored unfiltered unthrottled information without corporate greed-mongering, and to privacy without wiretapping and recording and tracking communications.
8. Overhaul and/or abolition of legal systems for patents, copyrights, and other “intellectual property”. No more billion-dollar lawsuits between corporations about swiping a touchpad, GUIs, and certain not on DNA, even of GMOs. No more calling copying data “piracy” – establishment of new systems for rewarding content creators that don’t rely on criminalization of copying data.
9. Acceptance of other cultures, lifestyles, religions, cultures, etc.
There’s still room for plenty of free-enterprise and wealth accumulation, just not at the expense of destroying the planet, driving species to extinction, depriving people of basic needs, political corruption, civil rights, violence, censorship, deception, monopoly, pollution, etc.