Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why would a homosexual lifestyle be more violent than a heterosexual lifestyle?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) February 16th, 2017

Here is a report is relaying the results of a CDC survey.
Here are the CDC findings.

If this is true, why do you think it would it be so?

Please note: I did not go looking for this information. It’s based on a link another Jelly provided in the thread of another question.

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12 Answers

Sneki95's avatar

Because there are people that hate gays?

JLeslie's avatar

All that violence and stalking they mention, they don’t say if it’s their same sex partners doing the crimes. For all we know they have been through that in their lifetime and not during their same sex relationship.

snowberry's avatar

I read (or watched a show) an interview with a corroner several years ago. He said he could always tell if a murder was done by a homosexual. He said that your average murder involves just enough lethal force to kill their victim. But if the murder was committed by a homosexual (male) the victim was “killed” multiple times. As in riddling the body with bullets, or many stab wounds in the chest. I’ve looked for that article many times since, but I’ve never found it.

I think it had something to do with the murderer being very jealous after being jilted.

Mariah's avatar

Wow, I hate the tone of that article. I’ve yet to read the CDC one but the top link is infuriating.

Note that it says “by an intimate partner” and keep in mind that people don’t always realize they’re gay immediately and may have had straight relationships in the past. I would have to read the CDC link to be sure what was meant but I would like to echo @JLeslie here. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of this violence was committed by the former straight partners of gay men and women who realized they were gay only after having a straight relationship. It’s one thing to break up with someone; it’s a whole other can of worms to basically tell them you realized you were never attracted to them in the first place. That bruises egos and creates rage. It happened with my ex when I briefly doubted my sexuality after dating him. He about lost his damn mind.

Zaku's avatar

Gay people still get killed (by violent homophobes) for being gay in the USA, with more frequency than straight media/culture tends to pay proportional attention to.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Probably because they keep getting attacked by uneducated, religious, “straight” people.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I didn’t bother with the first link (the site name alone sounds like clickbait bullshit), but I did read the CDC link and nothing in it implies that a homosexual lifestyle is inherently more violent than a heterosexual one.

BellaB's avatar

The CDC report does not really say what that clickbait headline says (the first link does not go to a report – it goes to what is in effect a tabloid).

In a way, it is same old same old. Women are assaulted at a higher rate than men. Bisexuality seems to problematic in both genders.

Gay men are safest in their intimate relationships.

from the CDC link

• Forty-four percent of lesbian women, 61% of bisexual women, and 35% of
heterosexual women experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an
intimate partner in their lifetime.

• Twenty-six percent of gay men, 37% of bisexual men, and 29% of heterosexual
men experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner
at some point in their lifetime.*

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m not sure how true the phrase ”Gay men are safest in their intimate relationships” is. If a woman is in an abusive situation, the most dangerous place is withing their intimate relationships.
If she’s single, but out and about, open to meeting men, she’s automatically in danger.
Plus your follow up specified the acts of aggression and violence were by their intimate partners.

BellaB's avatar

Read the CDC report @Dutchess_III

“My” followup was a direct quote from the CDC report you linked.

Gay men have the lowest rate of rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner of the six groups assessed.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

First off, if it is a survey that to me says the info was gleaned from actual people who contributed the data. So that means the data they corrected is true, now that doesn’t mean the data is entirely correct. For that, or any other data to be one would have to be able to interview everyone, which is not possible. So you have to go off the best reasonable conclusion of the facts you have, if you want to go off the facts. Some people love facts, but only if it supports then, if not they end up like: Refuting many of the claims by LGBT activists that homosexual behavior is a natural biological condition,..] Why would non-heterosexual people not experience sexual violence as much as those who are not? Where did they conduct the survey? Did equal amounts of heterosexual people and guys and others contribute to it? If they did in equal measure I could reason that it is more in the public eye, or there are more laws, by the book, that states what sexual violence and harassment between heterosexual men and women is. That because of lack of clearly defined laws, or ignorance to any laws that are out there, those who are not straight might not know they are victims or that they can do anything about it until too late even if they learned they were victims. That would be my neutral reasoning, not knee jerking as some do because it might squash a sacred cow of theirs

Pandora's avatar

It could also be that for many years marriage was off the table so the insecurity is higher. After having many years of being able to pick up and leave at any time, with no way to sue the other person and no incentive to make things work that many of them see the jealousy as their only way of getting revenge.
Think about it this way. When a normal couple fall in love and marry and divorce, and break up, the other party gets to sue for some sort of damages. So revenge can be obtained through the courts. Even with a straight couple live together for some years, common marriage laws can be applied in some states. For gay couples, there was no common law marriage. So, one person in the relationship could break things off and move out and take everything and leave the other person high and dry with no recourse. Especially if kids were involved, only parent was listed as the sole parent. One could’ve stayed home and raised the kid while the other one worked and when they separated, the working one wasn’t even obligated to pay child support. There are many laws that protect straight married or common law couples but not gay couples living together for years.

They are right about the sexual assault on many of them as children or teens. I think its because they are easier targets to predators, looking to assault children. Young gay children may feel more isolated. Especially if they feel they cannot come out to their parents about their sexuality. So it’s easier for an adult predator to hone in on the isolated child and take advantage.

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