Is there a bad way for a woman to announce she is pregnant, or are all ways good?
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20 Answers
Yes, there are bad ways. Announcing in anger, especially if the man took no responsibility for birth control and treated the mother poorly.
^ [...especially if the man took no responsibility for birth control and treated the mother poorly.
The fact she was not her own poor gatekeeper has nothing to do with it. To say in anger is ti say in anger, I guess because she was caught by her own actions…..but that is a different coversation.
“I’m pregnant” is neutral in meaning. It’s everything else that makes it good or bad news.
At a bar, “By the way, this is my last bender for a while. I’m preggers.”
Could this become the first lurveless thread at Fluther? ;-o
If it’s Chris Brown’s girlfriend: “I’m pregnant and it’s NOT yours”.
There are many bad ways. For example if her boyfriend says he is leaving her and she then announces she is pregnant to try to keep him that isn’t good.
If the couple was taking all the precautions NOT to get pregnant and it still happened,would that be good?
Especially if both didn’t want to have children I would think any announcment would be bad in that case.
Having children isn’t for everyone even after 28 years of marriage I still thank GOD we don’t have any life is so much easier without them.
Is there a good way to announce a birth control failure?
A bad way? Sure. Announcing you’re pregnant to a man who isn’t the father,but telling him he is…
To me. That’s one of the worst things a woman can do in this world. And it happens too frequently.
Well, I guess that depends on if a pregnancy is good news or bad.
I can tell you about one horrible way to announce it. It was early in the 90’s. I had been divorced for three years, and I was casually dating a guy I had absolutely 0 interest in as a life partner. I had 3 kids, the youngest was 7, and I was done.
I was suddenly hit with excruciating stomach pains one evening, while in the middle of trimming the yard. I’m not a whiner, and I almost always fight through stuff, but after about an hour I figured this was something really bad, so I drove myself to the ER. It was late on a Saturday night. I had to fight off scary panhandlers at stop lights and stuff. More than one called me a bitch when I just shook my head numbly.
They checked me in. After two hours I was dozing fitfully on a gurney, in pain, scared and cold.
Suddenly the doctor came briskly in the door and announced, matter of factly, “Your pregnancy test was positive!”
I gasped in horror, and started struggling to sit up going, “What? WHAT?? WHAT????“I didn’t even know they were doing a pregnancy test. No clue. I was on birth control, too, so I was completely unprepared.
She looked at me, shocked at my reaction, like I’d lost my mind. She said, “Well, calm down! Calm down!”
Yeah, that as all bad. It was an ectopic pregnancy which had burst, which is also all bad.
At the time I qualified for Medicaid, thank God, or I might have just kept trying to fight through until I died.
A couple of months later, they cancelled my Medicaid coverage. That was all bad too.
Yeah, me too. The way I found out I was pregnant was by learning it was ectopic, and would have to go. I was too far along to survive a rupture if I had been anywhere besides surgery. I ruptured as they were putting me under.
The pain had me doubled over, drenched in sweat, and everything swirled. My pain was too intense to focus on anything. Somehow, I got past that round, survived a week beyond. The doc at my base called me a wuss and told me to put my damn uniform on and go back to work.
A call from Bethesda to say an OR was waiting for me, and to get me there asap didn’t budge her. She would not clear an ambulance. I had to do the hour and a half drive alone.
By the time I was released she had been reassigned, and was gone.
I always hoped her appendix would rupture during a power outage at rush hour time.
You fought it out for a week? And how long did it take for them to figure out what was wrong? Yeah, it hurts.
I worked for Rubbermaid in the customer service department a couple of years after than. A gal at work suddenly went down. Others were gathered around and an ambulance was on the way. I was watching her. I knew it was an ectopic pregnancy, but I didn’t say anything.
A piss test was negative. They had to wait for a rabbit to croak. They had done a sonogram, but nobody had survived a tubal pregnancy fourteen weeks along before. They were looking for something cricket sized, not fist sized. They told me the tech probably saw it and thought he was looking at a UBF (unborn fart). They even drew fluid by putting a looooong needle through my uterine wall into my abdominal cavity to look for traces of blood.
Everything came up negative! They were forced to wait for a blood test. When it came up positive, the surgeon was convinced, but still they had to set me up for a laparoscopy, a scope through my navel to peek. I was only just out and my bp went zero. The surgeon announced, “That’s rupture”, and sliced me hipbone to hipbone. I woke to a weeping husband, a catheter, and fourteen staples.
Three months later was our annual pt, including three mile run, and pull ups.
I could FEEL furniture rearrainging.
Jesus. Did you think you might be pregnant?
I had a complication about a week later. I foolishly tried to move a heavy tube TV down into the basement for the kids. I don’t know what happened, but I was doubled over again. I functioned, but could not walk straight for over a month. By that time they had cancelled my insurance so I just battled it through. It finally went away, what ever it was.
No, I didn’t. I had pains from time to time when I worked, but I thought just a side cramp. I wasn’t late, and before that I had never associated pain with early term pregnancy. There was no morning sickness. I ignored my only sign. A girl I worked with kept looking at my ass, tipping her head sideways, and saying, “girrrrl, you’re pregnant.”
That wasn’t “early term pregnancy” though, so why would you associate it with that at all?
I didn’t miss my period either. It was weird. Well, actually, at one point, about a week before it hit, I remember thinking, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say I was pregnant.” Nothing hurt, I wasn’t sick. It was just that “feeling,” you know? I’ve always been really in tune with my body. Anyway, I shrugged it off.
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