General Question

Rarebear's avatar

What did you learn today?

Asked by Rarebear (25192points) February 11th, 2017

Just one thing. What did you learn?

I learned that Bill Nye is hosting a science show on Netflix that will premier in April.

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27 Answers

janbb's avatar

How to keep myself away from a situation that could have been really painful.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

How awkward it is when you go to an event and everyone else’s families are there except for yours.
so awkward
and sad

johnpowell's avatar

I have been trying to set up a sort of mesh network for the people around me. I live in a very densely populated area and see about 40 wifi networks.

So the goal here is to make a intranet that never talks to the broader internet.

Why would I do this? Because I am a nerd and it would be fun and it might be helpful.

What would this thing actually do?

Forum (similar to fluther) and chat and a file sharing thing that is hosted in my closet. I pirate a ton of shit!.

So the plan is you connect to a SSID (with no broader internet accesses) and then are given some places and then pick what what you want. It would all be ran out of my closet. No Comcast needed.

In my head this was all very simple. In practice I am hitting some roadblocks. So I learned that I am a idiot today.

Coloma's avatar

I learned about citrus fruit genetics in this months Nat. Geo. Scroll down to the citrus evolutionary chart. Super cool huh? :-)

I also learned about the history of ancient alcohol and all the species of small wildcats around the world.

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Jeruba's avatar

I learned that “reverse isolation” posted on a jail cell in the infirmary means that the inmate’s incoming air is being filtered for his protection.

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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

That the cities with the most violent homicides in the US are also the cities with the toughest gun laws

Rarebear's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Did you learn that today? Or are you just making a political point?

Sneki95's avatar

That there are people that have no boundaries when it comes to bashing the ones they dislike.
Also, there were a lot of avant-garde movements in Russia in 1920s, and they based their works and philosophy on a strange mix of communism and futurism.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^^ Did you learn that today? Or are you just making a political point?
I wasn’t seeking to learn that but someone pointed it out to me, and i found it interesting.

Brian1946's avatar

Los Angeles has accumulated over 16” of rain so far this season, which is the first time we’ve received an amount than our seasonal average in 6 years.

Berserker's avatar

That you can beat Morgue Jack in Resident Evil 7 without using the chainsaw. I thought it was mandatory but I didn’t have enough space to pick up the chainsaw so I unloaded all my ammo on him. Worked.

LostInParadise's avatar

I learned that game theory includes the fair division of items, as in a will, and that John Nash came up with an algorithm for it. I have not yet looked at the algorithm. Wouldn’t want to cram too many things into a single day.

flutherother's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central I’ll see your violent homicide statistic and raise you one Harvard School of Public Health review of the academic literature.

LostInParadise's avatar

@flutherother, You might appreciate this article about how to extend the process that was mentioned in your link.

LostInParadise's avatar

HC, Do you have a reference for your statistics. This is what I just found.

jca's avatar

I learned about some big residential buildings that are planned to go up in the city that I work in. I learned my sister, who just got engaged, is planning to leave her job and move far away with the fiance. We like him a lot but to leave a job she loves so suddenly and move far away is a lot for us all to absorb.

As far as facts, I don’t think there are any facts I learned on the day this question was asked, which was yesterday.

Sneki95's avatar

I learnt the meaning behind the video “Feel Good Inc.” by Gorrilaz. Wow. Made me love the band even more. I’ve seen the video before, but I’ve never seen it like this.

the video

Mariah's avatar

I’ll answer for yesterday as I’ve only been up for about an hour today. I learned there is a church in my local area where I would feel comfortable and accepted. Unitarian Universalist. I may start attending some events. This is a whole new world for me, lol.

janbb's avatar

@Mariah I can’t tell how much joining my local Unitarian Universalist congregation has meant to my life! you will find like-minded people there. Good move.

Rarebear's avatar

@Mariah @janbb One of my best friends is an atheist Hindu who is a senior member of his Unitarian church. I tease him about that.

janbb's avatar

@Rarebear Well, I’m an atheist Jew and the Board Secretary of my congregation. That’s the beauty of Unitarianism!

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Coloma's avatar

How can you be an atheist that still worships a god?
According to wikipedia Unitarians believe that Jesus was inspired by “God” in his moral teachings but that he is a human a not a deity. Okay, but it is still a religion based on the premise of an omnipotent “god” so wouldn’t that cancel out Atheism? Interesting if nothing else.

LostInParadise's avatar

I did not know that the Unitarians believed that way. Muslims have the same attitude toward Jesus, and toward Muhammad for that matter.

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