What is going on with my vision lately?
My close up vision is getting bad, but that’s to be expected. Reading glasses fix that.
However, my distance vision seems to be improving! It is so weird.
I have worn glasses since 4th grade. My prescription changed about every 6 months. At the pool I’d have to memorize the colors and the patterns on my friend’s bathing suits so I could recognize them if they were more than 5 feet away.
I got contacts my Sr. year, which stopped the astigmatism, but by then I was legally blind.
I got lasik surgery in 1999, when I was about 37. That was great! But eventually I started wearing glasses again, of a very low strength, to get the maximum vision I could. They spent a lot of the time on my head, though, because I couldn’t see up close or medium distance with them.
About a week ago I put on my glasses to watch TV…and the prescription was obviously too strong! It gave me a head ache. If put them on to drive, same thing. It is so weird. It is so weird to drive without my glasses. It just happened literally over night.
About the same time my close up vision, like, trying to read small print went to hell even more, but that’s no biggie.
What is going on? Yes, I’ll talk to a doc next time I’m around one, and I have vision checks periodically.
I love it, but it’s very strange.
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33 Answers
It’s not unusual for distance vision to change for the better as we age. It doesn’t always happen but it can. Mine has improved although not as noticeably as yours.
Mine was literally over night. I also had headaches in the days before, which was very, very unusual for me. I don’t get headaches. Even when I’m supposed to have headaches I don’t get them.
I know. Very strange, but I’m glad.
Sounds like you’re becoming more farsighted. I too have heard it’s not uncommon to develop or increase with age, and know some people who have reported this happening to them too.
Well, that’s just damn cool @Zaku!
I always heard “second sight” as some sort of clairvoyant, seeing into the future kind of thing.
The same change in your eyes that makes your near vision worse as you age improves distance vision for quite a few people. The opthamologist told my dad that he wouldn’t need glasses at all for about 18 months while his vision was transitioning at some point in his 50’s and boom that happened.
I was nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other. As a result of age-related vision changes, I barely need to use glasses at all now. Now I have almost perfect vision in one eye – and am very farsighted in the other. It’s quite good though there are times I need to close my extremely far-sighted eye to read , but overall no glasses needed.
Maybe you’re becoming a super hero? You’re powers will.only become greater. Please don’t use them for evil.
Ugh, I feel this on a spiritual level.
I’ve worn glasses for my near sightedness since 10 years old.
Now I’m finding that I have to take off my glasses to read comfortably.
I’m destined for bifocals… I know it… Damn it all.
I’ve always taken off my glasses to read. Even as a kid. I nix bifocals.
I had lasik at around age 30, hope it continues to hold. Losing the coke bottles was a game changer.
On my top ten greatest moments.
I would love lasix, but can’t afford it.
It was almost miraculous @ARE_you_kidding_me. Mom drove me home. I was able to read the license plate on the car in front of us! Like, holy wow, man.
Not having to fuck with contacts or glasses, no more paying for them or eye doc visits. Big win. Probably saved me 5k+ over the last decade.
Yeah. You can open up a dish washer and not get blinded by fog! PILLOW FIGHTS!!!
I would maim someone for the ability to go to sleep watching TV again.
I was always very nearsighted, really bad since age 9. I have to wear glasses or contacts from the second I get up to the second I go to bed or else I can’t see a thing. I can’t even see the glasses if I don’t know where I put them before I went to sleep.
Now, I’m getting more farsighted too. If I wear contacts, I really have a hard time reading. If I wear glasses, I can lift the glasses up and put the book or the magazine or whatever up close to my face and read it that way. Otherwise I’m trying to stretch my arm out but if it’s too far the writing is too small and I can’t read it.
I don’t think I’ll get bifocals, I’ll just try to deal with it for now.
The way it’s working for me, I don’t need my prescription glasses at all. I keep my reading glasses nearby, though.
Progressives have worked for me for a number of years and no real adjustment problems.
But I don’t need glasses at this point in time.
@Dutchess_III I wasn’t suggesting that for you but just adding to the discussion for those who are reluctant to try bifocals.
I tried bifocals and, most recently, trifocals. I just wasn’t pleased and switched back to single lens. Doc didn’t understand why I preferred to take my glasses off, but that’s what I’ve been doing all my life.
@Dutchess_III Are progressive lenses what the brand name “Varilux“is? I have worn them for years. They are “seamless” option for bi/trifocals. And I believe it makes a difference in getting a so called generic progressive lens. I insist on Varilux. I can see near, far and in between well. And “second sight” refers to the natural progression to become more farsighted as we age.
@si3tech Varilux lenses are one brand of progressives as you say and probably the best brand. But second sight refers to extrasensory or paranormal powers of perception, not vision.
Yes, I had “progressive lenses” for a time. Seamless trifocals. I didn’t care for them.
@janbb I had only heard of it in the visual acuity sense. Not paranormal.
Have you been smoking pot recently?
Well, whatever it was, it’s gone now. Back to glasses, per normal.
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