What would your reaction be if a male sent an unsolicited nude picture to your phone?
Anyone can answer. Just in case, let us know if you’re a male or female in your answer.
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155 Answers
Someone you are acquainted with.
My reaction would be to notice that it’s smaller than mine.
And then delete it and think nothing of it.
Most likely, my reaction would be to find his mother’s Facebook page and forward it to her.
I would turn it over to the police just as I would if someone exposed themself to me.
If this person was close enough to me to have my phone number, I’d just laugh it off and ask WTF?
I’d report ‘em to the police.
I’m a female, I had this happen last year. I told my guidance counselor, she talked to the principal of his school (a military academy) and I don’t know what happened after that, but he never texted me anymore.
I would probably do the same thing if it were to happen again.
It’s never happened and if it does happen it will be by accident. I would just say ‘Dude, I think you pressed the wrong contact button on your app or something’ and leave it at that.
I don’t think it actually happens that often.
I am male. Funny thing about phones is the person is immediately identifiable. I would reply back with a joke that includes his name, “hey Charlie, nobody getting happy with that except you!”.
My DIL got one from an ex-friend of her husbands who had moved to California @ARE_you_kidding_me.She was like, “Oh this is so gross!”
I would mock his tiny deformed penis.
The first time, I’d probably just delete it. Any more than that, I’d text the guy back telling him he has the wrong number.
My answer would be 180 degrees different if it were a woman sending me the texts.
I would be livid if it was my daughter. Pruning shears would come out.
I would be more than a little freaked out by that.
This has happened many times to me and my attractive female friends on facebook. Never by anyone we knew well, but by new aquaintances. The perpetrators were usually dumb rednecks, jocks or military.
I called them out by name on my facebook to expose them to warn others, then blocked them.
This happens frequently to attractive women believe it or not
I was beautiful. I’m glad I was past my prime by the time the internet came around. I can’t imagine what they’d be thinking to do something like that.
They think they are being seductive. They think they are actually turning you on.
God they are stupid then.
I hate it. I’m told men operate on all that is visual and so assume that females do too. Some males haven’t a clue. They need a map and a compass.
Here we go with this bash men shit again.
Not our fault that all men are filth.
I don’t, forgive me for calling out bullcrap. What would you say if men generalized women as bitches or unintelligent or prudes?
Well, if all the women you’ve come into contact with in your life were that way, then I wouldn’t blame you for having that impression about all women.
@ARE_you_kidding_me I’m with you. There seem to be a lot of male bashing generalizations thrown around on here frequently.
I’d probably prank them somehow.
I’ve very rarely got any wrong number texts, let alone annoying ones that I feel justified in pranking. My creativity is stifled.
Once a friend got a wrong number angry text while we were on a stroll. We pretended we were whoever he was angry with for a while, which was pretty entertaining. :-)
LOL! When I was younger I sounded just like my 16 year old daughter. I answered the phone once and it was some guy she’d gone out with the night before. He started talking about the “fun” they’d had. I just listened, with mounting disappointment of my daughter for a while, then identified myself. He was mortified.
I’d assume it was chef informing me that he has very little meat & two veg.
I’m a heterosexual male. If I got a dick pic that’d be pretty unusual… Guess I’d block the sender.
I’ve sent them to girls I was talking to. They’re a useful tool. Keeps me out of the “friend zone” bull shit. Usually girls show it to their friends, so it’s free advertising. If the recipient doesn’t like it,her friends might… It makes my intentions clear.
Advertising? Have you asked any of these girls if they were impressed?
I bet this was their reaction.
@Dutchess_III . Yes,I’ve asked. I was in the room once when a girl received one. If she didn’t like it,she fooled me… Reactions vary,as you might guess. Most girls act offended,but then keep the pic,and show it to others proudly. Some respond with pics of their own.
Some don’t. That’s fine. Moving on.
Several of my ex’s friends have approached me about pics she showed them,because they liked what they saw. So,it helps get the word out.
I don’t send them to just anyone.
I’ve never had a girl get bent out of shape over it… If I thought I truly offended the girl, I would apologize.
Do you at least ask if they’re interested before you send them?
Those women don’t speak for all women @Dutchess_III. The men that send dick pics don’t speak for all men.
I can appreciate a good looking dick pic, especially if I’m going to masturbate, but a random dick pick sent from someone I don’t know well is disturbing.
@Seek . I’ve never sent one to a girl I didn’t at least make out with. It’s not an ice breaker move…
@Dutchess_III . The ends justify the means. They can look,laugh,whatever… It’s a strategy that has worked…
Did you ask this question just to further vilify men? I know that’s your favorite subject.
@blackbetty I think nailed it. It’s not black and white.
I’d like to add that many of women’s choices in clothing are practically pornographic. I don’t ask to see a woman’s cleavage, or camel toe. But some women show the world.
(I can’t say I’ve ever seen a good looking dick! I’ve seen dicks that were well formed and straight, but I wouldn’t call them “good looking.”)
^Maybe you’re not heterosexual…
@Seek . I guess that’s a “sometimes. ”
I mean, do you literally say, “I’d like to show you my penis, is that something you’re down for?” Or some variant thereof, before you ping her phone with your junk
^Well. It’s usually more tactful than that…
Maybe I’m not heterosexual! LOLL!
If someone is enthusiastically consenting to be sent a photo of your genitals, more power to you.
When I say good looking I pretty much mean “well formed and straight.” Just a different choice of words.
I mean. It’s just a picture after all… You can block,or report the sender….
Um… No, an unsolicited kitten pic is just a picture. An unsolicited dick pic is indecent exposure.
@Seek . I’ve never claimed to be decent…
What if kittens offend me?
I can’t understand the whole dick pic phenomena. I never would think that dicks are attractive or that outside of small fetish circles any guy would expect anything out of sending one. I mean I don’t exactly get an erection at the sight of a vagina by itself.
^Well. Pics of vaginas work for me…
Some are ugly though. I can understand thinking some are less attractive than others.
Do you find other men’s dicks to be erotic @MrGrimm888?
^No. But I’m a heterosexual male… I’m attracted to women with pretty eyes, hair, and a nice butt. Breasts are ok, but more of a bonus,if they happen to be nice. Red heads are my weakness….
My weakness too, especially ones with freckles.
Well I don’t want your dick pics.
@Seek . Gotcha. No dick pics for you…
But attractive is attractive @MrGrimm888. I recognize attractive, sexy women when I see them. It doesn’t do anything for me sexually, but I certainly see the attraction. When you see a picture of another man’s penis, do you “see” how it could be sexually attractive?
^Of course natural. Natural blonde is nice too. Carpet must match drapes.
@Dutchess_III .If I were a heterosexual woman, I think I’d love dicks. As I love every part of a woman’s body…
^Yeah. We’re just SO stupid.
I like humans based on who the human is regardless of gender or biological sex, and honestly in my mental universe people basically stop existing south of their bellybuttons.
Genitals are poorly designed accidents of evolution that grudgingly serve their purpose, but they’re certainly not aesthetically pleasing by any stretch of the imagination.
I’m not sure if your outburst was in regards to my answer @ARE_you_kidding_me , but I did write SOME MALES. Some females also need a compass. We were talking about naked photos of MALES.
Two of my guys (bouncers) are also male strippers. They can attest that women are actually quite interested in seeing dicks. These men make VERY good money. All paid for by dick loving women. And the women are never shy about it.
They grab me all the time when I’m working,weather or not they’re old enough to be my mother….
@Seek . Understand but disagree. Some women’s genitals are works of art…
I dunno, I can’t say that I have ever though to myself…man that is one sexy vajayjay without seeing hips along with it.
Again raising the issue of consent, @MrGrimm888.
Women paying to see a strip show are consenting to see the dick. They are enthusiastic about seeing the dick. They have asked to see the dick.
Some chick you slobbered on once at a bar a few weeks ago and has answered a text or two is not consenting to see your naked cock until you obtain that consent.
I just caught that…your profession is being a bouncer at a bar @MrGrimm888! You’ve bragged before about women grabbing your junk at work and I could not figure out where you worked where such a thing would happen. Certainly not at an office or a law firm. But a bouncer. That explains it.
@Seek . You are correct in a way. There isn’t usually a contract,with a notery public, and Lawyers present during a text conversation. Or in any other sexual situation.
In a way. A person puts themselves at risk of seeing something that offends them by simply going online,or having a camera phone in the first place.
If you must know,I don’t slober on girls at bars(anymore anyway. )
I usually send such a pic if we’ve already been intimate (consenting) or already been close. I’m not pulling open a trenchcoat at a playground.
@Dutchess_III . “Bragged?” It’s a complaint about women.
They sexually assault my staff (my guys) and I ALL THE TIME.You’re infallible women “Trump” my guys frequently, and with NO ramifications.
I’m not sure where you’ve been, but I said I was the HOS (head of security ) at a large music venue like 100 times on Fluther. This time of year I move around to different venues a lot.
So. You seem to be Ok with your gender assaulting my gender,depending on our profession.
But a picture is a BIG DEAL?
I didn’t say I was OK with it. I just got the impression, from past conversations, that you rather enjoyed it.
Yes. An unsolicited picture of some guy’s dick is a big deal. What @Seek said. It’s indecent exposure.
^Well. I failed you in some way. I only ever mentioned it because you act like men are the only ones being sexually inappropriate. NOT THE CASE.
I don’t consider the circumstances of my pics to be indecent exposure. But per the purity of the thread,they are “unsolicited.”
But girls have been the first to kiss me before without consent,or grab me,or put their hands on me. Was that a form of sexual assault? Because if it is, most acts are not consentual. Usually, someone makes a move,and it works or it doesn’t. Right or wrong, that’s how it works.
Yes, it was sexual assault.
Any guy who put the first “move” on me in a sexually aggressive manner, would quickly find himself sans my presence. Most of the men who approached me were smart enough to start with conversation, though.
^Well then. I know hundreds of women who should be locked up,and labeled sex offenders. Maybe thousands.
I’d like to add that if I were a girl who didn’t like such things, I would like to figure out that this guy isn’t for me ASAP. An unwanted dick pic is a quick reason to move on. Be happy he sent it to you. Now you can form an opinion on him.
The grey part of this is that you have to push some boundaries with a love interest.
It’s not just
1. True love
2. Sexual assault.
Well, if you file complaints against the women, they’ll be arrested. Can’t lock them up if no victims speak up.
I figure out whether a guy is for me, or not, within two minutes of conversation, @MrGrimm888. He wouldn’t have my number to send me such a thing.
A random acquaintance? I wouldn’t report it to the police, I’d probably not even mention it. I’d not be happy he sent it and I’d probably not speak to him again, or if I did, it would be with a very cautious attitude, like he’s a weird creep. I don’t ask to receive stuff like that and I’m really not at all into receiving it from anybody, ever. If I like someone, it’s about so much more than what their penis looks like.
@Dutchess_III .
If you give a person your cell number, who knows what they’re going to send you, until you know them? You’re right to be wise to not give it to unknown parties.
If I arrested a female on grounds of sexual assault on myself, I would be laughed out of my profession.
It is pretty much expected in higher end venues. As a man,you have to just absorb, or deal with it. It’s part of the job…
It’s embarrassing, and weird, but we deal with it.
I am not condoning assaults on females(or males), I am simply pointing out the HUGE DOUBLE STANDARDS.
This is a different generation @Dutchess_III . We would not have done this when we were growing up or even now. We didn’t have the internet and cell phones. But it is a very different time and this seems to be the norm now. I don’t think @MrGrimm888 is a pervert or weird. It’s just something we don’t really know or understand.
Well, I never gave my number out to any guy. If I liked him enough, I asked for his number.
So, @MrGrimm888, should people let each other know upfront that they’re not into random nudes, or should we wait until after we get the photo to object?
“Here’s my number, but don’t text me your trouser ferret.”
Yes, I can’t even begin to understand it @chyna. Back in the day I’ve had guys try to force me to put my hand on his erection. I imagine that would be the kind of tacky, low class guy who would send much such nauseating crap today.
I mean, do we no longer have the right to decide for ourselves whether we want to see someone naked and under what circumstances?
@Dutchess_III . Do you really equate a dick pic with having your hands forced down someone’s pants?
@Seek . Tell you what. I’ll never send another dick pic without consent. But I can’t go back in time,and undue all the sex we (pic receivers) had…
I’m with @Seek all the way on this Q.
@Seek . Yes. Block,or report the sender. If it’s local,call the police.
Call the police if someone sends a dick pic? Haha. They barely provider help for women who are stalked. Just block the person if you don’t want to see it. And never look at National Geographic or attend gay pride.
Would the police do anything? I don’t know if they would or they wouldn’t. I’m just asking the question. If someone sent it to me once, I wouldn’t tell the police. I don’t know what I’d expect the cops to do. Go to the person’s house and have a conversation with them? Arrest them? If the person sent it to me repeatedly, at some point I’d tell them to stop and then I’d block them so they couldn’t continue to send them.
@MrGrimm888 Do you really equate a sick pic with having your hands forced down someone’s pants. Um. Yes. The same kind of guy who would try to force a woman’s hand down his pants is the same kind of guy who would send unsolicited pictures of his penis. Clueless and classless.
@blackbetty A person chooses to look at National Geographic or attend gay pride. (What does gay pride have to do with anything?) It’s not targeted toward them, personally.
(sic on the ‘sick’, BTW. I copied and pasted.)
A person chooses to look at Nat. Geo and attend gay pride, but there’s a chance you will see a dick if you do either of these. A person chooses to have a gadget in their hand that supplies photos. That gives you a chance to receive something you don’t want to see.
If you don’t like it then don’t look. Isn’t that what most people say?
Why would you see a dick at a gay pride gathering? I’ve never been to one. I assumed it was about love.
Lol. Scantily clad men and yes, some flash their junk.
OK. Not sure what that display at a gay pride rally is supposed to prove, but whatever. A person chooses to go there. If some random guy flashes the crowd, it’s still not directed personally, toward one person, in a clumsy attempt to arouse them sexually.
I’ve read thousands of Nat Geo magazines. I can’t say I’ve ever seen the penis of a grown man, unless it was a specific article dealing with the penis in general. Which I also can’t say I’ve ever seen in Nat Geo. Penises are not that mysterious. I’ve seen naked little kids, boys and girls, but not grown men. For a grown male to run around with his penis flopping about would probably be a very bad idea. They could get caught in the sickle blade or what ever. Ouch.
Indigenous tribal penises.
If it’s someone I don’t know. I would report them to the police. If it’s someone I know and I they are with someone with the same name or similar where they may have accidentally sent it to me, then I may respond and let them know they sent it to the wrong person and they may want to be more careful about such things.
I haven’t sent any nude photos ever, but I have accidentally sent photos or text to the wrong person when I wasn’t wearing my glasses and my finger landed on the wrong name as I scrolled down my contacts on message.
Satan get thee behind me, is what would come to my mind.
Well, I sure did show up late for this party.
For me, it would depend on the man, and the pic.
Now, if it is a ugly one, I would suggest he get it a disguise.
If it was fine, proud, purdy one, I would be slow to delete.
It would undoubtedly be someone I know.
If it is someone i dislike, I would send a text, “forwarded to PD.” and then block them.
If it was a real old geezer, I would text my congratulations to him for not only keeping an erection, but holding the phone still while he takes the pic.
If it was a real old RICH geezer, I’d be asking him when we could spend some quality time.
If it was a young, rich guy with a nice looking one, I’d ask him if he got the number right.
If is was all saggy and shrunk, I’d text him that I would like to slap him half dead, but I can see he has already been stricken with worse indignity.
Some pretty cock sure opinions here <giggles>
I am using dating apps so this kind of thing really isn’t too uncommon. How would I feel? Alright, I guess. It’s not wrong to look at dicks, and it’s certainly not wrong to not be ashamed of having your private part shown to other people and celebrate it.
If this place was called Fluthim the harridans would have a fucking fit
Haha, that took me a second.
@Dutchess_III . I assure you,I’ve never,will never force anyone’s hands down my pants. And maybe I’m wrong, but I consider the analogy FAR off base.
By your logic, every girl that’s ever flashed her breasts in public is a rapist. Every public breast feeder is a pedophile (that baby didn’t ask to see breasts,nor did anyone else. )
I apologize for trying to honestly contribute to your thread.
Breasts are secondary sexual characteristics, not genitals.
Flashing your breast is like flashing a beard or an Adam’s apple.
It just shows how some men think about breasts.
@Seek . You know that’s wrong. You don’t get arrested for showing an Adams apple…
@JLeslie . It’s illegal to show them in public. Maybe this shows more about what women think of men. As is typical on Fluther,there’s a HUGE double standard,and of course no accountability.
Enjoy the weather up there on your high horse….
Were we just talking legalities? I didn’t realize. That’s my mistake, I didn’t read everything through. I certainly have gone topless on South Beach myself. But, it’s a beach, and rather expected on certain sections of the beach. It’s not a flash. It wouldn’t be ok in a restaurant, unless it’s breast feeding, and it’s not ok in an unexpected text from someone.
^Pardon. No. Not just legality. But flashing breasts to a crowd, or on a beach is also different than sending a dick pic to one girl,that I’ve already had some intimacy with…
For some clarity. The last girl I sent one to ended up dating me for 4 years… That’s how offensive she found it…
Some people would be receptive and some wouldn’t, but since the question made it sound like we’re referring to a random acquaintance, one would be taking a big risk if you didn’t have some idea that the recipient would welcome the photo.
^Correct. I inadvertently pulled us off thread.
I wouldn’t even want my husband sending me a naked picture. But, that’s me. Just from the standpoint of it being out there electronically is enough for me, but secondly his face is way cuter than his…
A point to contemplate: If you were suddenly transported to a public place where there were lots of people, would you cover your crotch, your breasts (if you had ‘em), or your face?
I thought of this because the question didn’t cover whether the picture sender had his face exposed.
^You mean if transported there ‘naked?’ Right?
^LOL. This is kind of what I’m talking about though.
I find this image “offensive.”(not really)
But @Seek was not a person I thought would send me an “offensive” image. But she did!
Now I can’t trust @Seek anymore. One of my favorite jellies is a pervert. She sent out an offensive image, and took advantage of me. She’d probably try to rape me if we met,because of this image.~~
I really don’t think people should have to filter their potential dating pool by who has enough common decency to not send pictures of their crusty, razor burned tallywhacker.
I think that this article link may be relevant to the discussion of offensive words and images.
@MrGrimm888 If the girls you date like those photos then you have no problems. I’d just say be careful. That’s just general advice, I’m not criticizing you.
^It’s just not that big of a deal to my generation I guess.
You don’t speak for the whole generation.
I don’t think it’s generational as much as it has to do with being young. But, even then I’d say I’m overgeneralizing.
Titties, someone mentioned titties, will the honourable member stand to attention, thank you please.
I’d forward it to Melania with the reply that I already know what a total dick her husband is.
OOPS! Yes, I meant transported there naked. (Sorry all!)
I have read the OP and the entire thread. You people talk a lot.
I have a voice to add. I am male, and I enjoy getting dick pics. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
I have also been the recipient of unwanted dick pics from admirers. I delete them and move on without comment. Personally, I have never followed up on these unwanted pictures. That’s not the appropriate way to get my attention.
I have pictures of my own body that I send after inquiring about whether or not they are desired.
^^You’re a guy. It’s not the same.
May I ask how it is not the same @JLeslie?
Because men aren’t always having to worry about being accosted or attacked or molested or harmed. Women are already amped up regarding assault.
Plus, I’ve been to gay bars where there are men on platforms literally swinging their ducks around in their hands.
I still think it’s bad, texting an unsolicited naked photo to someone, girl or guy, but for women it can feel borderline scary to receive it.
I know many gay men who need to worry about the same things as women. Life is not easy for them.
I’m not talking all or none. I’m just talking generalities.
From your link “The results show that men and women involved in homosexual behavior undergo much higher rates of sexual violence than men and women who are heterosexual.” Why is that?
Oh, please. That source is a religious, homophobic “news” source with a clear agenda.
Well, it provides a link to the CDC study.
I’ve heard that gay men get raped almost as much as women. I don’t recall the source. I know/have known several dozen gay people. They used to say it happened a lot. Oddly, lots of the men raped were raped by men who identified as heterosexual.
I have NO clue what that’s about.
I apologized for the source. The CDC stats are legit. I meant to link CDC stats, which I did, but linked to a terrible source. my bad. I’m being supportive here. Give me a break.
Well, rape is a crime of rage and dominance so men are more likely to lash out like that,especially if their egos get bruised, or they feel their manhood is threatened in some way.
Folks, it’s not an all or nothing proposition. It is possible to be a gay man and not delight in receiving unsolicited nude photographs. I don’t take delight in them.
It’s also possible to have a different reaction to those unwanted photos as a gay man than a heterosexual woman might have.
It’s also possible that there is a great deal of violence in our world directed at women simply because they are women, and at the very same time, it is possible that homosexuals have a lot of violence, too.
People! Get a grip!
You’re all talking as if there can be on common ground. Stop! Think about it for a minute. Think!
I bet we can all agree that there are probably some men who stupidly send nude pictures to women or to gay men who haven’t asked for them, and there are probably some of those women and men who don’t like receiving those pictures.
I bet we can all agree that there are probably some heterosexual women and gay men who receive those unsolicited photos who actually like looking at them.
I bet we can all agree that there is a lot of violence directed at women and also at men, gay and straight.
I bet we can all agree that using generalities to make points in a debate is probably a stupid thing to do.
Let’s all have a cup of tea and sit on the porch and talk to the neighbors.
^^ Love it! Come sit on my porch and talk to me.
^^Got tea? No milk or sugar.
Nope. twining’s English Breakfast, Celestial Seasonings, etc…...
Beer is disgusting.
Give me Sauerkraut juice.
I’ve got some Chinese biluochun green tea here.
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