Would you rather ride in a car driven by Lindsay Lohan, or in an airliner piloted by Harrison Ford?
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Brian1946 (
February 14th, 2017
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8 Answers
A tandem bicycle piloted by Pee Wee Herman.
I’d rather fly with Solo… er, Ford.
Seems to me he has done a lot of flying of many different aircraft, many of them old and/or in not entirely trivial conditions.
The linked article didn’t say anything about Ford being under the influence of anything. Is there a source for that idea?
Why does your link suggest Ford had been drinking, when the article doesn’t address anything like that?
I guess either would be better than duck hunting with Dick Cheney.
I’d fly with Ford any day.
Ford. He’s fucking awesome.
I wouldn’t want to spend 2 minutes with Lohan.
Naked relay running with Stevie Wonder
A government run by Donald Trump is just as dangerous.
Private pilots kill themselves and their passengers a lot. Harrison Ford is old. And he’s crashed before. Pass on that.
Lindsay? Sure. if it’s a drug- and alcohol-free occasion.
Ten years ago I’d say Ford drives and Lindsay and I get the back seat.
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